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I suspect Tim Wakefield and Scram are just joke accounts of Wang. But I suspect that of like 85% of posters in OT General.Edit- The fact that I'm overly suspicious does not preclude my first sentence from being true, just to keep that straight.

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Well that was true as soon as everyone started arguing that the other guy was bad at arguing.
Ahh, found it. This is where I stopped reading this thread before. Well, stopped pretending to read it. Last time, I actually just scrolled past most of the last couple pages looking for posts that were less than a huge paragraph or contained ITALICS.
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Well, son of a bitch. Just when I thought no one would actually address the issue some random comes in all logical and stuff. I can't wait to read Amscray's response now.

A few random points--Good luck distinguishing between "extrapolating a position" and "inventing narratives". Unless you are able to prove every step of the way, then someone could just as easily turn your inventing narratives argument against you. -It's not enough to show that Blacks have lower IQ scores and higher crime rates. You also have to be able to eliminate any confounding variables such as poverty, correlation of IQ tests with education, cultural learning, etc. My guess is that these properly scientific studies either A) haven't reached a consensus, or B)do not show any significant IQ differences that can only be assigned to genetic variablity within groups. If you have some decent studies showing this to be incorrect then feel free to post them. -It is not generally accepted within the scientific community that race is a valid concept to distinguish individuals. But even if you could pull off a miracle and prove that the "races" were significantly genetically different in meaningful ways you would still have to prove the next point that--If races were separate and there was a real difference in hereditable IQs then mixed race tests should reveal a statistically significant IQ gradiant. As far as I am aware these studies have been done and they indicated that there was no measurable difference in IQs.-But even if you could prove all this, would it matter? Let's suppose you could provide ironclad proof that "blacks" had a genetically caused IQ deficit of 10 points. The IQ differences within the group would still dwarf that difference. Ie, you would still have to judge every black person you met on an individual basis if you were going to be objective about it. Also, a lower IQ hardly means that you are doomed to lead a lousy life, even if it does result in a higher correlation with some negative factors.
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Its really much easier than you guys are making it.If evolution is true, then of course races of people will be at different levels in different characteristics in evolutionary growth. You can't hold that small changes over millions of years happening at all times are 100% equally distributed to similar species in different climates, food sources and life hurdles.If Creationism is true, then we are all more likely products of our environment since 6,000 years isn't enough time to have appreciable changes.So:If you are a evolutionist, you must support the possibility that what racist are saying is viable.Hitler was a racist.Therefore evolutionist are Nazi loving racist scum.And IQ tests are worthless. We all know people ( like me ) who scored high who are idiots, and people who scored low (Biden) who reached far beyond the abilities they process.
oh shazamm!
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Their #1 problem is infrastructure. Water is certainly an important long-term issue, but infrastructure is the key to everything.
Man, there was a movie on the other night about that. I didn't really watch it much but it said our dams and bridges are shitty and it's all the Republicans fault or something,.
India had a massive population problem at the beginning of the global 1st world conditions.America on the other hand had wide spread out populations that grew into the 1st world conditions.Not having a lot of baggage was probably 100% more influential to our ease of success than any mental conditions prevalent in white man.If you had $5 trillion you couldn't vault Mexico ahead of the US for shear living conditions etc. because of their ingrained Spanish influences of corruptions and poor living conditions that are the biggest anchor to their society.Or you could just pigeon hole Mexicans into some caricature of who they really are and pretend your racism is truth.
You know, the Mexican American war was between Whites vs. hispanics, blacks and Euro-Spanish. Had they won and owned Texas they'd have alot more land and resources and you might have been named Julio Balloon Guy.
You're just using Argumentum ad Hominem to refute his Argumentum Verbosium.
And if he was white, would you say that then?
oh man, a rodreynolds post! it really is christmas season!
I'd fuck Rod Reynolds.
I have a badge with the letters "Ph.D." on it that I pull out from my coat pocket FBI-style whenever necessary.
I want one of those way more than a police badge. :looking for marker face:
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Do you think it's more likely that the Japanese somehow accumulated a genetic code that enabled them to become proficient at complex mathematics, or do you think that they got lucky to hit on some mathematical principles at some point in their history and, if by accident, have selectively bred to create a culture with many people that have a predilection for math? Either way, if there really is a disparity between races, it brings up an interesting evolutionary question about how and how fast it can happen.
Okay, I have been thinking about some things while reading this thread and have questions along this line as well.Jews have historically valued the ability to read and learn math and stressed it within the family unit and communities for thousands of years. If you traveled throughout Europe in the middle ages most Jews were literate, among other Euorpeans it was pretty rare. Jews pretty much could step into communities and add value as bankers or doctors, etc. (Probably alot of the reason for class envy etc.) Now knowing that people have "natural instincts" we are born with, such as breast feeding and caring for young that aren't necesarily taught, could it be that Jews success today in these fields was from thousands of years evolved into an hereditary advantage? Could selective breeding have led to an increase in intelligence or is it simply cultural? Conversely, could this thousands of years lack of literacy be the reason that Blacks emanating from Africa culturally behind other races? I guess I am saying how much would you estimate cultural influences have over influenced biological ones, if they even do? Also, this leads to the dissagreement between cultures being enslaved and that influence that was discussed in this thread.edit- now that I am caught up I guess this was answered or at least it's been noted that it couldn't be answered.
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Those 5 Hour Energy things are surprisingly effective. I've found that the only way I can be productive is to use them.
Bout all they did to me was make me nauseous. I prefer to get my little pick-me-up the old fashioned way: cocaine.
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Those 5 Hour Energy things are surprisingly effective. I've found that the only way I can be productive is to use them.
Bout all they did to me was make me nauseous. I prefer to get my little pick-me-up the old fashioned way: cocaine.
I drank one on NYE, not realizing that someone was about to show up with some Four Lokos. The combination of the two had me basically sweating bullets and shaking my legs uncontrollably while out at a pretty nice dinner. It was fairly enjoyable.
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Them crazy, them crazy -We gonna chase those crazyBaldheads out of town;Chase those crazy baldheadsOut of our town.I'n'I build a cabin;I'n'I plant the corn;Didn't my people before meSlave for this country?Now you look me with that scorn,Then you eat up all my corn.We gonna chase those crazy -Chase them crazy -Chase those crazy baldheads out of town!Build your penitentiary, we build your schools,Brainwash education to make us the fools.Hate is your reward for our love,Telling us of your God above.We gonna chase those crazy -Chase those crazy bunkheads -Chase those crazy baldheads out of the town!We gonna chase those crazy -Chase those crazy bunkheads -Chase those crazy baldheads out of the town!Here comes the conmanComing with his con plan.We won't take no bribe;We've got [to] stay alive.We gonna chase those crazy -Chase those crazy baldheads -Chase those crazy baldheads out of the town.Was listening to some Bob this weekend and heard this song and thought of this thread.

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Robocop statue should improve things.
I'll tell you this right now: Adding a giant statue of Robocop in a half-lotus position with an antlered chipmunk (or whatever the fuck that is) perched upon the gun in his right hand and a spiked planet Saturn with a half ring (or whatever the fuck that is) cradled gently in his left, would improve any city.
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