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So I was watching train spotting the other day, and I noticed that Margarat was the underaged jail bait that Renton sleeps with. Also, Tommy, the square guy with a girl friend who ends up trying heroin and getting aids was Vorenus on Rome. I kinda freaked out a bit.
Trainspotting is the reason it always amuses me when Kelly MacDonald uses a body double on Boardwalk Empire. As if she has anything anyone hasn't already seen...lmao. Kevin McKidd voices one of the main characters in the Call of Duty series. He's a pretty solid actor.
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That is a better way of putting it.   "I'm a closeted gay racist" would be the most accurate way of putting it

So I was watching train spotting the other day, and I noticed that Margarat was the underaged jail bait that Renton sleeps with. Also, Tommy, the square guy with a girl friend who ends up trying heroin and getting aids was Vorenus on Rome. I kinda freaked out a bit.
Yeah, nice little boobies in Trainspotting. Pretty sure I pulled it when I was 16.Not much a stretch but I think this season is going to end really badly for Jimmy, cliffhanger stile till next season. Too many things stacking up against him: Manny, dead wife, heroin, Nucky coming back with the vengeance, etc.
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what i dont understand is if was willing to do that, why wait this long? he could have prevented a lot of shit by making that move however long ago this shit began.
Federal indictment?Is this show picked up for a 3rd season?
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I think it's kind of obvious that Katie is going to screw Margaret over on this whole land thing, a little revenge for the whole Owen thing. They made a big point of having Katie catch the two of them, and then another big point of having Katie be the one assigned to take the deed to the church. My money, that's how it's going to go down, and Nucky keeps the land.

