NellaKreb 0 Posted February 22, 2011 Share Posted February 22, 2011 Apparently whatever money "Isildur1" had left in his account on PokerStars, is now in the reliable hands of "urnotindangr" for safe keeping...After playing a losing session of 6-table, $25/50 6-max PLO where he lost 20K, his "good buddy" showed up and was immediatly asked by Isildur if he wanted to play some HU, apparently wanting to play because he was "stuck and tilted" in his current game. Having just woken up when he came on at 11:30 pm EST, "urnotindangr" agreed to play a long match saying: "sure, as long as I don't get destroyed". HU between the two started off innocently enough, playing on 4 of Isildurs' PLO 1-on-1 tables. With intentions of getting un-stuck, they played by Isidurs' new rules in a game he calls - "3x 9x", meaning that every hand has to be 3-bet preflop, making the starting pot at least $900. But they often 4 or 5-bet it, raising to $1,350 and then to $4,050, creating a starting pot of $8,100. This is a game they've been playing for a few days now. With the match lasting just over an hour and a half, it didn't take too long before "urnotindanger" was sitting with a stack of 150K at one of the tables made up almost entirely of Isildur rebuys (maybe minus 1 of his own). Soon he had another 100K stack at one of the other tables and that's when it all started going very bad for Isildur. Soon Isildur couldn't buy-in for his standard table-max of $12,500 on 2 of the tables, then he couldn't rebuy at all. Getting to about 90K at one table, he left there so he could rebuy and so that they could continue playing on 4 tables. Unfortunatly, for him, things never turned around. Constant all-ins on the first hand of his rebuys kept putting him in the situation of having to sit out at multiple tables untill he could win enough at one to cash out and rebuy at the others. This downward spiral/twisted cycle seemed to be spawned out of desperation and lack of control, unwilling to give in or simply dial it back a notch, truely living by the sword and thus tonight... Dying by the sword. The most I ever saw him fold was when he was reduced to buying in for (what must have seemed pitiful to him) half the table-max, it was almost as if you could sense how injured (and in danger, despite his opponents screen name) he realized he was and tried to give himself the best chance possible at that point, but by then he was like a dog with a broken leg trying to paddle a mile in to shore.He dropped 175K to "dangr", for a total of -195K on the night. At the end of the final hand, unable to keep the game going, a simple "gg" was given by both players.No doubt we'll see Isildur again very soon by only having to transfer money into his account or get paid by Stars before he's up and running again, probably within a day or 2. Wheather he didn't have enough respect for his opponents or for the game, as fellow poker players, lets hope he learns from this and adds a little healthy fear to his arsenal of weapons. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted February 22, 2011 Share Posted February 22, 2011 Nice report Link to post Share on other sites
AmScray 355 Posted February 22, 2011 Share Posted February 22, 2011 LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL that you think -200k and one shitty session is enough to bust him on Stars. Link to post Share on other sites
NellaKreb 0 Posted February 22, 2011 Author Share Posted February 22, 2011 Thanks Balloon guy.And yeah, I wouldn't have expected it either AmScray, but the kid couldn't buy a rebuy lol. Nearly a half hour of leaving tables that he did have chips at just so he could rebuy at the tables he didn't. Eventually he could rebuy no more. Link to post Share on other sites
Spademan 94 Posted February 22, 2011 Share Posted February 22, 2011 LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL that you think -200k and one shitty session is enough to bust him on Stars.Hmm. I would have thought your first response would have been similar to mine."Paragraphs, you moron." Link to post Share on other sites
AmScray 355 Posted February 22, 2011 Share Posted February 22, 2011 Thanks Balloon guy.And yeah, I wouldn't have expected it either AmScray, but the kid couldn't buy a rebuy lol. Nearly a half hour of leaving tables that he did have chips at just so he could rebuy at the tables he didn't. Eventually he could rebuy no more.It's possible. It's possible that 200K busted him on Stars, or, it's possible that he was leaving other tables to focus on the opponent who was kicking his ass and eventually, as part of his stop-loss/recovery strategy, bought in for 1/2, shifted down a couple gears and played it out with that. None of this means that his account was at 0 when he stopped playing. While spectacular examples of BR Mismanagement certainly do exist at the nosebleeds and it is *possible* that he didn't have more than 200K in his account, these guys are playing with an entirely different, intensely dynamic lattice of BR management considerations that are 8 billion levels above the comprehension of John Q Microgrinder. Link to post Share on other sites
