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People who know hot dogs know it's not the best.
Well, I would not be surprised if you also had a mental database of-- hang on, let me try something.
<?php$dbhost='JoeyJoJo';$dbuser='vbnautilus';$dbpass='fcp';$dbname='hot_dogs';$conn=mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql');mysql_select_db($dbname) or die ('Cant select database');$query = "SELECT vendor_name FROM hot_dogs_best ORDER BY score DESC ";$result = mysql_query($query);while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {	echo "$row[0]<br>";}?>

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The "hate" if you will came from the thread about me booking him this week on PAD. There was a lot of back and forth and I decided to post that. Wasn't out of the blue or anything. It is in context with that thread and I thought that last post would be interesting to you guys here as well. I do get annoyed when UB posts on their website that Annie Duke is the greatest female poker player in the world, and that PH is the best player to ever play the game, because it's pure lies and people who know poker know that, but UB, Phi, and Annie, are selling the lie to the public. I mean really, these guys are "supposed" to be trying to rebrand the site with an "honest" image, yet they still spew this garbage to the public. So ya, that does annoy me.
After I read DN OP I was going to reply it was just a cover to rip PH. But after his follow up post, it is refreshing to see a guy tell it like it is, He is dead right on this post and If I was in the poker bizz I'd have heart burn about UB, PH and AD too...Good for you Danny....
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Hellmuth off the table is the nicest person ever. He is a lot of fun really, I'm not a fan of him but gotta admit it. He is much more friendly than Negreanu or Ivey or any of those pro's. He can have a conversation for half an hour with any1 even though they haven't meet before. He will give u tons of live tips and stuff. Hellmuth always ALWAYS talks nice things about Daniel and respects him a lot, I've never heard him criticize him or pick on him by any chance. I don't understand why this hate by DN. Really don't know, cus PH is such a good person off the table. He can't control his emotions? it's true, he is extremely passionate? also true, but every1 who ever met him in some party or somethin will agree with me that he is a lot of fun and very very nice.When he says he is the greatest, I mean if we are based on the stats we gotta agree with it. He might not be the best player in the world nowadays, but considering all of his achievements so far leading in final tables, cashes, and bracelets it would make sense to call him the greatest in NLHE. Nobody in the history of poker won so many live NLHE tournaments as him. His game is outdated? that's another story, he is still successful in the main events and other NLHE tournaments as well. But at the same time it's like for me at least, I find it funny when he says it and when he blows up in the table cus it's like a part of him, I like it, he probably exagerates i little bit but this is his character, and reason why he is called the poker brat.
wtf, have you ever even met any of these people you are talking about? You dont even know Ivey, DN or PH at all. For all we know they could all be total jerks, and vise versa.
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Daniel's attitude during the PAD was pathethic. But what makes it even more disgusting is the way he is trying to defend it. If he wants to show some class he should offer some kind of apologize. Those who hate Helmluth and celebrates Negreanu's attitude last PAD make me laugh.Hellmuth is an excellent person off the table, he is much more friendly than any other pro including Negreanu Ivey, etc.Daniel's ego is annoying. (yeah every pro plays his strategy...doh)What bothers is the most, is the stupid people who say "oh he is only good against weak players", the guy has the most bracelets, final tables and cashes in the WSOP history and he is only good against weak?? Do u think every1 who plays in the WSOP are donks??? what a stupid assumption.He is still successful after the boom, winnings a couple of bracelets and crushing the Main Event each year he plays it. ANd he is up in cash games as well.So haters GTFO!!! and see things objetively, when someone's good he is good, and when someone shud apologize he shud apologize.

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Daniel's attitude during the PAD was pathethic. But what makes it even more disgusting is the way he is trying to defend it. If he wants to show some class he should offer some kind of apologize. Those who hate Helmluth and celebrates Negreanu's attitude last PAD make me laugh.Hellmuth is an excellent person off the table, he is much more friendly than any other pro including Negreanu Ivey, etc.Daniel's ego is annoying. (yeah every pro plays his strategy...doh)What bothers is the most, is the stupid people who say "oh he is only good against weak players", the guy has the most bracelets, final tables and cashes in the WSOP history and he is only good against weak?? Do u think every1 who plays in the WSOP are donks??? what a stupid assumption.He is still successful after the boom, winnings a couple of bracelets and crushing the Main Event each year he plays it. ANd he is up in cash games as well.So haters GTFO!!! and see things objetively, when someone's good he is good, and when someone shud apologize he shud apologize.
Happy 13th birthday!
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Daniel's attitude during the PAD was pathethic. But what makes it even more disgusting is the way he is trying to defend it. If he wants to show some class he should offer some kind of apologize. Those who hate Helmluth and celebrates Negreanu's attitude last PAD make me laugh.Hellmuth is an excellent person off the table, he is much more friendly than any other pro including Negreanu Ivey, etc.Daniel's ego is annoying. (yeah every pro plays his strategy...doh)What bothers is the most, is the stupid people who say "oh he is only good against weak players", the guy has the most bracelets, final tables and cashes in the WSOP history and he is only good against weak?? Do u think every1 who plays in the WSOP are donks??? what a stupid assumption.He is still successful after the boom, winnings a couple of bracelets and crushing the Main Event each year he plays it. ANd he is up in cash games as well.So haters GTFO!!! and see things objetively, when someone's good he is good, and when someone shud apologize he shud apologize.
You're actually going way overboard here. I dont think that DN has to really apologise for how he acted on PAD, all he was really doing was backing up his opinion with money. My only problem with the whole issue is that it seems DN is going a bit to far with the whole hating on PH thing. It seems as if every time he gets the oppurtunity to talk some trash about him, he jumps at it and frankly thats getting a little bit lame. DN hardly ever has anything nice to say about PH's game and all he ever does is critisise him. Well let me ask you this DN, how did it feel when everybody was attacking you for your play on HSP?? Cause that's basically the same thing you're doing here...isnt it?However the fact that PH is a horrible cash game player compared to players like durrr and pa is true imo. And pretty much all the other stuff DN says about PH is kinda true as well IMHO, just basedon results and other variables etc. Its just that I think DN needs to lay off a bit, because you can say what you want about PH but he does deserve a bit of respect for what he has done at the WSOP whether you like it or not. He is definatly better at NLHE than most poker players in the world and no matter what any1 wants to say he is a legend.I just wish Daniel would lay off a bit thats all. Im sure ivey, dn and ph are all nice guys, which is why all this hating needs to stop.
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Well, I would not be surprised if you also had a mental database of-- hang on, let me try something.
<?php$dbhost='JoeyJoJo';$dbuser='vbnautilus';$dbpass='fcp';$dbname='hot_dogs';$conn=mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql');mysql_select_db($dbname) or die ('Cant select database');$query = "SELECT vendor_name FROM hot_dogs_best ORDER BY score DESC ";$result = mysql_query($query);while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {	echo "$row[0]<br>";}?>

