KingJames 11 Posted June 25, 2011 Author Share Posted June 25, 2011 But graphs are fun; Link to post Share on other sites
trystero 0 Posted June 25, 2011 Share Posted June 25, 2011 Play money huplo vs dlingdling so we're taking it mostly serious.I had a feeling his 1/2 pot cbets were weak ish, plus there are a lot of cards I can turn to give me a gutter, oesd or flush draw, so c.c flop seemed best to meTurn lead seemed best as he'll check back at lot of the time, although I wish I had gone with 90River, I want to turn my hand into a bluff bc I have blockers, but he also reps almost nothing so I kind of want to hero call... thoughts??Converted by a herd of feral cowsPokerStars Pot Limit Omaha t5/t10 - 2 playersButton: t2,000 BB: t1,717 (Hero)Preflop: (t15) Hero is BB with (2 players)Button raises to t30, Hero calls t20Flop: (t60) (2 players)Hero checks, Button bets t30, Hero calls t30Turn: (t120) (2 players)Hero bets t75, Button calls t75River: (t270) (2 players)Hero checks, Button bets t270,never mind, I suck at handreading, literal handreading, as in reading what cards you are holding Link to post Share on other sites
KingJames 11 Posted June 25, 2011 Author Share Posted June 25, 2011 obv you suckthoughts regardless?? Link to post Share on other sites
trystero 0 Posted June 25, 2011 Share Posted June 25, 2011 I do suck, at everything. life sucks.guess it depends on the thinness of his value betting, and since he's a good player he's probably good at it. true, it's hard to put him on a legit hand that would value bet the river (other than KK? kq?) that wouldn't raise the turn. even still I doubt you're best >=33% of the time here, to be honest. Link to post Share on other sites
SuperJon 175 Posted June 25, 2011 Share Posted June 25, 2011 [ ] has reached 4k hands ;)I am not able to ship on merge it says that option isn't available at this time, but it hasn't been since I deposited. I imagine it's because player-to-player US transfers are being treated as money laundering by the DOJ.I can write you a check if I don't get some hands in the next few days (and thus have your address for stalkaments).[x] sucks at making betsWhen I made the original bet, I was meaning to say that a player must play 8k hands to qualify, not that they would lose if they didn't reach 8k hands. I realize I probably didn't word it that way, so stupid me for not being clear. If you don't make it, don't sweat it, as I don't consider that a loss. Link to post Share on other sites
XXEddie 0 Posted June 26, 2011 Share Posted June 26, 2011 [x] Crushed souls last night @ 1/3[x] Details/hands to come[x] Hoped James also crushed souls[?] James crushed souls Link to post Share on other sites
XXEddie 0 Posted June 26, 2011 Share Posted June 26, 2011 M'kay... so I bought into the 1/3 game for $500 at 745p. Usually I do $300, but there was suppose to be a dump truck coming who also buys in $500 and she is usually there at start, but she never showed.803p. Complete JT from sb in a 4way pot. Flop J98r. Checked to a guy in MP who bets 10. Villain is a semi-spewtard, though this is only the second time I've played with him. I c/r to 35 he calls leaving himself ~60 behind. Turn 9 I bet 50, and he mucks J8 faceup.Hands with bolded times are against the same guy who is very loose/passive/spewy and overall bad. He will make bluffs every now and then but usually when he is betting he has something.813p. Limp T9o in MP. 5 way flop. T32cc. Sb leads 10, folds to me I make it 35. He calls. Turn K it goes c/c. River 3c he bets 25 I call he shows A3o. Was annoyed at myself for not betting the turn, or just folding the river. He isn't betting a 10 and the only thing I beat is a missed straight draw. Stupid me... 820p. 3 limpers to my BB I make it 20 more with AK. I barrell 40 and 70 on a Jh9h4x2x board, he mucked the turn after a minute, and asked to see a river.923p. 4 limps to my BB I check