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Sure am glad that when a compromised person goes homicidal in Canada, the best he can do is a crappy homemade bomb that injures one person. Scary stuff if a guy like him with no criminal record could've bought an automatic weapon with a few thousand rounds.

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The most interesting thing about the worlds largest beaver dam is that it was discovered via Google Earth and some guy trekked out there to see it IRL and was the first person to ever set foot in that

Beware of overcharging someone. Thats the #1 lesson learned from the Zimmerman case. He was guilty of avoidable behavior that ultimately culminated in a fatality- manslaughter- but he was not guilty

You should've tried to get on the jury and convince the rest that he was not guilty.

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The two are almost completely irrelevant (it assumes 'imports' are extremists, when all evidence to date contravenes that), but there's actually a strong argument to be made for the alternative, even if it were true. Minorities who have like-minded communities in their adopted countries and are welcomed by the population at large are probably less likely to be convinced to extremist actions by social media contact with jihadis.


We agree that the 2nd generation are usually more dangerous than the 1st generation, which makes a compelling case to stop importing the 1st generation.


As for the rest of what you wrote, struggling with the logic there. As best I can tell, it's something along the lines of: if we import more, then it's a good thing because the more of them there are, well, see, that creates a 'support network' that may decrease some degree of radicalism among the vulnerable fringes, even though their inherent radicalism failure-rate is already inescapable and permanently dysfunctional?

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The countries the Democrats want to import immigrants from.


Yes, but see, if we import more, it will have a 'calming effect' on the ones already here so it turns out that the right formula to keep Muslims calm and peaceable is to import as many of them as possible!

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Yes, but see, if we import more, it will have a 'calming effect' on the ones already here so it turns out that the right formula to keep Muslims calm and peaceable is to import as many of them as possible!


As long as nothing triggers them, they are very very fragile and willing to strap on a bomb in a second if we say or do the wrong thing.


A picture of Bush may be too much to prevent ISIS from forming another San Bernardino chapter.

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"https://en.wikipedia...al_Firearms_Act (1934)


https://en.wikipedia...rol_Act_of_1968 (1968) "


My apologies - a semi-automatic weapon then?



"We agree that the 2nd generation are usually more dangerous than the 1st generation, which makes a compelling case to stop importing the 1st generation.


As for the rest of what you wrote, struggling with the logic there. As best I can tell, it's something along the lines of: if we import more, then it's a good thing because the more of them there are, well, see, that creates a 'support network' that may decrease some degree of radicalism among the vulnerable fringes, even though their inherent radicalism failure-rate is already inescapable and permanently dysfunctional? "


I think you might want to take a few months off champ. You're the best at making people like me uncomfortable with our assumptions, but the last couple months you have been nothing but strawmen and arguments that solely rely on significant and simplistic assumptions about unalterable characteristics based solely on background or race.

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So to be clear then, your concern isn't the level of authority at which this was decided, it's the very concept that we have elected officials who's decisions can govern the actions of individuals?

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So to be clear then, your concern isn't the level of authority at which this was decided, it's the very concept that we have elected officials who's decisions can govern the actions of individuals?


Right...my concern there had to do with the esoteric concepts of global governance and control of the individual vs. the individuals right to self governance, not a city council telling a fire department not to display the American flag on their trucks because they know more about safety concerns than trained firefighters.


Very tricky of you to catch that difference.

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Hey, I just used your words. If you meant something completely different than what you wrote, maybe you should've written that instead. To pretend words have no meaning and you can endlessly "correct" statements after the fact with meanings that have no consistency with your original statements does sound like someone I know though.

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Hey, I just used your words. If you meant something completely different than what you wrote, maybe you should've written that instead. To pretend words have no meaning and you can endlessly "correct" statements after the fact with meanings that have no consistency with your original statements does sound like someone I know though.


Less efforts at 'gotcha' and more on common sense could help you understand things in the future.

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I think you might want to take a few months off champ. You're the best at making people like me uncomfortable with our assumptions, but the last couple months you have been nothing but strawmen and arguments that solely rely on significant and simplistic assumptions about unalterable characteristics based solely on background or race.


Then why not refute what I said with something more than this empty rhetoric?

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Why would I continue to punch at an empty moving target? Like I said, you are the best at making people uncomfortable with their views by being smarter than them and pointing out holes in their beliefs they never knew existed. I look forward to going back to the times when there are actually two reasonable sides of politically controversial topics.


BG, you're one of the smartest and most thoughtful I've talked to (when you want to be). When you decide to take responsibility for your own words by actually making logic-based arguments or stating real opinions instead of half-serious troll versions, I look forward to hearing your well-informed right-wing views again.

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Trump has very good troll energy since he inspires so, so much venom from the ideological left, they're reduced to retreating into their intellectual safe place and chanting soothing mantras (which is usually some variant of muttering "racist" and "ignorant")


Hussein has been a fantastic trolling device against the right, however they tend to be impervious to insult and just call him a Muslim commie out for their guns. At least the left has some degree of existential sensitivity that they perceive as being threatened when a guy like Trump rises to power in a democratic election. The right just waves off their pending irrelevance as being faggots gonna fag and the opposition finally getting the loser bloc large enough to seize power. The right is much better at reducing problems down to their bottom line, though, so perhaps they've been right all along.

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But again, in a national election, I can't see how you can possibly win by alienating every demographic group but white males without a college education. You can call the left irrational fags all you want, but Trump is alienating more than the left. Latinos should be a natural fit in the Republican party ideologically, but The GOP has seemed hell bent on chasing them off forever, and Trump's rhetoric is the spear tip of that. Most Muslims I've known have been conservative, but no way can they vote for trump. Yet somehow, by pandering to and using the imagery of neo-nazi groups, he's also chasing off the small (but disportionally important) conservative Jews, who normally would eat up his anti-islamic rhetoric.