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I think it's kind of obvious that Katie is going to screw Margaret over on this whole land thing, a little revenge for the whole Owen thing. They made a big point of having Katie catch the two of them, and then another big point of having Katie be the one assigned to take the deed to the church. My money, that's how it's going to go down, and Nucky keeps the land.
i hope so. i'd hate to see nucky lose all that land because of her guilty conscience.
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I mean, seeing as I'm writing the show now, I'll be the one banging Katie tyvm.
NH sire :)I hope this show didn't just kill itself for shock value of one episode. I mean, it's almost like they wasted a whole season on Jimmy just to axe him. Not in a awesome-Gus-in-Breaking-Bad kind of way either.Hope the rest of the cast really steps up for Season 3. Writers got to come up with something brilliant to make the story work.
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Hope the rest of the cast really steps up for Season 3. Writers got to come up with something brilliant to make the story work.
Yeah, I agree with this. It might be Nucky's show but having Jimmy around really drove it. They need to have something pretty crazy in mind for Season 3 to keep interest up. They killed off at least a third of the overall storyline with three murders (Angela, Commodore and then Jimmy...which basically kills Gillian off as well since there won't be much for her to do anymore). I'm wondering if Owen is going to be thrust into the spotlight and take over the dealings with Capone, Lansky and Luciano or if it will basically be the Nucky show from here on out.
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Yeah, I agree with this. It might be Nucky's show but having Jimmy around really drove it. They need to have something pretty crazy in mind for Season 3 to keep interest up. They killed off at least a third of the overall storyline with three murders (Angela, Commodore and then Jimmy...which basically kills Gillian off as well since there won't be much for her to do anymore). I'm wondering if Owen is going to be thrust into the spotlight and take over the dealings with Capone, Lansky and Luciano or if it will basically be the Nucky show from here on out.
Yeah, I think I'm going to miss Jimmy. I liked where his character was going when he delivered the clansmen to Chalky. Wonder if he'll have an issue with Jimmy being offed.They never really resolved the strike storyline, did they? I guess we assume it's over. Jimmy's death leaves quite a few loose ends. They made a point to say that Commodore left most of estate to his old maid, then Jimmy rips it up. Will the old will resurface? Does Mom get the estate? His son is too young.And what happens to Richard now? I like his character as well.I would think Manny Horvitz will remain an important character after they made a point not to kill him and he was present for Jimmy's whack.I also don't believe we've seen the last of Van Alden. They briefly showed him, the nanny, and the baby moving. Not sure how it will connect to the storyline, but I'm betting he's in Chicago. The lady who showed them the place mentioned being in the midwest and then says "Welcome to Cicero" (the name of a nearby suburb of Chi).
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Yeah, I think I'm going to miss Jimmy. I liked where his character was going when he delivered the clansmen to Chalky. Wonder if he'll have an issue with Jimmy being offed.They never really resolved the strike storyline, did they? I guess we assume it's over. Jimmy's death leaves quite a few loose ends. They made a point to say that Commodore left most of estate to his old maid, then Jimmy rips it up. Will the old will resurface? Does Mom get the estate? His son is too young.And what happens to Richard now? I like his character as well.I would think Manny Horvitz will remain an important character after they made a point not to kill him and he was present for Jimmy's whack.I also don't believe we've seen the last of Van Alden. They briefly showed him, the nanny, and the baby moving. Not sure how it will connect to the storyline, but I'm betting he's in Chicago. The lady who showed them the place mentioned being in the midwest and then says "Welcome to Cicero" (the name of a nearby suburb of Chi).
Inheritance isn't necessarily a matter of age, unless a will contains a provision that the inheritor won't get full access until a certain age. I'm guessing with the Commodore gone and Jimmy now gone that the kid inherits everything and thusly Gillian inherits everything as his guardian. There's really no one to keep Nucky in check or challenge him at this point, with the Commodore, Jimmy, and that senior Alderman guy all dead and Van Alden gone, with the court case settled. It will be interesting to see where the show goes from here. I'm kind of down at this point because two of my favorite characters were Jimmy and Van Alden. I'm guessing the 3rd season will be largely Nucky vs Margaret...which I'm sorry but the prospects of that aren't that exciting. Hopefully they'll give Eddie some more screentime and lines, he steals almost every scene he's in.
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I think you almost have to do the murder of Rothstien as part of the show. I don't know if it will be next season or a later one, but it was such an infamous event. For those who don't know, Rothstien was at a poker game and lost several hundred thousand dollars in the game ( a fortune). He refused to pay it, saying he was cheated . OF course he was cheated, but Rothstein also cheated. Being cheated was not a reason not to pay for hustlers of his level. He probably just thought the guys that cheated him had no juice and wouldn't do anything.Well, AR got murdered over the debt, and as he was dying he refused to name who killed him to the police. Some people were put on trial for it, and were acquitted. There were two famous ( infamous) gamblers in that card game. One was Titanic Thompson, who was the premier hustler/conman/gambler of his day. He had so many hustles that it's impossible to catalog them all, but if you can get yoru hands on the out of print book " the unsinkable titanic thompson" then do it. As just one example, he taught himself how to play golf , and was a scratch golfer.... from both hands. One of his hustles was, he would find out what hand his mark was, and challenge him to a golf match for like 10K, using the opposite hand. So, lets say Sucker McFish is right handed, Ti would pick out his left handed clubs. So Ti would procede to crush the guy. And he'd mock him the whold time, telling the guy how bad he was. Get the guy real steamed up. Then after the 18 he would say " why you're so bad son, I'd bet you 100K I could beat you with your own clubs" Saying the he could beat the guy Right handed. So the guy would bet, and ti would beat him easily with his opposite hand. Another trick he had was he would give a guy a spot that allowed him to hit 3 t-shots and play the best ball off the T. Well, that was quite an advantage.. at first. But, towards the end of the match, when the bets started getting pressed, the guy with the spot would have dead arms from taing all those extra Tshots and Ti would kill them on the back nine.He's full of hustles like that. He was an extremely colorful character, and would make a great character on the show. Amarillio slim basically stole all of his hustles.. ( and ended up supporting TI ad the end of his life in a nursing home when ti was broke).The other famous player was "Nigger Nate" who doyle brunson and slim have talked about gambling with. Nate is probably the guy that killed AR. He wasn't called Nigger Nate because he was black, he was actually jewish. He was called that because he apparently had jungle fever, and he HATED the nickname. He's a colorful fella too.I really, really, really hope they make Ti a major character ( they may have to change his name, since Nucky's name is also thompson). He's such a great figure from the era, who's been forgotten now.

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Titanic Thompson
Great post, thanks for all the info. Off to google as much additional info on TT as I can get. I love old-timey gangster stories and if there's a mix of illicit gambling thrown in, so much the better.Sounds like a hardcore Titanic Thompson biography is long overdue.
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