FARGOpokerND 22 Posted February 22, 2011 Share Posted February 22, 2011 Also, if they are playing 3x 9x then losing 200k is only 222 "blinds" since the BB is actually 9x.Pretty sure this isn't a big deal at all. Link to post Share on other sites
king_tanner 84 Posted February 22, 2011 Share Posted February 22, 2011 whoa whoa whoa... I thought OT'ers were banned from posting in general. Bob HELP!! Link to post Share on other sites
Lord_anarchy 0 Posted February 22, 2011 Share Posted February 22, 2011 Thanks Balloon guy.And yeah, I wouldn't have expected it either AmScray, but the kid couldn't buy a rebuy lol. Nearly a half hour of leaving tables that he did have chips at just so he could rebuy at the tables he didn't. Eventually he could rebuy no more.This happens quite bit with him. Breaking down stacks to fund other tables. Sometimes he makes back his money, sometimes he goes broke. I doubt it's even the first time this month that hes had to reload. Remember, rumor is that after his huge 660K upswing that he withdrew 500k of that. Link to post Share on other sites
Spademan 94 Posted February 22, 2011 Share Posted February 22, 2011 I am seriously enthralled by the ability to wade through the OP to find meaning to respond.I'm not kidding.I honestly couldn't continue after the 5th sentence in the second paragraph.I'm not saying I envy you. I think I'm right to stop and say it's an idiot at that point.I'm still enthralled. Link to post Share on other sites
phlegm 6 Posted February 22, 2011 Share Posted February 22, 2011 Isildur has always been an overated hyperaggro donk, who rode the tide of favorable variance.What you are seeing now is the true talent level of your average 20 year old.Nice catch pokerstars. Link to post Share on other sites
FARGOpokerND 22 Posted February 22, 2011 Share Posted February 22, 2011 Isildur has always been an overated hyperaggro donk, who rode the tide of favorable variance.What you are seeing now is the true talent level of your average 20 year old.Nice catch pokerstars.MAN YOU ARE SO RIGHT Link to post Share on other sites
Fade2241 0 Posted February 23, 2011 Share Posted February 23, 2011 Isildur has always been an overated hyperaggro donk, who rode the tide of favorable variance.What you are seeing now is the true talent level of your average 20 year old.Nice catch is this a level? Link to post Share on other sites
phlegm 6 Posted February 23, 2011 Share Posted February 23, 2011 lol is this a level?I dont know. What would you call someone who blows 5 million playing poker in a few weeks other than a fuc king moron. Link to post Share on other sites
NellaKreb 0 Posted February 23, 2011 Author Share Posted February 23, 2011 This happens quite bit with him. Breaking down stacks to fund other tables. Sometimes he makes back his money, sometimes he goes broke. I doubt it's even the first time this month that hes had to reload. Remember, rumor is that after his huge 660K upswing that he withdrew 500k of that.That's a great point Lord anarchy. He almost always does make his money back, this was the first time that I've seen his table shifting technique fail him. And if the rumor of his 500K withdrawal is true, then it makes sence that his account would have been depleted by having a bad night such as last.I also liked what you said in your last reply AmScray. Unfortunately for Isildur, I don't think BR management is a strong part of his overall playing stratagy.And Spademan, you couldn't get through the fifth line of the second paragraph?? You missed the best part then. Link to post Share on other sites
TwstdWrstr 10 Posted February 23, 2011 Share Posted February 23, 2011 Speaking of going broke, DN is playing 50NL right now. Must be tough times...*edit* got felted gg Link to post Share on other sites
king_tanner 84 Posted February 23, 2011 Share Posted February 23, 2011 Isildur is playing right now on pokerstars 5 tabling 25-50 OmahaOMG THE OP IS WRONG.... HAHAHA **** YOU FOR BEING STUPID Link to post Share on other sites
NellaKreb 0 Posted February 23, 2011 Author Share Posted February 23, 2011 Isildur is playing right now on pokerstars 5 tabling 25-50 OmahaOMG THE OP IS WRONG.... HAHAHA **** YOU FOR BEING STUPIDHahaha, you're almost as good with words as I am, well done sir. I guess he is allowed to re-deposite money after all...Told ya we'd see him soon - (Inside information) lol. Link to post Share on other sites
MaxStPolish 4 Posted February 23, 2011 Share Posted February 23, 2011 lol. it's like soap operas and reality tv for men. Link to post Share on other sites
Tehtoe 3 Posted February 23, 2011 Share Posted February 23, 2011 I dont know. What would you call someone who blows 5 million playing poker in a few weeks other than a fuc king moron.Yeah, spot on! Link to post Share on other sites