I'm not positive, but I am pretty sure this is hilarious.
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As one 2+2 poster put it: "I don't think it's even possible to needle PH too much. Keep up the good work."So true, and its good tv and it gives DN an edge in the game. He was not out of line.

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Daniel's attitude during the PAD was pathethic. But what makes it even more disgusting is the way he is trying to defend it. If he wants to show some class he should offer some kind of apologize. Those who hate Helmluth and celebrates Negreanu's attitude last PAD make me laugh.Hellmuth is an excellent person off the table, he is much more friendly than any other pro including Negreanu Ivey, etc.Daniel's ego is annoying. (yeah every pro plays his strategy...doh)What bothers is the most, is the stupid people who say "oh he is only good against weak players", the guy has the most bracelets, final tables and cashes in the WSOP history and he is only good against weak?? Do u think every1 who plays in the WSOP are donks??? what a stupid assumption.He is still successful after the boom, winnings a couple of bracelets and crushing the Main Event each year he plays it. ANd he is up in cash games as well.So haters GTFO!!! and see things objetively, when someone's good he is good, and when someone shud apologize he shud apologize.
When will you be old enough to go to the WSOP?Clearly you know nothing about it.
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Poker is like football. It's a game of inches. The margin for error is so small. One half a step too slow, or too fast, you dont quite catch it. Difference between finishing 20th-30th or 1st-5th is a few hands. The number #1 strategy IMO is hope to get lucky. I've been one outed on Poker Stars so many times its sickening. Picture this, it's the Nightly Seventy Grand 55 dollar buy-in on Stars(yeah im a high roller),I get dealt AA, big blind. Twenty people left, there's a big raise and a big re-raise. WHAT TO DO WHAT TO DO??? HMMMMMM WHAT DO THE BOOKS SAY? I go all in faster than a rabbit gets ****ed. Two quick calls, Raiser #1 has AK, Raiser #2 has KK, for a split second I'm singing.....FLOP 5 K 3, now i'm singin a very different tune. Out in 20th place.. gettin $250, not $13,000(which the KK guy ended up winning). Moral of the story, it's up to the poker gods if you win or lose, sometimes you're destined to win.

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Poker is like football. It's a game of inches. The margin for error is so small. One half a step too slow, or too fast, you dont quite catch it. Difference between finishing 20th-30th or 1st-5th is a few hands. The number #1 strategy IMO is hope to get lucky. I've been one outed on Poker Stars so many times its sickening. Picture this, it's the Nightly Seventy Grand 55 dollar buy-in on Stars(yeah im a high roller),I get dealt AA, big blind. Twenty people left, there's a big raise and a big re-raise. WHAT TO DO WHAT TO DO??? HMMMMMM WHAT DO THE BOOKS SAY? I go all in faster than a rabbit gets ****ed. Two quick calls, Raiser #1 has AK, Raiser #2 has KK, for a split second I'm singing.....FLOP 5 K 3, now i'm singin a very different tune. Out in 20th place.. gettin $250, not $13,000(which the KK guy ended up winning). Moral of the story, it's up to the poker gods if you win or lose, sometimes you're destined to win.
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Yeah, there are like 10 or more women players who are much better than Annie Duke - simply because they play every day and she doesn't.Without a doubt, she is not even in the same paragraph as Jennifer, and I guess I understand the issue about Phil and Annie's "propaganda"Hellmuth, if he could keep his mouth shut even once in a while would be recognized in the top 10 NLHE tournament players....it is just hard to dispute that with any credibility. Unfortunately 4 him, the big dork runs his mouth all the time and the natural human reaction to that is to over-exaggerate his downfall.....If he prepared for WPT events like he does for the WSOP I would definitely see him with a title by now - I think he only has 3 final tables so the results are pretty pathetic when you want to call yourself the best NLHE tournament player in the world..........but he has branded himself and created financial security and endorsements off his WSOP accomplishments.............but just ask yourself this - If the moron had a personality more like J.C. Tran or Nam Le how would his results be viewed? Personally, I still say T.J. Cloutier was the best tournament player over a 20 year period I have ever seen and Ungar was the best in his prime but It is pretty likely Daniel will surpass them both by the middle of this decade - in fact I really think he is overdue for a heater at the WSOP where he might rattle off 5 bracelets in 5 years or something similar.

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