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Mac Or Pc

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I will definitely be getting a laptop. I don't need to use any specialized programs that only run on windows. The one thing that I do need to do from time to time is resize and adjust pictures for a website. Right now I use photoshop but I don't use all of the programs capabilities since I have never really learned how to use it. Besides normal email and web browsing the only other thing I really use is excel and word.

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I will definitely be getting a laptop. I don't need to use any specialized programs that only run on windows. The one thing that I do need to do from time to time is resize and adjust pictures for a website. Right now I use photoshop but I don't use all of the programs capabilities since I have never really learned how to use it. Besides normal email and web browsing the only other thing I really use is excel and word.
Really, you'll be fine with either. A pc will be cheaper by at least a few hundred bucks, more if you really search for a good deal. A mac will be less likely to ever give you serious problems, but it's not like buying a pc will automatically give you headaches. Again, both will work for what you need. PC less expensive, mac more dependable. Just do yourself a favor if you buy a Mac...don't turn into a "OMG MACS ARE SO MUCH BETTER" douchebag. Anyone that makes a blanket statement like that doesn't know what he's talking about, and this is coming from someone who barely even knows much more than said douchebags.
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Just do yourself a favor if you buy a Mac...don't turn into a "OMG MACS ARE SO MUCH BETTER" douchebag.
But if you do, be sure to use personal anecdotes to make your case because that's really the most convincing way.
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