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No-Limit Hold'em, $0.10 BB (5 handed) - Hold'em Manager Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comHero (MP) ($10.45)Button ($17.60)SB ($25.30)BB ($24.12)UTG ($21.13)Preflop: Hero is MP with K :ts, K :5c1 fold, Hero bets $0.40, 2 folds, BB calls $0.30Flop: ($0.85) 9 :qh, 7 :3h, 8 :jh(2 players)BB checks, Hero bets $0.65, BB raises $2, Hero calls $1.35Turn: ($4.85) 3 :4h(2 players)BB bets $2, Hero calls $2River: ($8.85) Q :club:(2 players)BB bets $5, Hero?villan was 38/31/4 over 13 hands for what its worth

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I really think if you call turn with that hand your pretty much calling a blankish river. (JT) already made it on the flop and nothing really improves on river expect some kind of Qish hand.

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I really think if you call turn with that hand your pretty much calling a blankish river. (JT) already made it on the flop and nothing really improves on river expect some kind of Qish hand.
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eh really looks like your beat, but id call just because its KK and your hand is underrepped, so he hypothetically could be value betting worse. He could have also had like 9cXc and now be bluffing.

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eh really looks like your beat, but id call just because its KK and your hand is underrepped, so he hypothetically could be value betting worse. He could have also had like 7cXc and now be bluffing.
FYP and this. I may even shove the turn with the safe card
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I think you should either 1 re-raise the 2 dollar flop bet if he shoves you can fold. (weak play i know but with the action it screams of set or jack ten)or2 simply call the river bet and if he happens to have qq or the straight say nice hand and move on.Of course i dont win much online and usually in this situation i lose to q 9 off after shoving pre-flop.Good luck

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Just shove the flop over his raise or shove on the turn. That board is so drawy.

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Most people look at it as I only have 4.40 in the pot should I double what I put in at this point. He has an over pair, which is not a bad card.The guy never states the suites of the hand either, most times he never reraised to find out where he stood when he got checked raised, his first mistake.kk got checked raised and started just calling down so he really never knows really where he stands.
raising to find out where you are at is usually a mistake
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Just shove the flop over his raise or shove on the turn. That board is so drawy.
When I read your responses, I hear Dwan's voice and I don't know whether it tilts me or if I like itBut, I like 3-betting the flop...
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I think you should either 1 re-raise the 2 dollar flop bet if he shoves you can fold. (weak play i know but with the action it screams of set or jack ten)or2 simply call the river bet and if he happens to have qq or the straight say nice hand and move on.Of course i dont win much online and usually in this situation i lose to q 9 off after shoving pre-flop.Good luck
That is really, really, really, really, REALLY bad.
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