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OMG you geeks. We like Game of Thrones, that doesn't mean you have immunity. No one cares about your faggot fantasy books. If HBO spends $100 mil making it a tv show, I'll give it a go. Otherwise, gtf

If SA's goal was to make the continued topic of conversation in this thread so insufferable that I almost don't care what he spoils anymore, his law degree just paid off.

no, i can actually read.

edit: oh, this show is the tits. waiting a year and a half for more of it is, however, not the tits.


Yeah, they need to let the books get out to another head start so that people who like the show still won't be able to enjoy that much it around losers.


I hope they change something really major next year, so the narrative can be dominated by book people losing their shit over that instead of anything relevant to the show.

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I didn't really follow the spoiler/non-spoiler drama earlier in this thread cuz I still haven't read the 5th book (started it but got bored) and didn't want to see a spoiler, but I'm pretty sure the actress who plays Arya just called out at least one or two of you, probably Hank from what I gathered:


I’m so sick of going on the internet and seeing all the book readers being snobby, spoiling it for other people, then saying, “Well, it’s not a spoiler. The books have been out for years.” Like, couldn’t you just stop being mad for a second and let other people enjoy the show?


Here's the rest of the interview, but, ironically, it contains what I think could be considered very minor book spoilers so beware if you haven't read the books: http://tvline.com/20...ady-stoneheart/

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Book 6 NOT being published in 2015. That means that at least one, maybe two, seasons will be complete spoilers to the books. I'm actually kind of giddy about this after the self indulgent crap that was book 5. I'll get to see how the story plays out and not have to pore over 10000 pages of GRRM jizzstains to do it.

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The absolute worst part of the books ( this will not be a spoiler, at this point), is how boring the Dany subplot is. It's now the most boring part of the TV show too, and if the writers are smart, they will keep chop, chop, chopping stuff from the book. Dany I think has the best subplot, in book one and season 1. Her marriage to Drogo is really compelling, and her transformation into the mother of Dragons is Epic. And then, over the course of the rest of the series, it's perpetually down hill. THere's so much filler, and I think that's one of the problems with big epic stories like this. The more you expand it, and drag it out, the more interesting stuff you have to have every strand of your story doing. Since Dany was completely divorced from the drama in Westeros (for the most part), it was impossible to entwine it ( meaningfully) to other subplots, so it has to stand on it's own, but it doesn't. It should, she has ****ing DRAGONS. But It just doesn't. Ayra has to stand on her on in much the same way but Ayra pays off, in ways that Dany hasn't yet, and it's so frustrating watching GRRM spoil what could have been the best part of the series/show.


The show is so clever at making changes that are true to the important story of the book, but cut out all of the horrible, boring shit that GRRM puts in. I wish HBO would have edited his books.

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I was thinking just make all the Dany stuff a separate 25 minute weekly mini-series that you can watch if you give a shit. Probably create a time machine to go back and enforce this starting in season 2. Give any/every other storyline that 10-15 minutes a week. It really is a drag to go from Brienne being awesome to watching Dany mull over slaves & masters for the 25th time.


I do like how they've fully embraced the "buddy comedy" aspect of the show pretty much everywhere. Brienne/Pod, Jaime/Bronn, Tyrion/Varys. Just keep pairing people up!


I also wish they had time to do the voting for Lord Commander as its done in the book. They're obviously not going to spend 5% of their season watching people toss tokens into bins over and over while Sam gets everyone in line, but it's one of the endearing book scenes for me.

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this hit a lot of points for me




In 1996, Martin published the first book, A Game of Thrones, the first in what was then supposed to be a trilogy, to critical acclaim. In 1998 came the second volume, A Clash of Kings, and lo, it was even better. The year 2000 saw the third book, A Storm of Swords, which was perhaps one of the most densely layered and consistently surprising tomes I've read in any genre. It took the HBO show two seasons to do justice to this book.

And then? Martin spun his words, and his characters spun their wheels. He sat in his home in New Mexico typing out page after page, introducing new character after new character into his world of Westeros but not really advancing any of their storylines –- and certainly not at his previous speed.

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