A7o. Flop AJ2cc. checked to him, he shoves 37 from the button. I pretty sure he has something here, as he's not usually going to have 67o here. But, I figure he has A2-A9, Jx, KQ-ish, or XcXc. I call thinking overall it's the correct play. My bigger concern was one of the two behind me calling/raising, but they fold. He shows T8cc and I hold.933p. I limp T9cc in a 5 way pot. Flop comes 9d3x2d. checked to me I bet 10, he calls. Turn 8x. He check/calls 40 from me. He tanked a bit and said "Why couldn't that be a different turn". I threw me off cause he's saying it like he has a draw, but I didn't think he'd call a PSB bet on the turn with just a draw unless it was like J9dd. River is a 7 he checked and I checked after some thought. I was good.1054p. Folds to me otb I make it 8 with AK. He calls from BB. Flop A65hh he checks, I bet 10 he makes it 25. I flat. I'm flatting because he only has 80 behind so I'm giving him a chance to bluff if that's the case. Ax - he's getting it in anyway. FD/SD - He is getting it in. Turn is the 8h. I have the Kh.. He bets 45, leaving himself like 35 behind. I shove he mucks. Maybe I should have just flatted for the same reasons I flatted the flop.1125p. I straddle to 6 UTG. Next guy makes it 16. Button calls, I call 10 more with 32hh. Flop 653r. PFR cbets 25. I call. Turn T is goes c/c, River is a 4. I check because his turn check made me this I was good, so I tried to get him to bluff. He checks behind though. Should I be leading this river? Is the defend PF too spewy?1135p.He straddles button to 7. I make it 20 from MP with ATo. 2 callers. We all check A98dd board. Turn 3x I bet 25 they both call. River Td. Checked to him he shoves 58. I tank fold, other guy calls with AJ. He shows J7o. Hooray for good folds, but boo for him even calling the turn. However I was in no way shocked. He will call that all day and if he missed he would see our hands, show his 7, and say nice kicker and muck.. lolz. <br><br>1155p. Straddle to 7. 2 callers, I check with 33. Flop 873r. Guy leads out 15, 1 calls, I make it 50, he makes to 165. Next guy folds. I tank for a minute or two decided to flat or shove. I have 350-ish behind if I do shove and he has me covered. The guy in the hand is a LAG with an emphasis on AG. IMO, he is the best player in the game. I'm worried because I feel any hand I have beat, he is capable of folding. Eventually I shove, praying to not getting snap-called and once he didn't I knew I was good. He tanked and eventually folded 87 (Damnit...). Later on I told him I had a set and asked what he would of done if I just flatted. He said he didn't know because it would have been tough to continue even on a blank turn. I think I would have doubled through him though... Ugh!125a. Raise to 10 UTG with A5o(were 5 handed). Good LAG guy and him call. Flop turn come 8x5d4x4d. I bet 20 and 45, they both call both turns. Spewy/guy thought for a bit before caling the turn and it just seems like he had 4x. River is the 7d. Spewy checks, I check, LAG guys bet 55, Spewy calls. I start thinking...LAG's bet seems like a pretty thin value bet, most likely with a 86 type hand. I'm still convinced Spewy has 4x because he didn't seem too happy about calling the river. I look at my stack and see I have a little less than $700 at this point. I remember a post somebody made a few months ago... specifically... this paragraphIf I just 3-bet a guy and got 4-bet and am thinking of jamming with king high (because he opened from a steal position, has a high 4-bet percentage, and a low call 5-bet percentage) I have to ask myself what my mental state will be like after I win or lose after jamming in this spot, and what my mental state will be like if I just let it go. In my own experience I've found that I'll feel pretty good if I jam and take down the pot, but not as good as an "on top of the world" high. "The amount I won was only