Outlaw4033 0 Posted March 10, 2007 Share Posted March 10, 2007 Playing a live 1-3 PLHE game last Friday night. UTG limps and CO limps, I raise the pot from the button with KK. The BB smooth calls and UTG/CO fold. Flop comes AA5. I bet 1/2 pot, BB smooth calls. Turn is a K. BB checks, I bet 3/4 pot, he smooth calls. River bricks. He thinks for a bit and checks. I value bet half pot (Not much left behind) and he smooth calls. I show him Kings full and he shows JJ. LOL WTF. He said 'I just don't know I could've gotten away from those pretty cards' as I raked in the pot. Luckily for me he reloaded to the max buy-in and played for another few hours. Link to post Share on other sites
dlast09 0 Posted March 11, 2007 Share Posted March 11, 2007 1/2 NL live home game. no raises, sb calls, bb checks, 6 way pot. flop A35 with 2 hearts, a bet, raise, reraise. i am on the button and fold, small blind picks up his cards and i see them, he sighs and folds 24off. i almost went through the roof but kept quiet waiting for hand to end. original bettor folds, raiser goes all in, reraiser calls. pot is $240, one flips up AJoff and the other flips up A5 off. no flush draws, turn blank, river blank. A5off takes down pot. i asked the small blind WTF he was thinking and he says, "i was scared of the flush draw". i told him if he did not have the balls to put all of his money in with the nuts after the flop, flush draw or not, he had no business playing poker. he got pissed. then about 5 hands later, I pick up AA, raise to $12, DONKEY in sb from ealier callwith J4diamonds. 2 way pot. flop is AK5, 2 diamonds. i bet $20, he raises to $60, i move in for $240 total. he has me covered by about $20 and calls. i flip my hand and he flips his hand, i stop the dealer and ask why call with that and not with the hand from earlier. he says, "i have a flush draw and 2 straight draws, so i am a favorite". i say ok, turn is a 5, river a 3 of diamonds. he jumps out of his chair thinking he won with the flush on the river, but it took about 2 minutes to explain to him i had a full house because the board paired on the turn. i then apologized for the "BAD BEAT" he claimed i gave to him, which he thanked me for being nice about.since i was so nice to him he stayed and ended up dropping a grand to the rest of the table. the big winners that profited from his donkeyness tipped me each $20 at the end of the night. nice way to make an extra $100. Link to post Share on other sites
XXEddie 0 Posted March 14, 2007 Share Posted March 14, 2007 blinds are 200/400, I have like 2100 in the CO.Short stack(like 1k) limps in EP, folded to me, I push. BB calls with 76o, shorty calls with AT, I make a flush(weee).BB-lol, pushes with A-rag.Me- lol, calls with rag-ragBB-I had more outs?Me- O RLY?!?!?BB-Ace-rag thats dumb. I had a small stack like yours, but im a good player, i got it in with the best hand.Me-cause you had acesBB-No, cause I had the patience to wait for a big hand, you decided to push under the gun with nothing with SIX players behind you, 3 of them called.Me-wow.....ill give you 100 bucks if you can tell me what UTG meansBB-You made that upMe-What? UTG?BB- YeaMe- You just used it!BB- No i didntMe- Yeah, Under the gun(UTG...moron)BB-WhateverMe-Tell me what it meansBB- Why?Me- Cause ill give you 100 bucks if your rightBB- It means your the first person to go allinMe- awwwww, too bad, thanks for playing thoughBB- wheres my money.He later busted call of his whole stack with A6(I guess 6 is bettet than rag) when his opponent has KK Link to post Share on other sites
brandonreal 0 Posted March 14, 2007 Share Posted March 14, 2007 JT7KK"I thought you had pocket Kings"giggling, as they knuckle a fullhouse all the way to the river.Oh wait. Link to post Share on other sites
