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tournament report - ps 350k 5/15

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Ok, so usually these are on pokertrails.com, but there is some sort of mix up with Jon out of town. Since it's Friday, and there will be new tournaments on Sunday, I figured I'd just post the 3 from last week on here so they don't go to complete waste. Patrick------------ The Sunday 350k Guaranteed tournament on PokerStars.com had a massive field of 2649 players sign up, boosting the total prize pool to $529,800. After over six hours of poker, the field had been reduced to the following nine players with a shot at the $105,960 first prize (chip counts in parenthesis): Seat 1: G.LINEKER (869590) Seat 2: Pella2 (638431) Seat 3: johnnyblaz13 (389464) Seat 4: theory (317714) Seat 5: GKD33 (1896514) Seat 6: HoldumGod (682161) Seat 7: freeman (502926) Seat 8: Mr Poodle (799336) Seat 9: Skint Paddy (526364) Early on at the final table with the blinds at 20k/40k with 2k antes, the players seemed to be in no hurry to commit their chips to the pot. With most pots won with preflop raises, the table stayed nine-handed for quite some time. Then, after the action was folded to Skint Paddy in cutoff position, he raised to 110k total. G.LINEKER smooth called the raise from the small blind, and after HoldumGod folded in the big blind, both players saw a flop of 3h-Th-4c. Skint Paddy immediately bet out 200k, over half the chips he had left. Without much delay G.LINEKER raised enough to put Skint Paddy all-in, and Skint Paddy called, showing QT offsuit for top pair. Unfortunately for him, G.LINEKER had slow-played pocket kings, and after no help came on the turn or river, Skint Paddy was out in 9th place. It was a risky play since johnnyblaz13 was critically short stacked, but Skint Paddy still won $6,357 for his efforts. Next, Mr Poodle pushed all-in under the gun for 378k, but a few spots behind him, Pella2 also went all-in for close to 600k. All other players folded, and Mr Poodle's pocket sixes would square off in a classic race with Pella2's AK offsuit. A flop of Qd-8c-Jc kept Mr Poodle in the lead, but also gave Pella2 a straight draw. The Kc came on the turn, vaulting Pella2 to the lead, but Mr Poodle could still win the pot with a 6 or a club. The river was the 9h however, and Mr Poodle would have to leave satisfied with $10,066 and an 8th place finish. With only 120k left, theory pushed all-in under the gun with 86 offsuit. Right behind him GKD33 smooth called the raise with pocket queens in hope of inducing more action, but the rest of the table folded quickly. theory was in bad shape, but the flop of 4d-2h-7d gave him an inside straight draw and some hope. Looking for a miracle, theory watched as the turn and river failed to bring him the 5 he so desperately needed, and was eliminated in 7th place with a $14,834 pay out. A big hand then developed when HoldumGod raised to 120k from the button. freeman folded in the small blind, but G.LINEKER decided to call the raise with so many chips at his disposal. The flop came Qc-Ad-7h and HoldumGod bet out 60k, which G.LINEKER called after a slight pause. The turn was the Js and HoldumGod pushed his last 170k into the pot. With over two million in chips, G.LINEKER decided to call and showed JT offsuit for a pair of jacks and straight draw, which was trailing HoldumGod's pair of aces with A4 offsuit. Needing a king, jack, or ten, G.LINEKER ruined HoldumGod's day by getting his king on the river, giving him the nut straight and eliminating HoldumGod in the process. A 6th place finish and $20,132 would have to satisfy HoldumGod after such a tough beat. Down to 5 players now, freeman pushed all-in from early position for over 550k. Right behind him though, the chipleader G.LINEKER pushed his massive 2.5 million chip stack in as well. After the other players folded, freeman saw the bad news, as his pocker jacks were dominated by G.LINEKER's pocket kings. After no help came from the board, freeman's night came to an end in 5th place, but not before taking in $24,370. With only 226k and surrounded by big stacks, johnnyblaz13 decided to risk it all as he pushed all-in from the small blind with KQ offsuit. GKD33 had AJ offsuit in the big blind though, and with plenty of chips it was an easy call. After an ace hit the flop, johnnyblaz13 would need runner-runner to stay alive, but it wasn't meant to be. A great tournament ended for johnnyblaz13, who was able to surivive on a short stack for most of the final table. His patience paid off with a nice $30,728 cash and a 4th place finish. Down to three players, the survivors soon requested that Lee Jones stop play so they could discuss a deal. Without much haggling, the players decided to make a three-way deal based on chip count. On the strength of his elimination of johnnyblaz13, GKD33 had a small chip lead over G.LINEKER, and Pella2 trailed both players by over a million. The players agreed to the deal as follows: GKD33 - $79,678.37 G.LINEKER - $75,920.94 Pella2 - $53,141.89 After this was complete, the three remaining players proceeded to push all-in on every hand. First to go was Pella2 when his 97 offsuit lost to G.LINEKER's A7 offsuit. After a few comical all-ins, GKD33 was able to earn the extra TLB points when his 73 offsuit out-drew G.LINEKER's 87 offsuit after a 3 hit the turn. A well-played tournament by all might have ended anti-climatically by the players making the deal, but with so much money involved you can't fault the parties involved. Final Results: 1st - GKD33 $79,678.37 2nd - G.LINEKER $75,920.94 3rd - Pella2 $53,141.89 4th - johnnyblaz13 $30,728 5th - freeman $24,370 6th - HoldumGod $20,132 7th - theory $14,834 8th - Mr Poodle $10,066 9th - Skint Paddy $6,357

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jus stop dude no one cares and if we did we'd check out the poekrstars blog
Actually someone requested it, and I was told the PStars blog wasn't updated,but thanks for your opinion. I didn't expect _everyone_ to care, or even a majority. That's why it's labeled clearly so the reader has a good idea what he/she is opening before doing so.Patrick
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....why did you post it twice
Post it twice? What do you mean? Heh, I had to double check and make sure I didn't mix up the reports when I cut and pasted, but I didn't...Not sure what you are referring to.Patrick
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....why did you post it twice
you did notice that he gave three seperate reports. Maybe you should do a little reading first my man :wink:
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  • 9 months later...
you did notice that he gave three seperate reports. Maybe you should do a little reading first my man :wink:
Is GKD33 Howard Lederer?
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Actually someone requested it, and I was told the PStars blog wasn't updated,but thanks for your opinion. I didn't expect _everyone_ to care, or even a majority. That's why it's labeled clearly so the reader has a good idea what he/she is opening before doing so. Patrick
don't listen to him, nice writeup, enjoyed the read.
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jus stop dude no one cares and if we did we'd check out the poekrstars blog
i rather enjoyed it, good read.thanks patrick.
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