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I decided to join this forum recently so that I can get tips about poker or read what others have said. I'm new at playing poker as well. I've played Texas Holdem and stud eight or better high-low split so far. I was wondering if I am playing the right games for a newbie or if I should be playing other types of games. Any suggestions would be helpful...

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I decided to join this forum recently so that I can get tips about poker or read what others have said. I'm new at playing poker as well. I've played Texas Holdem and High-low so far. I was wondering if I am playing the right games for a newbie or if I should be playing other types of games. Any suggestions would be helpful...
Play live games. Use the money you win to lose and learn online.
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Play live games. Use the money you win to lose and learn online.
I've actually heard that a lot... Apparently the only way to learn is to lose.. I've got lucky the few times I've played live games. If I put in 20 bucks I usually come out of the game with 20 bucks. I dont make a profit but I dont lose the money either.
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The best advice I can give is to be disciplined, don't try and run before you can crawl. Learn the rules, have some fun at play money or very low limits to begin with and take it from there.

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The best advice I can give is to be disciplined, don't try and run before you can crawl. Learn the rules, have some fun at play money or very low limits to begin with and take it from there.
i see that some of the low limits table have limit or no limit written next to them. Should I play the limit tables?
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i see that some of the low limits table have limit or no limit written next to them. Should I play the limit tables?
Play whatevers comfortable. I would personally start with No Limit as its the most popular game and easiest to learn how to play compentently at. Limit Holdem can also be the sickest game going at times.
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Deposit somewhere among 500-1000 dollars. Play a heads up match for 1000 dollars, this should boost your bankroll a bit and allow you to become more flexible with the limit games you play

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Take everything dscoot and Jspencer say and do the exact opposite and you will become Phil Ivey.
Deposit somewhere among 0001-005 dollars. Play a heads up match for 0001 dollars, this should hurt your bankroll a bit and allow you to become more rigid with the limit games you play
There we go, fixed it
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There we go, fixed it
god i love when im right
that's the dscoot reference. check the FCP glossary thread for more explanation.
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I secretly think you actually like me. :club:

Are you a woman?That would explain the apparent lack of flaming
No one is female on the internet until the proper # of pics have been posted proving otherwise.
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I secretly think you actually like me. :heart:No one is female on the internet until the proper # of pics have been posted proving otherwise.
lolim sure you would like to see them..
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lolim sure you would like to see them..
Yes... I would. Preferably naked but I'll take a clothed pic as long as you are sticking your tongue out in a seductive manner. :club:
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Yes... I would. Preferably naked but I'll take a clothed pic as long as you are sticking your tongue out in a seductive manner. :club:
sorry no nudies or pics with my tongue sticking out.. but my avatar is a picture of myself FULLY CLOTHED
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I decided to join this forum recently so that I can get tips about poker or read what others have said. I'm new at playing poker as well. I've played Texas Holdem and High-low so far. I was wondering if I am playing the right games for a newbie or if I should be playing other types of games. Any suggestions would be helpful...
Welcome to the forum.Which games you decide to play are entirely up to you. Play what you feel comfortable with.There are a lot of good threads here on all the games. The only advice I have can be stated in two words:BANKROLL MANAGEMENT.If you want to make money on a regular basis in poker, take that to heart.Best of luck.
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sorry no nudies or pics with my tongue sticking out.. but my avatar is a picture of myself FULLY CLOTHED
It's more than I've seen (and will see) in awhile...so I suppose I will accept it.Though, onto the topic of your post. I'd suggest http://www.pokerstrategy.com/news/homesection/Poker VT is also good.Although a decent amount of people may seem like assholes, quite a few of them know what they are talking about so just looking through the forums alone should provide you with an immense amount of knowledge.
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It's more than I've seen (and will see) in awhile...so I suppose I will accept it.Though, onto the topic of your post. I'd suggest http://www.pokerstrategy.com/news/homesection/Poker VT is also good.Although a decent amount of people may seem like assholes, quite a few of them know what they are talking about so just looking through the forums alone should provide you with an immense amount of knowledge.
Thanks! What online poker sites would you recommend? I usually play live poker so I'm not that familiar with online poker
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Thanks! What online poker sites would you recommend? I usually play live poker so I'm not that familiar with online poker
Everyone and their mother plays at Full Tilt Poker and Pokerstars. I would suggest one of those.Stay away from Ultimate Bet, Absolute Poker, Party Poker...Cake Poker is underrated. So is Carbon Poker...Low traffic but light players since the site doesn't support a lot of poker programs. Plus a lot of great freerolls. I've been playing it every now and then.
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It's more than I've seen (and will see) in awhile...so I suppose I will accept it.Though, onto the topic of your post. I'd suggest http://www.pokerstrategy.com/news/homesection/Poker VT is also good.Although a decent amount of people may seem like assholes, quite a few of them know what they are talking about so just looking through the forums alone should provide you with an immense amount of knowledge.
<3 you too spencie
Paging rcgs for poker advice.
she's had more FT threads than you in the last week tanner
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