litlebullet 0 Posted March 16, 2007 Share Posted March 16, 2007 Stage #679762316 Tourney ID 53369 Omaha Hi/Lo Single Tournament Pot Limit $40 - 2007-03-16 19:15:25 (ET)Table: 955119 (Real Money) Seat #4 is the dealerSeat 1 - HAILCAESAR ($1710 in chips)Seat 2 - MOLLYPUTTS ($1305 in chips)Seat 4 - _MY_COUPE_ ($1722.50 in chips)Seat 5 - OLDASDIRT ($1595 in chips)Seat 6 - LITLEBULLET ($1245 in chips)Seat 7 - QUEENSANGLER ($1985 in chips)Seat 8 - NONPHIC ($2575 in chips)Seat 9 - PZTGUY ($1362.50 in chips)OLDASDIRT - Posts small blind $20LITLEBULLET - Posts big blind $40*** POCKET CARDS ***Dealt to LITLEBULLET [2h 2c Ah Ks] QUEENSANGLER - Calls $40NONPHIC - Calls $40PZTGUY - FoldsHAILCAESAR - FoldsMOLLYPUTTS - Calls $40_MY_COUPE_ - Calls $40OLDASDIRT - Calls $20LITLEBULLET - Raises $80 to $120QUEENSANGLER - Calls $80NONPHIC - Calls $80MOLLYPUTTS - Folds_MY_COUPE_ - Calls $80OLDASDIRT - Calls $80*** FLOP *** [10c Js Qd]OLDASDIRT - Bets $40LITLEBULLET - Raises $200 to $200QUEENSANGLER - FoldsNONPHIC - Folds_MY_COUPE_ - FoldsOLDASDIRT - Calls $160*** TURN *** [10c Js Qd] [2s]OLDASDIRT - Bets $40LITLEBULLET - All-In(Raise) $925 to $925OLDASDIRT - Calls $885*** RIVER *** [10c Js Qd 2s] [7s]*** SHOW DOWN ***OLDASDIRT - Shows [5s 8s 8c 9c] (Flush, jack high) LITLEBULLET - Shows [2h 2c Ah Ks] (Straight, ten to ace) OLDASDIRT Collects $2890 from main pot*** SUMMARY ***Total Pot($2890)Board [10c Js Qd 2s 7s]Seat 1: HAILCAESAR Folded on the POCKET CARDSSeat 2: MOLLYPUTTS Folded on the POCKET CARDSSeat 4: _MY_COUPE_ (dealer) Folded on the FLOPSeat 5: OLDASDIRT (small blind) won Total ($2890) HI:($2890) with Flush, jack high [5s 8s 8c 9c - B:Js,P:8s,B:7s,P:5s,B:2s] Seat 6: LITLEBULLET (big blind) HI:lost with Straight, ten to ace [2h 2c Ah Ks - P:Ah,P:Ks,B:Qd,B:Js,B:10c] Seat 7: QUEENSANGLER Folded on the FLOPSeat 8: NONPHIC Folded on the FLOPSeat 9: PZTGUY Folded on the POCKET CARDSChat after the hand:OLDASDIRT: poop happensLITLEBULLET: Guy thinks I'm gonna be scared of his 20 chip block bet. Yeah.....OLDASDIRT: Check the cards I had a straight till the flush hiLITLEBULLET: Looks like you had a smaller one, lol.OLDASDIRT: You know what the men always say size don't matter Link to post Share on other sites
GrinderMJ 0 Posted March 16, 2007 Share Posted March 16, 2007 blinds are 200/400, I have like 2100 in the CO.Short stack(like 1k) limps in EP, folded to me, I push. BB calls with 76o, shorty calls with AT, I make a flush(weee).BB-lol, pushes with A-rag.Me- lol, calls with rag-ragBB-I had more outs?Me- O RLY?!?!?BB-Ace-rag thats dumb. I had a small stack like yours, but im a good player, i got it in with the best hand.Me-cause you had acesBB-No, cause I had the patience to wait for a big hand, you decided to push under the gun with nothing with SIX players behind you, 3 of them called.Me-wow.....ill give you 100 bucks if you can tell me what UTG meansBB-You made that upMe-What? UTG?BB- YeaMe- You just used it!BB- No i didntMe- Yeah, Under the gun(UTG...moron)BB-WhateverMe-Tell me what it meansBB- Why?Me- Cause ill give you 100 bucks if your rightBB- It means your the first person to go allinMe- awwwww, too bad, thanks for playing thoughBB- wheres my money.He later busted call of his whole stack with A6(I guess 6 is bettet than rag) when his opponent has KKIs the common theme of your posts in here, that you played the hand worse tahn the person you are insulting? Link to post Share on other sites
Fade2241 0 Posted March 17, 2007 Share Posted March 17, 2007 Is the common theme of your posts in here, that you played the hand worse tahn the person you are insulting?haha Link to post Share on other sites
Orcasgt22 0 Posted March 17, 2007 Share Posted March 17, 2007 JT7KK"I thought you had pocket Kings"giggling, as they knuckle a fullhouse all the way to the river.Oh wait.ROFLMAO Link to post Share on other sites
XXEddie 0 Posted March 17, 2007 Share Posted March 17, 2007 Is the common theme of your posts in here, that you played the hand worse tahn the person you are insulting?Pushing with A2s < Calling with 76o....>good one Link to post Share on other sites
aadams_22 3 Posted March 17, 2007 Share Posted March 17, 2007 Is the common theme of your posts in here, that you played the hand worse tahn the person you are insulting?I guess his M of 3 with an Ace in the hole just screams "fold"I mean I always fold an Ace with an M of 3 Link to post Share on other sites
