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Should Someone This Ditzy Be Allowed To Roll In This?

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I hate to break it to you nerds, but she is attractive. (Ok.. there is some bad pics of her out there, and sure she has a tad of Ugly in her. But the good def out weighs the bad..)anyone who would pass this up is either a virgin, or gay.
I dont think many virgins would pass that up either.
ok. so apparently she has hot sisters. and a semi-hot milf.so even if you haters arent into Vanessa, you can take your pick. I think i'd opt for ther sister on the far left.
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Your posts appear to be written by a 12 year old with learning disabilities who always has one hand caught up in his pubis and foreskin... and you're making fun of the way this chick talks?
lol im sorry my spelling is elementry and the fact that half the time one of my hands is usually on my crotch makes me feel a little better but the fact your a lonley suicidal shia labouffe loving closet homo sexual makes me feel a little more better,sorry i dont find her hott and wouldnt brag about banging her i have paid plenty of hotter girls and i mean much hotter girls to do things with me that im sure made them cry later while cleansing in a bleach filled tub . oh well to each his own.
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lol im sorry my spelling is elementry and the fact that half the time one of my hands is usually on my crotch makes me feel a little better but the fact your a lonley suicidal shia labouffe loving closet homo sexual makes me feel a little more better,
Wait, Spademan is SA21?
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she'd be "hot" if she was decapitated. her face kinda ruins it for me
I was just about to say something along the lines of "She still needs a nose job and sunglasses should stay on at all times"So yeah, agree.
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I was flippin through the channels and landed on Bank of Hollywood. VR was on it, she did not look as good as she usually does-which is not good.

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raging homo's - the lot of you doggie style for sure - i would prob date her mother just for having her / for sure give her dad the reach around just to touch where greatness started

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