about 20-25bb," I'll realize, and continue playing my game. But if I get called and lose 100bb I know my mental state will drop pretty low. "That was stupid," I'll chide myself, "I didn't need to do that." If I jam and win, that means I will have sucked out... and while it feels good to win 100bb, I still feel pretty sheepish and terrible getting my money in bad. Finally, if I just give it up and fold I find that my mental state is pretty close to where it was when it first started and not too far below the high I get from winning 20-25bb. So I lose a 3-bet, no big deal. I can handle it. I move on. And my A-game continues.I ask myself how would I feel if I raised, and lost. I think to myself that I'm not going to be rattled at all. I will still have a minor profit, so I won't be stuck, but overall I kept telling myself how good this bluff would be. It looks really strong so it'd be hard to get called, but if they did, so what? I would be proud of even attempting a bluff like this.I make it 165. LAG guy folds after 5-10 seconds. Spewy guy tanks for 2-3 minutes, but eventually mucks. Even while he was thinking I kept telling myself that if he called, so what? I was really in love with my raise because of how strong I felt it was. LAG guy said he had a straight and should of just checked, Spewy said 4x. Spewy said if I mind if he asked and I said 5s full.Cashout at 230a with $1195. w00t w00t!/brag Link to post Share on other sites
KingJames 11 Posted June 27, 2011 Author Share Posted June 27, 2011 boooooooooomsick bluff bc it worked, ldoI have worked a lot this weekend and made some monies :DThen I played some pokers and won some monies :DGonna play that game Tuesday at 8pm, I'll hit you up Link to post Share on other sites
SuperJon 175 Posted June 27, 2011 Share Posted June 27, 2011 redline tho... Link to post Share on other sites
QED 4 Posted June 27, 2011 Share Posted June 27, 2011 Sick red line Jon, I call. Link to post Share on other sites
XXEddie 0 Posted June 27, 2011 Share Posted June 27, 2011 Played 30 min of 4/8 lhe w/ half kill (-$50) before getting moved to 1/2nl where I lost 130 or so with 99 on a TT526 board. Then ran like god to come back from being down $200 to a $300 profit.Busted a shorty 3 barrelling 88 on an A98ss4x6x board. She had 96ss. KK on K22AT. 4 callers of my $12 preflop. Bet $20 on turn, $50 on river get called by 55.Win another $80 with AJdd on K95ddd4d board. Stupid turn...Got 3 streets with 98o on J9988.Got c/r on a Q97ss board with JTo. $30 to $80. I flatted, Kd on turn. Got in the rest of his $160. River 7, I was good.Thinking about taking a shot at 2/5nl. But I'm not sure about it. Has anybody ever played a 2/5/100 game? The $100 limit usually doesn't effect the 1/2 game but I feel like it might come into play a lot more in 2/5. Link to post Share on other sites
SuperJon 175 Posted June 27, 2011 Share Posted June 27, 2011 Eddie, are you saying a 2/5 game with a max buy in of $100?"If so, yeah I've played those before. Honestly, I hate it. Link to post Share on other sites
KingJames 11 Posted June 27, 2011 Author Share Posted June 27, 2011 It's a 2/5 game with the most you can bet or raise at any one point is $100 (our sweet colorado law, it used to be $5)So if are playing 2/5 and the pot is $400 on the river, the most you can bet is $100... which like he says doesn't affect a 1/2 much, but would def come into play more in the 2/5 gameYou can buy in as much as you want though bc it's essentially a limit game Link to post Share on other sites
SuperJon 175 Posted June 28, 2011 Share Posted June 28, 2011 oicthat's pretty lame too imo Link to post Share on other sites
KingJames 11 Posted June 28, 2011 Author Share Posted June 28, 2011 oicthat's pretty lame too imoyes it isonly a matter of time til we get the FL type gamesI was gonna grind hands today but I went golfing instead... twice Link to post Share on other sites
