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Squeeze Shove In Sb

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Full Tilt Poker $3 + $0.30 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t60/t120 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 596857The Official DeucesCracked.com Hand History ConverterCO: t7334 M = 40.74BTN: t6284 M = 34.91Hero (SB): t3580 M = 19.89BB: t8210 M = 45.61UTG: t275 M = 1.53MP: t10488 M = 58.27Pre Flop: (t180) Hero is SB with 9 :club: 9 :tsUTG raises to t275 all in, 1 fold, CO calls t275, 1 fold, Hero raises to t3580 all inReads: BB is tag, UTG just got coolered by CO who is hyper loose spewy, running like 58/50 over about 60 hands and been calling with trash for a while. CO is of no concern imo, just way too short. Correct play? or was i too deep to shove this?

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Full Tilt Poker $3 + $0.30 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t60/t120 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 596857The Official DeucesCracked.com Hand History ConverterCO: t7334 M = 40.74BTN: t6284 M = 34.91Hero (SB): t3580 M = 19.89BB: t8210 M = 45.61UTG: t275 M = 1.53MP: t10488 M = 58.27Pre Flop: (t180) Hero is SB with 9 :club: 9 :tsUTG raises to t275 all in, 1 fold, CO calls t275, 1 fold, Hero raises to t3580 all inReads: BB is tag, UTG just got coolered by CO who is hyper loose spewy, running like 58/50 over about 60 hands and been calling with trash for a while. CO is of no concern imo, just way too short. Correct play? or was i too deep to shove this?
It's not that you're too deep, The cut-off is. If the shove was only 15-1600 effectively id say it was fine, but the guy can stack you if he just happed to do something like flat a huge hand in this spot.. As it happens, you are now risking you're entire stack in this spot.That said, I still raise to about 1,000- 1200edit: The BB can stack you as well, I'm just not comfortable putting my whole stack in to pick up 730
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thats the thing thou, putting a 3rd my stack in in a raise pre just seemed horribad

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Well, no one else has responded and im still learning, so dont take my response as gospel but...if you make it 1000, you leave yourself with 2580. This means you still have plenty of FE (21.5 bb) If somebody shoves. I also feel like a shove over is at minimum AK, so you can probably safely fold if that happens. That's the way I look at it anyway.

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Well, no one else has responded and im still learning, so dont take my response as gospel but...if you make it 1000, you leave yourself with 2580. This means you still have plenty of FE (21.5 bb) If somebody shoves. I also feel like a shove over is at minimum AK, so you can probably safely fold if that happens. That's the way I look at it anyway.
no other psychos are awake at 3am lol!
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Hang on, you said CO is spewy and bad, and you're basically begging to race for your stack here? If he's as spewy as you say, you can assume he's calling with any broadway. Why do that to yourself when you're so deep? Personally I think I'd flat, and then assuming the board allows us to, maybe try to build a side pot with CO, or just get out if it's a bad board.

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I'm not a big proponent of shoving with these hands. But this may be the prime spot for shoving. I almost feel that this is push/fold. If the CO really had a monster right now, you'd have to think he would at least raise. He's called because his ego is in gear and so that he will have an escape route if he doesn't hit big.

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Hang on, you said CO is spewy and bad, and you're basically begging to race for your stack here? If he's as spewy as you say, you can assume he's calling with any broadway. Why do that to yourself when you're so deep? Personally I think I'd flat, and then assuming the board allows us to, maybe try to build a side pot with CO, or just get out if it's a bad board.
no im begging to get him and the BB out of the hand and be a favorite to knock out shortie a ton here. A raise commits me, therefore shoving gets max fold equity. Unless BB happens to have a monster, this should work almost every time imo right? Unless CO for some reason got really cute with a monster, and we say lol fml. I mean am i right?
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no im begging to get him and the BB out of the hand and be a favorite to knock out shortie a ton here. A raise commits me, therefore shoving gets max fold equity. Unless BB happens to have a monster, this should work almost every time imo right? Unless CO for some reason got really cute with a monster, and we say lol fml. I mean am i right?
Well, no, a raise dosen't commit you. A decent sized raise still leaves you with about 20 BB
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I think you're on the border shoving here. Its still early enough in the tourney to find a better spot to double up through the spewy bigstack.

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I prefer flatting for two reasons:1) you are a bit too deep to be looking for shoving spots - for shove 3-betting I tend to prefer a stack in the 20BB range2) the original raise is basically a minraise so flatting doesn't represent a big chunk of your stack3) any other 3-bet is going to leave you in a very difficult spot postflop, playing a mid-pair in a big pot OOP against a loose villain

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Full Tilt Poker $3 + $0.30 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t60/t120 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 596857The Official DeucesCracked.com Hand History ConverterCO: t7334 M = 40.74BTN: t6284 M = 34.91Hero (SB): t3580 M = 19.89BB: t8210 M = 45.61UTG: t275 M = 1.53MP: t10488 M = 58.27Pre Flop: (t180) Hero is SB with 9 :club: 9 :tsUTG raises to t275 all in, 1 fold, CO calls t275, 1 fold, Hero raises to t3580 all inReads: BB is tag, UTG just got coolered by CO who is hyper loose spewy, running like 58/50 over about 60 hands and been calling with trash for a while. CO is of no concern imo, just way too short. Correct play? or was i too deep to shove this?
Not a good shove. If he happens to wake up with a hand you're done. If he doesn't have a hand, why not try to make some money on the side pot with him. I made the mistake the other day of coming over the top of a small stack by going all in w/AQ in a live game. The chip leader, who was very loose had limped in UTG. My only concern was the small stack and I disregarded the big stack. He snap called me w/QQ and I was out too. Pretty risky IMO to limp w/QQ but it happens occasionally. I was kind of pissed that he limped w/QQ, but I was very pissed at myself for shoving when I didn't need to. No need to risk your tournament life for 550 chips.
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