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Besides (Dolfan), this isn't the first time a character made out to be "important" was disposed of "too soon". Happens all the time on TV and in the movies. Pretty classic misdirect.
It wasn't the timing of it that bothered me. It just seemed as if they threw a dart and hit "Black Rock dynamite" and were like, "Ok, can somebody write this really quick?"
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i'm not sure that explanation is true since michael could have been MiB trying to manipulate hugo
No, he couldn't. He is stuck as Locke. This was talked about earlier this season.
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I think Desmond is in the alt timeline, putting couples back together. He did it with Libby and Hurley, and he's doing it with the now injured Locke and spinal surgeon Shepherd. (Anyone else think Libby looked rough? Wow.)Also, I think Hurley has a tiny mouth just like Mike krzyzewski.I'm starting to get a little bummed out, watching these last episodes, wondering which of these actors will continue to have careers.

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I think Desmond is in the alt timeline, putting couples back together. He did it with Libby and Hurley, and he's doing it with the now injured Locke and spinal surgeon Shepherd. (Anyone else think Libby looked rough? Wow.)Also, I think Hurley has a tiny mouth just like Mike krzyzewski.I'm starting to get a little bummed out, watching these last episodes, wondering which of these actors will continue to have careers.
Why is that bumming you out?
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I think Desmond is in the alt timeline, putting couples back together. He did it with Libby and Hurley, and he's doing it with the now injured Locke and spinal surgeon Shepherd. (Anyone else think Libby looked rough? Wow.)Also, I think Hurley has a tiny mouth just like Mike krzyzewski.I'm starting to get a little bummed out, watching these last episodes, wondering which of these actors will continue to have careers.
The only thing bumming me out watching is knowing the whole thing is almost over.Hurley and Desmond episodes never disappoint and not only were they really good, but clearly they are starting the push to the end.I like how it looks like it might be Desmond vs Sayid as the Lieutenants of Good vs Bad. Not really sure who/what is in control of Desmond right now (how does Electro Magentic bombardment change his thinking and decision making so that he appears to just go with the flow, no matter who or what he is confronted with?) or is he doing this, along with bringing storylines back in the ATL, on his own?If MIB is stuck as Locke I missed it ... Jack not seeing Michael blows that theory, and hasn't the idea that the island is some sort of Purgatory been hinted at over the years?
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Why is that bumming you out?
I just have this suspicion that I'm watching some people in their last regular gig. And now I'm wondering about who's going to be a regular on the various con circuits, making most of their money via selling their signatures. (I'm forecasting here, I'm thinking in 5-7 years.)ClaireHurleyThe pilotMichael and WaltNikki and Paulo
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Kate is for sure done after this other than a few Lifetime like movies because that woman can't act worth shit. And by everything I have read over the years, I am not alone in my opinion which is probably bad for her.