XXEddie 0 Posted June 28, 2011 Share Posted June 28, 2011 boooooooooomsick bluff bc it worked, ldoI have worked a lot this weekend and made some monies Then I played some pokers and won some monies Gonna play that game Tuesday at 8pm, I'll hit you upSounds good! I work till 5:30 Tuesday. If you're free we could meet up before hand and grab a bite to eat.Eddie, are you saying a 2/5 game with a max buy in of $100?"If so, yeah I've played those before. Honestly, I hate it.As james said, $100 max bet. I played in FL before and loled at the 100 max buyin, especially with 2/5 and 5/10 gamesyes it isonly a matter of time til we get the FL type gamesI was gonna grind hands today but I went golfing instead... twice <---- Jealous! Where at? What'd you shoot? Link to post Share on other sites
KingJames 11 Posted June 28, 2011 Author Share Posted June 28, 2011 <---- Jealous! Where at? What'd you shoot?Played at South Suburban today as thats where my parents live. Shot an 87 and won all the monies from my boy. ship itThen played the par 3 course with only a putter and wedge, it was fun Link to post Share on other sites
QED 4 Posted June 28, 2011 Share Posted June 28, 2011 I have 3k hands on the villain and he is marked as a 4 tabling reg. So standard.Milked from the teat of a feral cowHEM/Full Tilt NL Hold'em $0.05/$0.10 - 9 playersCO: $27.12 Button: $10.00 SB: $6.00 BB: $12.54 (Hero)UTG: $7.00 UTG+1: $4.00 MP: $12.80 MP2: $11.94 HJ: $11.92 Preflop: ($0.15) Hero is BB with (9 players)6 folds, Button raises to $0.30, SB folds, Hero raises to $1.10, Button raises to $3.00, Hero raises to $12.54, Button calls $7.00Flop: ($20.05) (2 players)Turn: ($20.05) (2 players)River: ($20.05) (2 players)Button won $18.72 with for two pair. Link to post Share on other sites
SuperJon 175 Posted June 28, 2011 Share Posted June 28, 2011 pullin' a james87 hands into my session, and gonna quit a 2 BI winner. Link to post Share on other sites
KingJames 11 Posted June 28, 2011 Author Share Posted June 28, 2011 pullin' a james87 hands into my session, and gonna quit a 2 BI winner.what a ballerI pulled a james and went golfing instead of playing poker. Then I watched a video instead of playing.Galfond's bad beat on cancer PLO seminar from the RIO Link to post Share on other sites
KosinTrouble 0 Posted June 28, 2011 Share Posted June 28, 2011 pullin' a james87 hands into my session, and gonna quit a 2 BI winner.James wins 2BI's in a session!? Link to post Share on other sites
trystero 0 Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 I have 3k hands on the villain and he is marked as a 4 tabling reg. So standard.Milked from the teat of a feral cowHEM/Full Tilt NL Hold'em $0.05/$0.10 - 9 playersCO: $27.12 Button: $10.00 SB: $6.00 BB: $12.54 (Hero)UTG: $7.00 UTG+1: $4.00 MP: $12.80 MP2: $11.94 HJ: $11.92 Preflop: ($0.15) Hero is BB with (9 players)6 folds, Button raises to $0.30, SB folds, Hero raises to $1.10, Button raises to $3.00, Hero raises to $12.54, Button calls $7.00Flop: ($20.05) (2 players)Turn: ($20.05) (2 players)River: ($20.05) (2 players)Button won $18.72 with for two pair.Keep posting these hands. Not missing poker. Link to post Share on other sites
Nashtak 0 Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 Keep posting these hands. Not missing poker.Kinda am Link to post Share on other sites
QED 4 Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 Keep posting these hands. Not missing poker.FTP is rigged to make up for thier financial short fall imo.And they just got thier gaming liscence suspended. zzzzzz Link to post Share on other sites
KingJames 11 Posted June 29, 2011 Author Share Posted June 29, 2011 FTP is rigged to make up for thier financial short fall imo.And they just got thier gaming liscence suspended. zzzzzzeff all our livesggftp Link to post Share on other sites
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