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Having roommates it is hard to keep anything on there for a long time since everyone is wanting to record things. One jerk always wants to record something that is 4 hours long so I have to delete stuff. Our biggest arguments are over the PVR/DVR. So honestly I haven't ever kept something on there more than half a week.

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I have the Kurt Warner/Aaron Rodgers playoff game in Phoenix that went to OT. I have a couple things earlier than that also, but I think they are just movies. The football game is the oldest thing I take a look at with any regularity.Also, what the hell does P stand for? Canada?

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I have the Kurt Warner/Aaron Rodgers playoff game in Phoenix that went to OT. I have a couple things earlier than that also, but I think they are just movies. The football game is the oldest thing I take a look at with any regularity.Also, what the hell does P stand for? Canada?
Personal Video Recorder
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the dvr that the cable company here provides does not have a sufficiently large drive for me to really play this game. it isn't terrible right now with limited stuff worth recording, but in another 2 months when the cfl season begins it'll be a squeeze to have 2 games on there plus the usual weekly shows. i'm pretty sure they didn't plan appropriately for the larger size of hd.the oldest on it at the moment is 'red: werewolf hunter' from 22apr2011. yes, i am aware of the bad reviews for the show (well, NOW i am-- i just checked). it could be on there for a couple weeks if i let those reviews get to me. thanks for ruining the movie with this goddamn thread, digimon.

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Oldest TV is an episode of Breaking Bad from April 2009.Movie I've kept on there the longest is Raising Arizona (Oct 2006) but I've watched it since recording it.Movie I've had the longest without watching it is The Cook The Thief His Wife and Her Lover (March 2008).

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Your reply was porn, but an embarrassing fetish one, right?
Oldest TV is an episode of Breaking Bad from April 2009.Movie I've kept on there the longest is Raising Arizona (Oct 2006) but I've watched it since recording it.Movie I've had the longest without watching it is The Cook The Thief His Wife and Her Lover (March 2008).
I'm willing to bet it's still unwatched...
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I've got this documentary called "Ginga: the Soul of Brazilian Football" on my DVR from July '06.Great doc that features individual spots on up and coming (for back then) Brazilian soccer players including Robinho.Everything else is porn...

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Movie I've had the longest without watching it is The Cook The Thief His Wife and Her Lover (March 2008).
i thought this movie was really very good. you should watch it now.
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i thought this movie was really very good. you should watch it now.
He probably already has.
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