GetSprung 0 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 130k at 4k/8k with 120 ppl leftGoooo Mark!! Link to post Share on other sites
Fluffdog87 2 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 100k AT 5k/10k with 88 left. Link to post Share on other sites
Fluffdog87 2 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 Mark busted in 71st for $ 8, Link to post Share on other sites
FARGOpokerND 22 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 Mark busted in 71st for $ 8,062.ggkjskjshfg7979hfh9f9hfh9fh Link to post Share on other sites
Goembi 0 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 Mark busted in 71st for $ 8,062.ggNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!Congrats Mark. Link to post Share on other sites
sandwedge 30 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 Mark busted in 71st for $ 8,062.ggDamn. GG Mark. Link to post Share on other sites
bleacherbum3 9 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 Mark busted in 71st for $ 8,062.ggDamn. Nice run Mark. Link to post Share on other sites
NoSup4U 0 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 Thanks for the virtual rail everyone. Played well, ran well, got short. Standard stuff. I'll post a trip report when I can, but basically I've never bluffed so much in my life because I could never actually win with a real hand heh.Mark Link to post Share on other sites
Snake Plissken 0 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 Thanks for the virtual rail everyone. Played well, ran well, got short. Standard stuff. I'll post a trip report when I can, but basically I've never bluffed so much in my life because I could never actually win with a real hand heh.Markvery good job! Link to post Share on other sites
StrippersNBlow 0 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 Nice job Mark, this is only the beginning for 2009! Link to post Share on other sites
rcgs59 15 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 wtg Mark gg, nice try. Merby took some nice pic's of you from the other night as well Link to post Share on other sites
20TN40 0 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 Nice job Mark, this is only the beginning for 2009!WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Good job Mark!And Fluff, thanks so much for the updates! Link to post Share on other sites
Suited_Up 2 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 GG Mark!! Link to post Share on other sites
fighter 4 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 sighhhhhhhhhhh Mark, gg Link to post Share on other sites
SAM_Hard8 50 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 Thanks for the virtual rail everyone. Played well, ran well, got short. Standard stuff. I'll post a trip report when I can, but basically I've never bluffed so much in my life because I could never actually win with a real hand heh.Markgreat job man. Link to post Share on other sites
mase_gotsem 0 Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 gg nice run mark keep the results going Link to post Share on other sites
NoSup4U 0 Posted June 3, 2009 Share Posted June 3, 2009 $1000nl Trip ReportSo Shan and I got to Vegas Friday afternoon and got the keys for the houses we are renting. Drama ensues right away of course when one of the houses listed as 6 bedrooms turns out to only have 5, and the landlords tell me that they consider this one area that has two walls and is open to the living room/front door area to be a bedroom because it has a sleeper sofa in it. LOOOLLL standard. Luckily it’s only an issue for about 3 days because we have a spare bed in that house all month. Anyway, mostly chill on Friday, meet all the folks getting into town, and Shan and I have a nice dinner at Fix before crashing for the night.Saturday morning a bunch of us meet at Grand Lux for breakfast, which is where I always eat before this tourney and it always proves to serve me well. We cruise over to the Rio about 11:30 and I’m in my chair drooling at the fish by noon. My table only has a couple of players who even look like they might be reasonable at poker. This does not turn out to be the case, as there is on ONE person other than me at my table of 10 that even has the slightest clue about poker. I would honestly be surprised if half of them knew that a flush beats a straight. So of course I proceed to capitalize on the situation by getting barely any chips at all my first 4 hours into the day. I manage to break even maybe. I think by the dinner break I might have had 5K or something. We started with 3K…A few hands I remember: Guy raises I call with 66, flop is whatever, he checks I check behind, turn is whatever he checks I bet he calls, river 6 he checks I pot it he calls and is all upset about how good I run duhhh. Also had a funny had vs this super readable nit. He raises I flat TT flop 874ss. He checks I bet sb calls he calls. Turn 2x checks around. River 2s and now nitball leads out. I instamuck, sb tank/folds and I tell him if I had a pair I would have called him, and he shows me AA. Lol. Oh one other thing about this tourney: OMG live tourney fish are the best. They will show you almost any hand you want to see if you ask them in the right way. God it’s so great to almost never have to second guess a fold because they show you their hands.I have dinner at the Tilted Kilt (now Mcfaddens) per my tradition in this tourney. It serves me well also. I come back from dinner to the new table I was recently moved to. It has 3 or 4 decent players at it. I decide since I can’t win a pot with top pair and I get get any hands preflop that I’m just going to bluff my way to the final table. Oh, and I’m on super tilt too because before dinner my phone had locked up and I couldn’t reset it. So I could send or receive texts or anything. Gahhh. So anyway, I can’t even remember many of the eventful