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looking forward to a 5 man battle royal. who would fight? one thing is for sure: glenn beck is heel.

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CNN,MSN,and the Nets are a joke...If 50 people showed in Washington to protest the war or banks or wall street it would be first segment news.in February 2003, during the lead-up to the Iraq war, CNN aired a two-hour special report, “Voices of Dissent,” which was devoted to an anti-war protest organized by International ANSWER, a radical left-wing organization. The following month on March 22, 2003 CNN broadcast 38 separate reports on another anti-Iraq war demonstration. On the other hand, CNN personalities recently labeled anti-Obama protesters 'insane.' There’s no way that Sanchez’s claim, that CNN “covered it as well, probably less than we covered” the Tea Party, can be accurate.How they can't report on a story ACORN fraud when they are eligible for 4 billion dollars of your tax money is beyond me..They are either too stupid or complicit

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Dems watch CNN ~ anti rush limbaugh and coRep watch FOX ~ anti barack obama (but its not because he is black)so that will fall into the catagory of what you are is what you watchthat might be painting a broad stoke of everyone but it is what it is

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CNN,MSN,and the Nets are a joke...If 50 people showed in Washington to protest the war or banks or wall street it would be first segment news.in February 2003, during the lead-up to the Iraq war, CNN aired a two-hour special report, “Voices of Dissent,” which was devoted to an anti-war protest organized by International ANSWER, a radical left-wing organization. The following month on March 22, 2003 CNN broadcast 38 separate reports on another anti-Iraq war demonstration. On the other hand, CNN personalities recently labeled anti-Obama protesters 'insane.' There’s no way that Sanchez’s claim, that CNN “covered it as well, probably less than we covered” the Tea Party, can be accurate.How they can't report on a story ACORN fraud when they are eligible for 4 billion dollars of your tax money is beyond me..They are either too stupid or complicit
wait, wait, wait. You watch Fox??
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wait, wait, wait. You watch Fox??
How did you guess?How do you not cover the ACORN scandal? 4 Billion of Tax Payers fund available and it isn't newsworthy?Especially since Obama told us all during the election how important it was to be a community organizerEach network was offered the ACORN tapes before FOX and passed..
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The liberal bias in the media is nothing new. What is new is that all of the MSM have dropped all pretense to being objective. It is not uncommon for them to flaunt their support for Obama and his policies. I don't know what effect this will have in the long run. I do think the general public is catching on that they aren't getting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth from the media and that the media has an agenda one and the same as the president. As this sinks in the MSM will continue their decline, until the pretense is dropped altogether and we have an offical State Run media, aside from PBS. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-roo...er-bailout-bill

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Fox News is on track to have its most-watched year ever, showing significant ratings growth despite coming off a high-flying election season. With the second quarter coming to a close, Fox News averaged about the same number of viewers as the top three other cable news networks combined. And while rivals like CNN (-22%) and MSNBC (-18%) took hits following last quarter’s Inauguration-fueled boost, Fox News (-3%) remained nearly steady.Compared with last year, Fox News (averaging 2.1 million viewers, 509,000 adults 25-54 quarter-to-date) is up 35% over last year in primetime viewers and 48% in the demo. CNN (805,000 viewers, 210,000 in demo) was -16% in viewers and -29% in the demo. MSNBC (787,000 viewers, 259,000 in demo) climbed 15% in viewers and about on par, -3%, in the demo. And CNN Headline News (553,000, 201,000) showed very strong growth, up 39% and 37%, respectively, and is on track for its best second quarter yet.
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I think the MSM saw how successful FoxNews has been going the "drop all pretenses, hyper-partisan route" so to try and not go the way of the dodo like newspapers they are copying the format.It would be nice to have ONE unbiased news source.

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I think the MSM saw how successful FoxNews has been going the "drop all pretenses, hyper-partisan route" so to try and not go the way of the dodo like newspapers they are copying the format.It would be nice to have ONE unbiased news source.
For straight news I think Fox is unbiased.Their 'bias' is just in their commentators.When it's news times, it's 90% "White girl missing let's all focus on creepy guy X" etc.After all: They report, You decide
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I think the MSM saw how successful FoxNews has been going the "drop all pretenses, hyper-partisan route" so to try and not go the way of the dodo like newspapers they are copying the format.It would be nice to have ONE unbiased news source.
Well you have to go outside the US to find them but BBC and CBC are pretty good and I suggest everybody read The Economist, all their articles are available for free online. Best newsmagazine in the World without a doubt.
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For straight news I think Fox is unbiased.Their 'bias' is just in their commentators.When it's news times, it's 90% "White girl missing let's all focus on creepy guy X" etc.After all: They report, You decide
every news station is much more about commentators than straight news anyway. When people think FoxNews, they think Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly....not whoever does the boring, old regular news. Same for MSNBC. People think Matthews and Olbermann not whoever does the boring stuff.That's probably a huge part of the problem....
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Pretty much all of Fox and MSNBC as well as a lot of CNN is unwatchable.The only shows I watch are Meet the Press and George Stephanopoulos (and sometimes the McLaughlin Group... but don't tell anybody).