Fade2241 0 Posted February 23, 2011 Share Posted February 23, 2011 I dont know. What would you call someone who blows 5 million playing poker in a few weeks other than a fuc king moron.Where are you getting these 'facts'? Link to post Share on other sites
DinkDonk 1 Posted February 24, 2011 Share Posted February 24, 2011 Spademan is the only person here who is correct. If you read that OP and/or responded to whatever shit he's talking about, you're an idiot. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted February 24, 2011 Share Posted February 24, 2011 And he goes nearly broke again against urnotindnger Link to post Share on other sites
NellaKreb 0 Posted February 25, 2011 Author Share Posted February 25, 2011 Barring any cash-outs, Isildur should be in no danger of exhausting the funds in his account again any time soon.He just finished a massive and intense "rematch" session with "w00ki3z." that lasted 8 1/2 hours, ending at around 7:15am EST. This battle was so mean that they didn't even say "gg" afterwards, no words were exchanged. "w00ki3z." finally had enough. Leaving a nice 292K chunk behind for Isildur, "w00ki3z." ended with about 45k in front of him compared to Isildurs' 475K spread across the 4 tables. For such a long session, they played relatively few hands (< 2,100). Isildur got out to an early lead. The game started slow, Isildur not 4 or 5-betting so much, like he wanted to play a relaxed, controlled game. No suprise that that didn't last long. The blood started rushing and the bets started coming, almost as if he didn't care, he started getting all the money in with almost anything. With "w00ki3z." ready to stand right there with him, looking like he had been waiting for his chance at revenge ever since their Showdown at the end of last month, the chip stacks grew and the chip stacks swayed. What was an early lead for Isildur, was halted by a nice come back rally. A table that Isildur had almost 200K at soon became the only one where he had the lead. In a strange sort of... deja vu moment, Isildur actually went broke at 2 of the tables, seeming to have his entire BR in play (which was about 350K) before they broke down their current tables and made 4 new ones. If you've ever watched Isildur play for any reasonable amount of time, you know that he keeps auto-reload on at all his tables, if he can reload he does. This is one of the reasons why it is clear to this observer that he really did "go broke on stars" (as per the OP) just a few days ago. Seemed like it might happen again as he actually lost all his chips at a third table, a little later in the match, and had "w00ki3z." screaming at him in caps, trying to get his attention and telling him to break tables down. Both of them were testy and tilted at this point, with Isildur telling "w00ki3z." to "stop whinning so much when you're loosing", right before they broke down that table.Later, for the first time that I've witnessed, Isildur wanted to change just one of the tables, the one where "w00ki3z." had almost 250K in front of him. Isildur: "let's leave this rigged table" - w00ki3z.: "lol - call pokerstars obviously, you're their pro" - Isildur: "Haha, what...". Not long after that they did leave that table. In a sly move by Isildur, he waited a little while before sitting at a new table, when he did, it was in fact the same table they had just left, this time Isildur sitting in the seat that "w00ki3z." had been when he finally found Isildur. He either didn't notice or didn't care. At this point, every table started to go Isildurs way. 100K stacks of "w00ki3z." at 2 tables were chopped down to 5K buy-ins. Reload after reload, it was all over for "w00ki3z.", having only 1 table with over 10K (18K) when the frustrations of the early morning finally pushed him away from his computer.300K was the damage. Adding his winnings from earlier in the night to that, Isildur had a super solid night of 416K profit! Leaving on his comment board less than 5 minutes after it was finished, a simple: ":)hehe". *Note that he got 1 slap for leaving that. lol. OT: Daniels' reservation, as well as several other peoples', at the Commerce hotel/casino wasn't upheld. He said a blog about it is forthcoming, but check out his tweets in the FCP lobby.Isildur's session was pretty epic, too bad more people couldn't see it. I'm thinking I need to find a way to change the title of this topic from "Isildur goes broke on stars"... to "ISILDUR: Maniac At The Tables"... Link to post Share on other sites
FARGOpokerND 22 Posted February 25, 2011 Share Posted February 25, 2011 Spademan is the only person here who is correct. If you read that OP and/or responded to whatever shit he's talking about, you're an idiot. Link to post Share on other sites
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