hands. I limped behind a limper with QJo, both blinds call, flop A35hh, check check, limper bets half pot 450, I decide he’s not the type to have limped AJ like a lot of these fish do so obv I raise to 1050, he tanks and calls, turn some offsuit brick he checks, I ship in my last 3K and he folds. Clearly I show because the sb tells me I must have a set.I’m up and down but normally just between 5K and 12K. One of the times I have 5K a guy opens for 500, I flat JJ, and he pots a 8xx flop. FML right? He has overpair here always but I’m a fish so I ship in my last 3800, and he tank/calls QQ. Obv he should have folded because I didn’t even have to wait for the river to bink the J. He still had about 200 left so at least I didn’t bust him on a bad beat wink.gif I run my stack up to about 44K by the end of the first day. Almost 2X average and feeling pretty good about things.Sunday we have the day off so I’m golfing, dinner at Mesa Grill, crashing early. Monday Shan flies home in the morning, Fluffdog tries to make us late for the Day 2 start but we get there barely on time. We’ve redrawn tables and I have 3 good players at my table but they’re sort of to my right (I’m in seat 3 and they’re 8/9/10) so that’s not too bad. Essentially nobody would let me win a pot the entire day, and I barely ever had any hands. Luckily the two I did I doubled up with. I would get 3bet almost every time I raised. Gahhh.Hands I remember:I flat a good player with A3c, flop 875hh, he bets I call because he can almost never win this pot on so many turns. Turn Js and he pots it putting about 70% of his stack in. Bleh I fold.On bubble I am utg to start. I raise 87o because bb only has 10bbs and has told me on a number of occasions he likes to raise/fold JJ pf with 10bbs because one time he ran them into KK so he learned his lesson. Folds to him and he flat calls and c/folds the flop. I fold the sb, and 3bet agro euro from the button and he folds, and that ends bubble time I 3bet agro euro from sb with 95s once and he folded.I limped behind KK on button with 50K at 4k/8K because bb was a push monkey but he and sb just called. Flop K7x with 2 spades. Check check utg limper bets. I tank forever because he can’t have a K here because I have the deck locked up basically. I really wanted to check behind but decided that I’m already doubling up here even if the guy folds. Maybe it’s a spot to risk a call and just suck out of the flush gets there I dunno. But I ship it in. sb looks disgusted and folds, bb folds, and utg insta ships KQ. Turn comes a 7 and after the hand sb tells me he had ATs and the bb tells me he had a 7. FML I suck at poker.I raised a limper with K5o, the bb came along too. Flop A63 and bb who is a tagfish wimp leads out. Limper folds and I raise about half his remaining stack in. He tanks for about 5 mins and folds.I raise button with T6o sb has like 10bbs and flats. Flop A85cc. He checks I put him all in and he tanks forever and tells me: “man, when I called you this was exactly the flop I was looking for too.” We have been super friendly the whole time so he asks me the standard “do you want me to call?” I tell him I’m not sure what the right answer to that is (jokingly). He says that’s probably the best answer. Finally after a few more mins of chatting he folds and I randomly pick a card to show him and it’s the 6. He isn’t happy I tried to bluff a guy off JJ. He raises I flat 76d, flop Q7x he checks I bet he calls, I put him on JJ/TT. Turn T he checks I check, river A he checks I bet he tanks forever and calls with JJ.I raise Q9c in ep, good player in sb flats, flop AKKcc, he check calls. Turn brick, he checks I tank and check, river brick, he checks I tank and check, he shows me AQ.My busto hand I’m down to 10bbs at 5k/10k and we have an hour or so before we quit. I’m stealing as much as possible but my image is pretty crappy so it’s hard. Decent player with a ton of chips raises from mp to 25000, I ship in 120K with K3 (ldo), sb nit tank/calls AJ and gg me. Magically just made the 2K pay jump also and finished 71st for $8K. That’s my quick summary.Mark Link to post Share on other sites
Goembi 0 Posted June 3, 2009 Share Posted June 3, 2009 trip reportThank you for the tr. Nice run.Good luck in the next event(s) & cash. Link to post Share on other sites
Bearw8 0 Posted June 3, 2009 Share Posted June 3, 2009 gg man..220th for me. best of luck to all in events to come! Link to post Share on other sites
FCP Bob 1,321 Posted June 3, 2009 Author Share Posted June 3, 2009 Final Table Seat AssignmentsSeat 1: Dan Heimiller - 4,155,000Seat 2: Steve Sung - 3,395,000Seat 3: Vilandos 'Pete' Panayote - 1,940,000Seat 4: James Matz III - 1,885,000Seat 5: Jeff Oakes - 1,680,000Seat 6: Larry Sidebotham - 1,500,000Seat 7: Phong Huynh - 1,310,000Seat 8: Nathan Mullen - 1,210,000Seat 9: Danny Fuhs - 965,000Being the largest field assembled the powers that be felt it a final table worthy of coverage on ESPN 360 and who would be awake watching at 4am? Therefore we will return tomorrow at 2pm where we will do our best to describe the final stages. Dan Heimiller will return as chip leader with over 4 million chips whereas the player with the most work to do is Danny Fuhs who has just under a million. Link to post Share on other sites
FCP Bob 1,321 Posted June 3, 2009 Author Share Posted June 3, 2009 The Final Table should be streamed starting at 2PM Vegas time on ESPN360 and Link to post Share on other sites
MNmiracleCJS 0 Posted June 4, 2009 Share Posted June 4, 2009 Sung is putting on a clinic actually a pretty interesting watch so far from what I've seenalways liked his game but he's been really impressive today Link to post Share on other sites
NickZepp 0 Posted June 4, 2009 Share Posted June 4, 2009 Sung gets the bracelet, congrats. Link to post Share on other sites
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