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Ept Berlin Just Got Raided

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No joke.http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/news-...-raided-728237/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFn3XxRWcO0&feature=subhttp://pokerfirma.de/news/ept-berlin-schne...om-tatort/43728From pokernews:

Official StatementPokerStars have issued a press release concerning the current hiatus in action:"An armed robbery by 5-6 men took place today at EPT Berlin. Nobody was seriously injured. We hope to restart all events at 4pm local time. A police investigation is underway. If you have video footage or photographs that could help the police, please contact the EPT organizers as soon as possible."You can send any info you might have to gloria@pokernews.com and it'll get forwarded to the right people.
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Seems they've already restarted the side events and the main event will restart in about 80 minutes.According to sources on 2p2, the gunmen made away with around 800,000 euros

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Dang. Just saw this on the New York Times website. Here's their story:

Daring Poker Heist in German Luxury HotelBy THE ASSOCIATED PRESSFiled at 1:44 p.m. ET BERLIN (AP) -- A heavily armed group stormed a poker tournament in a German luxury hotel Saturday afternoon and made off with a jackpot, a police spokesman said. Several participants at the tournament in Berlin's Grand Hyatt hotel were slightly injured when they panicked and fled following the daring afternoon heist, Carsten Mueller said. Mueller said four robbers in disguises forced employees to hand over money, and then managed to escape. Mueller declined to give details, including how much money the men got away with. The jackpot for the tournament stood at euro1 million ($1.36 million), according to a European Poker Tour Web site. The EPT confirmed the heist on the event's blog in an official statement, saying there had been ''an armed robbery executed by six men.'' It was unclear why the number differed from the police count. The B.Z. daily quoted witnesses as saying that the robbers were armed with automatic weapons, machetes and hand grenades. Mueller declined to comment on the weapons, citing the ongoing investigation. German news website Spiegel Online quoted witness Claudia Sommerey as saying that panic spread in the room at the five-star hotel in downtown Berlin. Sommerey told Spiegel Online she hid under a table. ''I saw three disguised men with rifles,'' she was quoted as saying. The tournament was organized by the European Poker Tour, which calls it the biggest such event in Germany. The tournament was to be continued in the late afternoon. According to the organization's website, about 400 participants started into the five days long competition on Wednesday. Most of them, however, had already dropped out of the game by Saturday, among them tennis great Boris Becker.
Hope this doesn't give anyone ideas about Vegas.
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Dang. Just saw this on the New York Times website. Here's their story:Hope this doesn't give anyone ideas about Vegas.
I misread the title of the thread as "east berlin just got raided" which made absolutely no sense.
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Dang. Just saw this on the New York Times website. Here's their story:Hope this doesn't give anyone ideas about Vegas.
One man begs to differ.
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31 sec in video when the security gaurd grabs the robber by the neck he drops a black bag you see another guy wearing a black suit grab the bag and run def not part of the robbery i wonder if thats loot in the bag and i wonder if reported it or not?
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31 sec in video when the security gaurd grabs the robber by the neck he drops a black bag you see another guy wearing a black suit grab the bag and run def not part of the robbery i wonder if thats loot in the bag and i wonder if reported it or not?
That was a teller, there was ~500k euros in the bag and the teller was recovering it.
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so from the video links that have been posted it shows a security guy tossing stuff at this guy in the red top, didnt they say these guys were armed?if i am armed and someone is throwing things at me i jack a round in his face , or do a belly shot , depending on what it being thrownif i dont kill you or at least let off some rounds in your general area wouldnt you figure out pretty quick that , maybe these guys arent that serious

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so from the video links that have been posted it shows a security guy tossing stuff at this guy in the red top, didnt they say these guys were armed?if i am armed and someone is throwing things at me i jack a round in his face , or do a belly shot , depending on what it being thrownif i dont kill you or at least let off some rounds in your general area wouldnt you figure out pretty quick that , maybe these guys arent that serious
those particular guys had machetes brah
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those particular guys had machetes brah
See, that is part of the problem. You come into a Vegas casino to jack money with a machete and you get your ass shot!
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You go into a Vegas casino to jack money with anything and you get your ass shot. The main problem with EPTs is that they're held in smaller casinos with more inexperienced security guards who are trained not to do anything in situations like this.

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