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55 Facing All In Against Unknown

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New table, so no reads.There's a chance I'm ahead and a chance I'm behind.Am I ever ahead enough to make calling profitable?Easy fold?Absolute/UB Cereus Hold'em, $300.00 BB (8 handed) - Absolute/UB Cereus Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comButton ($2820)SB ($14780)BB ($2610)UTG ($13606)UTG+1 ($4795)MP1 ($624)MP2 ($20226)Hero (CO) ($8366)Preflop: Hero is CO with 5 :club:, 5 :5c1 fold, UTG+1 bets $600, 2 folds, Hero calls $600, 3 foldsFlop: ($1650) 9 :3h, 6 :ts, 9 :4h(2 players)UTG+1 checks, Hero bets $800, UTG+1 raises to $4195 (All-In), Hero ?

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what stake game is this? kind of an easy fold unless in a very low stakes game so unless you are up against a possible naked flush draw, with an over and a paired board our hand is too low in strength to call he i think, any pocket pair higher than that 6 on the board and i would consider going with this hand maybe, maybe. I would assume you are beaten a good amount and or up against a ton of strong draws here. My gut says he has the draw here not the high pair, but i don't think our hand is strong enough to ever be wrong because then we are almost, or even could be dead. I hate to go broke an unknown if he is a spew bot we will know soon enough and take him down later. Thats my idea hereIf we knew what his 3-bet range was we could piece together a much better range here and a lot less hands we are behind ( pocket pairs) aren't here due to the lack of a 3-bet, then we could possibly go with this. Because we don't know, we have to air on the side of folding imo

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One of the easiest folds I've ever seen...Even if villain doesn't have a higher pair and just high cards, the 6 on the board actually gives him 3 extra outs, so he/she has a min of 9 outs to your underpair. Factor in the 2 spades on the board and he could be drawing to total of 15 outs without even breaking a sweat (if he has 2 spades in the hole). If that's the case, you're drawing to 4 outs max.

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Underpairs on a paired board are nightmares. Get out ASAP.I actually like a check behind on this flop better. When the PFR doesn't cbet a flop that is ripe for cbetting like this one, it's usually a tarp.

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I'm a donk, who has no problems admitting he still has lots to learn.I went with my read that I had the best hand, and called.Villain has As7sTurn blankRiver 6Sure my read was right, and I did have the best hand. But I guess that this is one of those situations where even though you feel you likely have the best hand, you should fold.

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I'm a donk, who has no problems admitting he still has lots to learn.I went with my read that I had the best hand, and called.Villain has As7sTurn blankRiver 6Sure my read was right, and I did have the best hand. But I guess that this is one of those situations where even though you feel you likely have the best hand, you should fold.
This is exactly why underpairs to a paired board are disastrous.Even if you are currently ahead, you have so little equity against the entire part of villain's range. Even with Ace-rag Villain has 3 hidden outs plus he will pick up 3 more hidden ones on the turn.
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I went with my read that I had the best hand, and called.Villain has As7sI did have the best hand.
you have the best hand right now, but with all his outs he's almost a 60% favorite.
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With no reads on the villian I'm snap folding and looking forward to the next hand. Anyone believe checking behind on the flop is the optimal play here? Edit: Perhaps I'll start reading the thread before I post..lol

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