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Amir Vahedi Dies

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From Mark Seif's website:I’ve just been told by close friends of Amir Vahedi, that Vahedi passed away in Las Vegas on January 8, 2010, due to complications involving high blood sugar. Waiting for for more details. Devastating news. Very very sad.

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He'll be missed...always a fun watch when he was involved and seemed like an all around good, genuine man. RIP

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Man thats sad news Amir was a great person, one of the nicest players i ever met. Had a great time hanging out with him and Kris K at the bellagio a few years back. We got a great picture of the 3 of us with me pretending to smoke his "famous" cigar.He will be missed R.I.P

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Just from what I've read in the past, I believe he's had health issues for some time.He along with Sam Farha were the two characters at the final table and what made the 2003 coverage of the WSOP so compelling. Sorry to hear.

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r.i.p. Amir.Seems Amir was very close to a lot of the poker community although he wasn't in the spotlight nearly as much as others. Only hearing great things from him.Rev Kev

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I first met Amir on the party poker millions cruise in 04 or 05, dont remember which year. He was a great guy, always having fun, and I dont recall ever talking to him when he was less than happy. Really one of the nice guys in poker, very sad...

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I was at the WSOP playing the $1,000 buy in event in 2007 and was sitting with Victor Ramdin with Vahedi behind me at another table. Being the low buy in event a lot of pros were shoving to bust out early etc and Vahedi did just this.He comes over to our table and begins needling Victor. Another Indian was there and Victor asks this guy how to cuss out Vahedi in their language. So the guy tells him to call him a Rammi or something, so Victor calls Vahedi a Rammi. Then both Vahedi and this other guy start laughing because Victor had just called Vahedi a 'lover'So that was funny for them.RIP Vahedi

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