GrinderMJ 0 Posted March 17, 2007 Share Posted March 17, 2007 I guess his M of 3 with an Ace in the hole just screams "fold"I mean I always fold an Ace with an M of 3 I also, always enjoying shove a2 vs. a limper from ep who is goign to call 100% of the time. Definitely +ev Link to post Share on other sites
XXEddie 0 Posted March 17, 2007 Share Posted March 17, 2007 I also, always enjoying shove a2 vs. a limper from ep who is goign to call 100% of the time. Definitely +ev200+400+9(50)=1050my M is exactly 2...I have to push eventually Link to post Share on other sites
GrinderMJ 0 Posted March 17, 2007 Share Posted March 17, 2007 To be fair, when I first read your post, I thought you shoved 67o. The shove with a2 isn't that bad, it's standard. I still stick to my original opinion tho Link to post Share on other sites
Willing 2 Die 0 Posted March 18, 2007 Share Posted March 18, 2007 playing a 1-2 NL cash game at the B&M.After the flop, MP position bets, donk to my left raises, MP goes all in. Donk thinks forever to call getting 4 to 1 odds on money....finally calls with 2 pair and sucks out for a boat, the reraiser had a striaght. When other people congratuate his play and hand, he says:"Well, there was just something about the way he was putting his cards towards the muck."Uh, your read was wrong stupid. Link to post Share on other sites
Doug 0 Posted March 21, 2007 Share Posted March 21, 2007 Not mine but a friendsBlinds 200/4003 limpersMy friend raises all in for 4000ish from late position with AKOne of the limpers (donk) thinks for a while before saying "I know I am behind but i'll call" and flips ace 10He flops a ten and thats it.My friend "why the hell did you call that if you knew you were behind"Donk in a squeaky voice " I HAD A FEEELING" Link to post Share on other sites
YBravo 0 Posted March 21, 2007 Share Posted March 21, 2007 Live $65 tourney at Showboat in AC.2 tables left. Table chip leader raises to 20,000, my buddy in small blind thinks for a while, goes all in for 23000 with A-J, raiser calls w/ 10-4 of clubs. Flop comes with two clubs, turn gives him a straight draw, river completes the flush. My buddy utters a few f-bombs (he uses them way more than the average person), but generally takes it pretty good considering. After my buddy walks away, another player at the table says "I don't know why he got mad about that. I mean, if you have 4 of one suit on the flop, you pretty much have it." This guy was of course the far and away chip leader at the final table, and refused to stack his chips when he knocked out the 2nd place chip stack. One of the dealers stacked his chips for him on the break. Link to post Share on other sites
GABMAD 0 Posted March 21, 2007 Share Posted March 21, 2007 overheard:MattGG: I could be a monster dog like 8/1 against old limper thereBRobfor3: explain to me how you could ever by 8 to 1 pre flop with 3 players?BRobfor3: that's not feasibleMattGG: you work it out your way I'll do it mine ehDealer: DoinSublime, it's your turn. You have 15 seconds to actBRobfor3: it's math, it's not something that can be worked out multiple waysIt's close to 8:1 when you have K2 os against KK. Link to post Share on other sites
cubsfan44 0 Posted March 21, 2007 Share Posted March 21, 2007 live tourney blinds 100/200. MP donk raises to 400. I reraise 1200 more all in with AQ. Donk says what I think is I call, so I flip my hand over. He then claims he didnt say "I call" he said "I......" So after a lengthy arguement about what he actually said. I finally say "well you know what I have now so I guess your decision is real easy." he then called with J8 soooted and rivered an 8.poker=fun Link to post Share on other sites
GABMAD 0 Posted March 21, 2007 Share Posted March 21, 2007 live tourney blinds 100/200. MP donk raises to 400. I reraise 1200 more all in with AQ. Donk says what I think is I call, so I flip my hand over. He then claims he didnt say "I call" he said "I......" So after a lengthy arguement about what he actually said. I finally say "well you know what I have now so I guess your decision is real easy." he then called with J8 soooted and rivered an 8.poker=funthat's funny but he was getting the correct odds. it depends on his chip stack. Link to post Share on other sites
