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The Most Idiotic True Fact I've Ever Read

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I know you guys are all big Shawshank fans - I just read this in the imdb trivia section of the movie and it has blown my mind” The American Humane Association monitored the filming of scenes involving Brooks’ crow. During the scene where he fed it a maggot, the AHA objected on the grounds that it was cruel to the maggot, and required that they use a maggot that had died from natural causes. One was found, and the scene was filmed.”a f-ing maggot!!

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You know what they should do?Use death row inmates to do stunts for movies where the person dies.That way we kill the guy cheaply, AND we get really good effects in the movies.

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You know what they should do?Use death row inmates to do stunts for movies where the person dies.That way we kill the guy cheaply, AND we get really good effects in the movies.
Surely would save the make-up artist & special effects-editor some serious time, plus it creates a visual memorium for the relatives! You are a genius!
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You know what they should do?Use death row inmates to do stunts for movies where the person dies.That way we kill the guy cheaply, AND we get really good effects in the movies.
wow a righty like Balloon Guy has heard Bill Hicksalthough he just wanted to use terminally ill peoplehicks
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Saw this movie for the first time last night. Lived up to the hype.
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wow a righty like Balloon Guy has heard Bill Hicksalthough he just wanted to use terminally ill peoplehicks
Don't know Hicks, but if he told this, he stole it.Some nobody sent it to a newspaper a long time ago and it was picked up and joked about on some TV show in the early early 80s. That is where I saw it.He's like Dane Cook I guess.
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ya i know theres tons of really great classics i've never seen that I've finally decided to start watchingthe actual list would blow your minds and be somewhat embarassing

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Don't know Hicks, but if he told this, he stole it.Some nobody sent it to a newspaper a long time ago and it was picked up and joked about on some TV show in the early early 80s. That is where I saw it.He's like Dane Cook I guess.
Head explosion
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