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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7avMHN16Y1s...player_embeddedVideo that supposedly was made by the killer. Basically a call to arms for Europeans to rise up against Marxism and Islam and start another Crusades.
305 views, boy you are on top of these things to have found it already.Too soon to make this political but I will bet that the 'fundamentalist Christian' label will be predominate. Compare the way they push his 'right' agenda vs the muslim who gunned down people at Fort Hood.
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7avMHN16Y1s...player_embeddedVideo that supposedly was made by the killer. Basically a call to arms for Europeans to rise up against Marxism and Islam and start another Crusades.
It looks like You Tube took the video down but here's another stream of it.http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=89a_1311444384
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Too soon to make this political but I will bet that the 'fundamentalist Christian' label will be predominate. Compare the way they push his 'right' agenda vs the muslim who gunned down people at Fort Hood.
Frigging atheist-run media.
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I'd be okay with torturing him.
A lifetime of solitary confinement is pretty close to torture. I know nothing about Norway's prison system, but I have to assume that's where he's headed (since there's no capital punishment in Norway).
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A lifetime of solitary confinement is pretty close to torture. I know nothing about Norway's prison system, but I have to assume that's where he's headed (since there's no capital punishment in Norway).
from what I heard yesterday the maximum prison sentence there is 21 years, so he'll be out right after he's 50. WAY TO GO OBAMA.
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from what I heard yesterday the maximum prison sentence there is 21 years, so he'll be out right after he's 50. WAY TO GO OBAMA.
I believe that was just from the terrorism charges. The murders should put him away for life.
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305 views, boy you are on top of these things to have found it already.
All YouTube videos freeze at 305 when there is a surge of views.
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No excuse whatsoever for what this guy did, but I've said it before, I'll say it again... you can only expect the consequences of "multiculturalism" to be silenced for so long, before the further fringe elements get drastic and lash out. Some people aren't too keen on watching the standard of living in their homelands- that their forefathers worked so hard to create- destroyed by alien, 3rd World cultures, which is precisely what's happening to many parts of Europe. Obviously, the right course of action here would've been to pour all that energy into effecting meaningful political change, but what option do you have when everyone around you is a bunch of delusionaly idealistic ninnies who are perfectly cool with destroying their own country for the sake of maintaining their ideals on 'tolerance' and 'diversity? Scandinavians are a wonderful people, but they are naive (because they're from Scandinavia). It can be hard, seeing the very practical consequences of 'what's in store', when everyone else around chooses to not see it because of their soaring idealism. This is one of those tragic cases where you cannot rationalize what the guy did in any way whatsoever, but it's really not too hard to decipher his motivations for doing it. He just went way, WAY too far. The worst case scenario here is that Norway goes even further off the 'tolerance' cliff as some sort of ninny-backlash to this. "We condemn what happened so to prove it, we're shipping in a fresh batch of 100,000 new Somalians..."

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I believe that was just from the terrorism charges. The murders should put him away for life.
Either way, it's another example of how moronically lax the penal systems are in many European countries. I'm pretty sure in Spain you can rape a child to death and it's a misdemeanor if she was wearing a dress.They call us barbaric for having capital punishment, while they let rapists and murderers out of prison every day.
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I'm pretty sure in Spain you can rape a child to death and it's a misdemeanor if she was wearing a dress.
Flight: booked.
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Plus Norway can add 5 years to your sentence every 5 years if they deem you to be dangerous to society. I have little doubt that if he lives through the first 21 years he will continue to receive 5 yr sentences till he dies.

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No excuse whatsoever for what this guy did, but I've said it before, I'll say it again... you can only expect the consequences of "multiculturalism" to be silenced for so long, before the further fringe elements get drastic and lash out. Some people aren't too keen on watching the standard of living in their homelands- that their forefathers worked so hard to create- destroyed by alien, 3rd World cultures, which is precisely what's happening to many parts of Europe. Obviously, the right course of action here would've been to pour all that energy into effecting meaningful political change, but what option do you have when everyone around you is a bunch of delusionaly idealistic ninnies who are perfectly cool with destroying their own country for the sake of maintaining their ideals on 'tolerance' and 'diversity? Scandinavians are a wonderful people, but they are naive (because they're from Scandinavia). It can be hard, seeing the very practical consequences of 'what's in store', when everyone else around chooses to not see it because of their soaring idealism. This is one of those tragic cases where you cannot rationalize what the guy did in any way whatsoever, but it's really not too hard to decipher his motivations for doing it. He just went way, WAY too far. The worst case scenario here is that Norway goes even further off the 'tolerance' cliff as some sort of ninny-backlash to this. "We condemn what happened so to prove it, we're shipping in a fresh batch of 100,000 new Somalians..."
Sam Harris has an interesting blog post about the situation that relates to AmScray's comment, as well as BG's. http://www.samharris.org/blog/item/christi...d-islamophobia/He first says that the guy's manifesto does not support the idea that he was a "Christian Fundamentalist". The emergence of “Christian” terrorism in Europe does absolutely nothing to diminish or simplify the problem of Islam—its repression of women, its hostility toward free speech, and its all-too-facile and frequent resort to threats and violence. Islam remains the most retrograde and ill-behaved religion on earth. And the final irony of Breivik’s despicable life is that he has made that truth even more difficult to speak about.
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No excuse whatsoever for what this guy did, but I've said it before, I'll say it again... you can only expect the consequences of "multiculturalism" to be silenced for so long, before the further fringe elements get drastic and lash out. Some people aren't too keen on watching the standard of living in their homelands- that their forefathers worked so hard to create- destroyed by alien, 3rd World cultures, which is precisely what's happening to many parts of Europe. Obviously, the right course of action here would've been to pour all that energy into effecting meaningful political change, but what option do you have when everyone around you is a bunch of delusionaly idealistic ninnies who are perfectly cool with destroying their own country for the sake of maintaining their ideals on 'tolerance' and 'diversity? Scandinavians are a wonderful people, but they are naive (because they're from Scandinavia). It can be hard, seeing the very practical consequences of 'what's in store', when everyone else around chooses to not see it because of their soaring idealism. This is one of those tragic cases where you cannot rationalize what the guy did in any way whatsoever, but it's really not too hard to decipher his motivations for doing it. He just went way, WAY too far. The worst case scenario here is that Norway goes even further off the 'tolerance' cliff as some sort of ninny-backlash to this. "We condemn what happened so to prove it, we're shipping in a fresh batch of 100,000 new Somalians..."
You don't think it would be worse to allow this act to have the effect it intended?
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I had heard in general terms what had happened over the weekend, but I didn't really read up on the details until this morning. This is one of the most unimaginable crimes I've every heard of. It's horribly tragic.It's scary to think that I'm of the same species as a creature that could do such a thing to other people.

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