cubsfan44 0 Posted March 21, 2007 Share Posted March 21, 2007 that's funny but he was getting the correct odds. it depends on his chip stack.left himself with only a few chips my numbers may be off a bit too. It was awhile ago Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted March 21, 2007 Share Posted March 21, 2007 Eights are hot alot of times Link to post Share on other sites
yourboygsarida 0 Posted March 22, 2007 Share Posted March 22, 2007 after i reraise with kings and the flop comes 238, guy shoves. I call and he shows a7. river ace. He says " I knew I was winning" I lollled Link to post Share on other sites
XXEddie 0 Posted March 22, 2007 Share Posted March 22, 2007 left himself with only a few chips my numbers may be off a bit too. It was awhile agodoesnt matter how many chips he had, he was getting over 2-1, youre a donk for thinking its a horrible call Link to post Share on other sites
Orcasgt22 0 Posted March 24, 2007 Share Posted March 24, 2007 PokerStars Game #9055614316: Tournament #45413130, $15.00+$1.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2007/03/23 - 22:02:35 (ET)Table '45413130 2' 9-max Seat #3 is the buttonSeat 1: _Seat3_FT_ (1500 in chips) Seat 2: CROM (1490 in chips) Seat 3: johnnie rook (1470 in chips) Seat 4: delli100 (980 in chips) Seat 6: uolover (2030 in chips) Seat 7: Cayambe (1500 in chips) Seat 8: Maffa3 (3030 in chips) Seat 9: willies777 (1500 in chips) delli100: posts small blind 10uolover: posts big blind 20*** HOLE CARDS ***Cayambe: calls 20Maffa3: raises 80 to 100willies777: folds Zao777 is connected _Seat3_FT_: folds CROM: folds johnnie rook: calls 100delli100: folds uolover: calls 80Cayambe: calls 80*** FLOP *** [5c 2s 4h]uolover: checks Cayambe: checks Maffa3: checks johnnie rook: bets 380uolover: calls 380Cayambe: raises 1020 to 1400 and is all-inMaffa3: folds johnnie rook: folds uolover: calls 1020*** TURN *** [5c 2s 4h] [7c]*** RIVER *** [5c 2s 4h 7c] [9c]*** SHOW DOWN ***uolover: shows [8c 6c] (a straight flush, Five to Nine)Cayambe: shows [3h Ah] (a straight, Ace to Five)uolover collected 3590 from potMaffa3 said, "lolololololol"*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 3590 | Rake 0 Board [5c 2s 4h 7c 9c]Seat 1: _Seat3_FT_ folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: CROM folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: johnnie rook (button) folded on the FlopSeat 4: delli100 (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 6: uolover (big blind) showed [8c 6c] and won (3590) with a straight flush, Five to NineSeat 7: Cayambe showed [3h Ah] and lost with a straight, Ace to FiveSeat 8: Maffa3 folded on the FlopSeat 9: willies777 folded before Flop (didn't bet)uolover: that's what happen when you slow play Link to post Share on other sites
ScottTK 0 Posted March 24, 2007 Share Posted March 24, 2007 zomg!!!cash game fun!!$50 NL- ScottTK sitting in seat 2 with $81.95- nimme sitting in seat 3 with $39.21 [Dealer]- -deubeul-up- sitting in seat 4 with $67.65- villain sitting in seat 5 with $74.83- P0ker sitting in seat 6 with $79.79P0ker foldedScottTK raised - $1.50nimme folded-deubeul-up- foldedvillain raised - $6.50ScottTK called - $6.50** Dealing the flop: 8s 10h Kcvillain bet - $6.62ScottTK called - $6.62** Dealing the turn: 3cvillain checkedScottTK bet - $15.00villain called - $15.00** Dealing the river: 5cvillain checkedScottTK bet - $30.00villain called - $30.00ScottTK shows: Ah Qsvillain mucksScottTK wins $114.49 from the main potvillain says in chat: "what the hell were you callin on the flop? ace high?"anyways, I'd been playing with this guy for hours, so I think I played the hand ok. the only thing I might change is the river bet, but even then I think a pretty big percentage of the time he bets some sort of pair, rather than check-calling river. Link to post Share on other sites
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