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Kate is for sure done after this other than a few Lifetime like movies because that woman can't act worth shit. And by everything I have read over the years, I am not alone in my opinion which is probably bad for her.
I thought of her, but I think she's so beautiful on camera, she should be able to hold down some Movie of the Week type fare. I don't think she's terribly ambitious, so if she's got any kind of hold on her money, she should never have to work.
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Kate is for sure done after this other than a few Lifetime like movies because that woman can't act worth shit. And by everything I have read over the years, I am not alone in my opinion which is probably bad for her.
L'Oreal has her featured in a couple of ads on TV and she's quite popular with the magazines. Whether she has a true acting career or not is questionable, but she won't be hurting for other lines of work, I think.
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L'Oreal has her featured in a couple of ads on TV and she's quite popular with the magazines. Whether she has a true acting career or not is questionable, but she won't be hurting for other lines of work, I think.
No she won't. Like I stated she will probably do many Lifetime like movies, aka made for TV, but acting is not something she has gotten much attention for and it seems to be getting worse.
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No she won't. Like I stated she will probably do many Lifetime like movies, aka made for TV, but acting is not something she has gotten much attention for and it seems to be getting worse.
probably doesn't help that she was given the worst character on the show. she is pretty lousy though.
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I think Desmond is in the alt timeline, putting couples back together. He did it with Libby and Hurley, and he's doing it with the now injured Locke and spinal surgeon Shepherd. (Anyone else think Libby looked rough? Wow.)Also, I think Hurley has a tiny mouth just like Mike krzyzewski.I'm starting to get a little bummed out, watching these last episodes, wondering which of these actors will continue to have careers.
Although in many cases it's putting couples together I think the real goal is connecting the key characters to their "constants". Now that Desmond found his (re: Penny) he is able to keep his mind as he jumps through the timelines/realities.Hugo's constant is obviously Libby which allowed him to get the flashbacks/vision when they connected in the kiss.Interesting things for me:1. Will Jack once again rise to take command and take his place as chief Lostie. The story just doesn't seem right if the leader just falls and becomes nothing. He HAS to be a key to the final confrontation against evil IMO2. Was that kid that evil dude walk away from a young Jacob? have we seen this kid before??I'm so curious as to how their going to finish this all off. There aren't many episodes left so I expect the world out of the remaining episodes.
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That was before Jacob died.
that could be relevant, but like everything else it's speculative.MiB didn't want the plane blown up and wanted/expected the remaining candidates to come to him. michael told hurly not to blow up the plane and directed him to MiB's camp. it seems michael either somehow was MiB, or if you think that's impossible, a ghost doing his bidding.
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(I'm forecasting here, I'm thinking in 5-7 years.)Claire
Emilie De Ravin won't be doing that.She was in "The Hills Have Eyes" back in 2006 which was a fairly successful horror film, as well as lately she was in "Remember Me" with Robert Pattinson. She's also in three movies to come out this year including an animated voice role.
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Last night's episode was alright. Some things are still ramping up--which tick tock show! Your time is almost up. Stop ramping up, and start paying off!I was really happy to see Jin and Sun reunited. I like them as separate characters, and together, they bring a supernova of hot Korean chemistry. If the world is to end, and these two get to propagate the earth, I think even their inbred spawn will be spectacular.The scene when Locke and the gang are marching, right before Hurley, Kate, and company peel off, you could clearly see that everyone else in the march (ie the people the audience has not been introduced to) are all barefoot. Is this the show explicitly saying that Locke is leading an army of dead people?

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This episode was a bit annoying. I guess they are going with the theme that Desmond is reuniting everyone, but how does he know?I am curious about Widmore trying to blow up Locke. My thought is he is not able to be killed, so is he trying to kill the people with him?Also if Widmore knows he can only get off the island with all 6 of those people, why doesn't her just kill one of them and be done with it?

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Also if Widmore knows he can only get off the island with all 6 of those people, why doesn't her just kill one of them and be done with it?
This would probably make it easier for them. Just take the body of the deceased, much like they did with Locke when returning to the island.
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This episode was a bit annoying. I guess they are going with the theme that Desmond is reuniting everyone, but how does he know?Desmond is special. How exactly, I don't know, but he was the first person to establish a "constant", which may have allowed him freer access to alt-timelines ("It wasn't a dream, it was a memory")I am curious about Widmore trying to blow up Locke. My thought is he is not able to be killed, so is he trying to kill the people with him?I think he may be trying to displace Flocke from the body as a way of keeping him on the island. Apparently, Flocke can dodge bullets, baby!Also if Widmore knows he can only get off the island with all 6 of those people, why doesn't her just kill one of them and be done with it?That may be the reason he's decided to hold Sawyer's crew hostage
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I was really happy to see Jin and Sun reunited. I like them as separate characters, and together, they bring a supernova of hot Korean chemistry. If the world is to end, and these two get to propagate the earth, I think even their inbred spawn will be spectacular.
IMO it's a safe bet that the happy ending will happen in the alternate timeline and the island losties including sun/jin are pretty much screwed.
The scene when Locke and the gang are marching, right before Hurley, Kate, and company peel off, you could clearly see that everyone else in the march (ie the people the audience has not been introduced to) are all barefoot. Is this the show explicitly saying that Locke is leading an army of dead people?
they are the others that joined him at the temple. others frequently travel barefoot, not a big deal.
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i keep thinking juliet saying it worked before she died has to be pretty significant. that would mean the alternate really is the main timeline reset and what's happening now on the island is really the "alternate".

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I'm actually glad I stopped watching this show, just reading this thread is giving me a migraine trying to follow it. Maybe I'll Netflix if you guys are pleased with the ending and think the questions get answered, if people are pissed because it's still ambiguous at the end then I'll probably spare myself.

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