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i really like Judy Greer but I don't have a good feeling about her new show Married. The ads are just choc full of the usual married couple tropes: lack of sex, buffoonish guy paired with classy/hot wife, kids ruin everything blah blah blah


I hear Ron Mexico thinks it looks great.

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say that to LLY 's face like a real man

Oh my ****ing GOD! http://deadline.com/2015/04/bob-odenkirk-david-cross-sketch-comedy-series-netflix-1201403256/   Bob is not only in the best Drama on tv, but he's going to be in the best comedy t

You misspelled insipid.



problems of central characters are cliche. the attempted resolutions to the cliched problems try too hard to be edgy. just not funny. for me the only small highlights were the divorced friend with the beard and judy in the white tank.


don't think i'll be watching any more of it for fear it will diminish my like of her.

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So when the polar ice caps started melting in water world, and the sea levels just kept rising and rising.. no one thought... "say... mt everest is super tall. I bet we should check if that's underwater, before living a lfe on this exxon valdez raft?

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I swear to Jesus Brvy Christ himself that I would be the happiest little girl in the world if they ever made a Water World reboot.


I know it's shitty, but it's one of my all time favorite movies.

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Waterworld is fantastic, and shouldn't be remade, because they won't be able to improve on it.


I own the extended version on DVD and hope they release it on Blu Ray at some point.


The extended version is amazaballs.

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So, a bunch of my old college friends were in a comedy group in college and most of them have gone on to try and break into the industry, with relative success but nothing too exciting. But now one of them has a cartoon coming out on Netflix. Still, I was like okay that's cool but not a huge deal.


But it turns out it is a huge deal, because it's starring goddam Will Arnett, Amy Sedaris, Aaron Paul, Alison Brie, and Paul F. Tompkins. Aaron Paul and Will Arnett are executive producers. Two of my other old friends are also doing voices, and another one did the music (he also did the theme song for The Mindy Show).



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Think ima see Lucy this weekend, haven't been to the movies in a while.

Was turrrrible. Scarlett still hot and Morgan Freeman's voice that's about it nerds

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think i might go see apes tonight or tomorrow afternoon.


the meltdown on comedy central was humorous, i recommend. chris hardwick has to be bringing some decent money now through his nerdist production company. i wonder if patton oswalt and hardwick get along? i imagine a feud where oswalt is bitter that hardwick is cashing in so hard on the geek culture shtick.

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