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Pretty much all of Fox and MSNBC as well as a lot of CNN is unwatchable.The only shows I watch are Meet the Press and George Stephanopoulos (and sometimes the McLaughlin Group... but don't tell anybody).
You should add this show to the mix from CNN, really good show on International Affairs.http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/fareed.zakaria.gps/Plus he was the one who told me about that healthcare article in The Atlantic
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You should add this show to the mix from CNN, really good show on International Affairs.http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/fareed.zakaria.gps/Plus he was the one who told me about that healthcare article in The Atlantic
Oh, yeah, I've seen his show too. It's pretty good. I like that he's a smart guy and he listens to his guests and tries to get interesting information out of them. I mean, it sounds laughable when I have to spell out in such simple terms what makes a good news show, but so many fail to do to the obvious.
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Well if you want to really want to save time, just listen to Rush Limbaugh for all your news.He spends his weekends watching news programs etc and can break them all down to simple sound bites that are accurate 98.7% of the time.I haven't watched a news program or read a paper in years because of this time saving technique.

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Well if you want to really want to save time, just listen to Rush Limbaugh for all your news.He spends his weekends watching news programs etc and can break them all down to simple sound bites that are accurate 98.7% of the time.I haven't watched a news program or read a paper in years because of this time saving technique.
He's the guy who said, "In Obama's America black kids beat up on white kids on school buses."
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Dems watch CNN ~ anti rush limbaugh and coRep watch FOX ~ anti barack obama (but its not because he is black)so that will fall into the catagory of what you are is what you watchthat might be painting a broad stoke of everyone but it is what it is
Sounds about right to me. I love CNN and whenever I watch Fox I want to punch everyone in the face. They yell WAAAAY more often on that network and yelling annoys me, regardless of what they are saying. Rush Limbaugh is a piece of crap to me. I don't hate too many people, but him, Glen Beck, and Bill O'Reilly top my list of people I'd like to spit on.
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Sounds about right to me. I love CNN and whenever I watch Fox I want to punch everyone in the face. They yell WAAAAY more often on that network and yelling annoys me, regardless of what they are saying. Rush Limbaugh is a piece of crap to me. I don't hate too many people, but him, Glen Beck, and Bill O'Reilly top my list of people I'd like to spit on.
Wow, your pretty nice, I have way more people than three, that I'd like to spit on.. :club:
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Sounds about right to me. I love CNN and whenever I watch Fox I want to punch everyone in the face. They yell WAAAAY more often on that network and yelling annoys me, regardless of what they are saying. Rush Limbaugh is a piece of crap to me. I don't hate too many people, but him, Glen Beck, and Bill O'Reilly top my list of people I'd like to spit on.
That just blew me away when I read that. I had you pictured as a fun loving guy who at most would think those guys were just a bunch of loud mouth stoopid f**ks. The only thing I can think of is that you were trying to express your disdain for the trio and ended up slapping waay too much paint on the picture.I listen to rush while I drive mostly for entertainment and there are times when I get 'embarrassed' for him and have to change the channel. other times I laugh out loud at the things that he says. but, hate. tell me you were drinking sake when that was laid to print
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For the record, it's the most retarded large-scale protest in American history. While Fox was nice enough to tell a bold-faced-lie about the other stations failing to cover it, it's really an embarrassment to humanity that this protest took place. Have you seen some of the signs these people were carrying? It was literally a protest by the retards. 1.jpg[note to protester - using Holocaust imagery to say how you dislike Obama is horribly offensive to Holocaust survivors, and also to people with brains]3.jpg[A little late on that one brah. And why is Kenya in almost-quotation-marks?]8.jpg[Dude, what the shit are you talking about?]16.jpg[it's funny because he is a race other than white!! Hahaha! Speaking of which, look at all these non-whites at the protest!! Wait, what's that? You literally can't find a single non-white person in any photograph from the protest? Weird.]20.jpg[Good one.]21.jpg[Hahahaha we're all so white!]22.jpg[so he's like a Hitler-Joker? Did you really have to do both? I feel like it's just confusing. And on another note, this crowd is seriously whiter than the audience at a Celine Dion concert.]28.jpg[i can find no words to fully describe your idiocy.]

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I always watched CNN when I was home during the day up until very recently. I only recently started watching Fox in the afternoon because Rick Sanchez annoys me. I'm thankful though because it caused me to discover Glenn Beck. I think Beck's show is the most important show on tv right now.

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