He's not winning big enough with white people to make up the huge demographic groups he's alienating. HRC is probably the worst candidate the Dem's could have picked and she's going to win by a lot. These Demographic issues would be bad enough for a moderate Republican, but someone who actively alienates these voters? The GOP could lose Latinos forever, like they did blacks, and that's GG in national elections.



I do think Trump's message to African Americans is not wrong, the Democratic party is absolutely taking them for granted. But he's absolutely wasting his breathe trying to appeal to them.



I think Trump's biggest mistake is utterly abandoning a ground game, and running the national election like he did the primary.. Organization matters, in getting out the vote... In the 10 states that matter.

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I think it's extremely unlikely that he wins, but you're not reading the situation right.


Here's America.




Here's an older but still mostly informative chart of voter turnout by race.





I'm not quite inspired enough to plot that all out into a new chart so the relative magnitude between potential voters and historic voter turnout is visually obvious, but the 40-some-odd percent of white people who never vote can absolutely blunt whatever energy is generated in any other group who is angry at Trump, if they turn out... and in this election, a lot of them will. Trump's supporters aren't just "white guys without college degrees". There are a shit-ton of people who want to see the country run by someone with a competitive sensibility rather than yet another ideologue retard managing our elegant decay while making inspiring speeches about a brighter tomorrow that we can't ever seem to reach.


Trump will carry Orientals and polls show that he's actually polling better with Hispanics than Romney.


The Jewish power brokers know Trump's their man in our eternal battle against the Saracens... and as far as Jews in general go, absolutely none of them like Hillary Clinton.




... which leaves us with the old political chestnut of a candidate who may be broadly unpopular but with a fiercely loyal constituency and energy to turn out historical non-voters, versus a candidate who may be more popular on paper but inspires nothing and will likely see poor turnout. There just aren't enough blue haired lesbian cat ladies to keep the Hillary ship in steam.


Do I think Trump wins? No... but he absolutely could.


I also think there's a better than 20% chance he's a plant, that his entire candidacy was devised by the Clintons to ensure her election and irreparably damage the Republican party.

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My point isn't that that white's aren't still the majority, my point was that you can't afford to get obliterated in the AA votes, and get crushed in the hispanic vote, and still win. If it's true Trump is doing better than Romney with Hispanics, I would find that shocking, but he's not doing well. Here's a pew poll, for example http://www.people-pr...on-preferences/, and while HRC only has 50 of the Hispanic vote.. trump has 26 of hispanics. Apparently they love Stein and Johnson ( That poll had a small hispanic sample size, but it's the best I could find of a recent poll that broke things down demographically) My point about non-college educated whites is that he's losing to college educated whites, even college educated white males, which is a very bad sign for him. Also, betting on any candidate to bring out non-traditional voters I think is a bad bet most of the time. Of course, this election has flipped traditional thinking on it's ear for the large part.


Also, I'm not sure what the point of that jewish article you linked.. Hillary is disliked by more jews than you would think, 45% but it says that 63 % dislike Trump.. which was kind of my point. In general, really. HRC is disliked, but Trump is disliked more.


Johnson is doing shockingly well in most of the polls I've seen, and that's right out of Trumps ass. If anyone but Trump was running, Johnson would be getting ~2% and they'd be crushing HRC. I'm curious if, when people actually get to the ballot box, if they are really going to throw their votes away or not. I think that is Hillary's biggest threat, are big talking Johnson voters who, when faced with a HRC presidency, balk when it comes time to actually vote for Johnson

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Johnson does probably take away from Trump on balance, but don't underestimate we Bernie Bros. This election is absolutely lose-lose, with deeply embittered people on both sides who are looking for a protest vote to cast.


Blacks make up 12% of the population. Their eligible voter turnout is around 50% (it will be higher this time) but once you discard ineligible voters (children, felons), you're talking a single-digit percentage of the population. Blacks are hugely overrated, but if I had to make one dark-horse call in this entire election, it would be this: Trump shocks (not surprises, but shocks) with the number of blacks he carries.


One slight tweak in white voter turnout (who, again, are orders of magnitude greater in their % representation of the population at large), all the tantruming Hispanics and angry black voters are rendered irrelevant.


Trump's biggest problem is in key states and with evangelical losers who don't like that he doesn't play their expected brand of political pretend. He really needs to go all in on Florida here.

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I would guess most Bernie Bros would be of the Jill Stein protest vote flavor, not the Gary Johnson. I know there is a selection of people that would go from a socialist to a libertarian, but I can't imagine that slice is very large. Not many folks out there like you, Scram.

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There is one Twitter "journalist/activist" I've been following for about a year now, that has taken a strange arc, named Cassandra Fairbanks. I started following her during the start of Ferguson, and she was gungho #BLM, showing up to protests all over the country and documenting them. She then went all in for Bernie, and got isolated from #BLM because they weren't totally embracing Bernie. She was the most delusional of Bernie supporters ( she really hates Hillary. Like, a lot), and thought he was going to win right up until the primary. Now, she's gung ho Trump, like all in on Trump, and has completely been ostracized from her old follower base. It's a strange heel turn, that I am 100% convinced is a result of her going from ****ing a black dude, to ****ing a republican (that's not conjecture.. well, who she is ****ing isn't conjecture.. it's effect on her politics is).


I have no one to express this theory to, because my twitter account is a deep dive into leftist twitter, and expressing that kind of misogynistic theory wouldn't play well the the twitter circles I run in, but I'm convinced its true.

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