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The Sunday Riot Thread

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WOWOWOWOW Seat 1: manny1414 (303,896) Seat 2: kingof297s (360,456) Seat 3: wISbHeOsWt (515,999) Seat 4: AcrocaL1PSyS (290,844) Seat 5: TRUUFEAR (261,159) Seat 6: plotsandplots (639,849) Seat 7: bAlkopoker (490,326) Seat 8: Skully92 (347,212) Seat 9: boltslava (274,341) manny1414 antes 75 kingof297s antes 75 wISbHeOsWt antes 75 AcrocaL1PSyS antes 75 TRUFEAR antes 75 plotsandplots antes 75 bAlkopoker antes 75 Skully92 antes 75 boltslava antes 75 kingof297s posts the small blind of 300 wISbHeOsWt posts the big blind of 600 The button is in seat #1 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Skully92 [Qc Qh] AcrocaL1PSyS has 8 seconds left to act AcrocaL1PSyS raises to 1,450 TRUFEAR folds plotsandplots raises to 3,600 bAlkopoker folds Skully92 has 15 seconds left to act Skully92 calls 3,600 boltsva folds manny1414 has 15 seconds left to act manny1414 folds kingof297s folds wISbHeOsWt folds AcrocaL1PSyS raises to 10,665 plotsandplots folds Skully92 raises to 23,335 AcrocaL1PSyS has 8 seconds left to act AcrocaL1PSyS has requested TIME AcrocaL1PSyS raises to 290,844, and is all in Skully92 calls 267,509 AcrocaL1PSyS shows [Jd Jc] Skully92 shows [Qc Qh] *** FLOP *** [Ts 3h Th] *** TURN *** [Ts 3h Th] [4d] *** RIVER *** [Ts 3h Th 4d] [Kc] AcrocaL1PSyS shows a pair of Jacks Skully92 shows a pair of Queens Skully92 wins the pot (586,863) Skully92 wins the $55 bounty for eliminating AcrocaL1PSyS

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just registered in some guaranteed tourneys. Hopefully I'm up later than I should be and can donk my way into some money

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i get the feeling that this riot thing is a level of some nature.
you aren't alone but I'm only coming out now because I didn't want to be fooled but I guess I shouldn't have said this then.
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In the nightly 70K hope to be up all night....Might add on a couple more in a bit. Been a slacker most of the day but up a couple of hundred in limit cash and won the Dirty Poker forum's afternooner.Edit: Also in the 8.80 6 max 500 cap and and $5 hyper turbo might add a couple more but then again why over work myself. :-)Out of the 70K AK < TTT

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according to this it should be 276+55+23.15

WOWOWOWOW Seat 1: manny1414 (303,896) Seat 2: kingof297s (360,456) Seat 3: wISbHeOsWt (515,999) Seat 4: AcrocaL1PSyS (290,844) Seat 5: TRUUFEAR (261,159) Seat 6: plotsandplots (639,849) Seat 7: bAlkopoker (490,326) Seat 8: Skully92 (347,212) Seat 9: boltslava (274,341) manny1414 antes 75 kingof297s antes 75 wISbHeOsWt antes 75 AcrocaL1PSyS antes 75 TRUFEAR antes 75 plotsandplots antes 75 bAlkopoker antes 75 Skully92 antes 75 boltslava antes 75 kingof297s posts the small blind of 300 wISbHeOsWt posts the big blind of 600 The button is in seat #1 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Skully92 [Qc Qh] AcrocaL1PSyS has 8 seconds left to act AcrocaL1PSyS raises to 1,450 TRUFEAR folds plotsandplots raises to 3,600 bAlkopoker folds Skully92 has 15 seconds left to act Skully92 calls 3,600 boltsva folds manny1414 has 15 seconds left to act manny1414 folds kingof297s folds wISbHeOsWt folds AcrocaL1PSyS raises to 10,665 plotsandplots folds Skully92 raises to 23,335 AcrocaL1PSyS has 8 seconds left to act AcrocaL1PSyS has requested TIME AcrocaL1PSyS raises to 290,844, and is all in Skully92 calls 267,509 AcrocaL1PSyS shows [Jd Jc] Skully92 shows [Qc Qh] *** FLOP *** [Ts 3h Th] *** TURN *** [Ts 3h Th] [4d] *** RIVER *** [Ts 3h Th 4d] [Kc] AcrocaL1PSyS shows a pair of Jacks Skully92 shows a pair of Queens Skully92 wins the pot (586,863) Skully92 wins the $55 bounty for eliminating AcrocaL1PSyS
EDIT: u fail Mr Baboon
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