gooch 0 Posted May 8, 2009 Share Posted May 8, 2009 i really have to wonder if tptk is strong enough to crai with?why not just lead the turn and fold to the rs if it comes? by checking the turn he could easily put you on a hand like QQ and you could have check called the river for less no?i hate sets except when i have them and the other player has tptk Link to post Share on other sites
David_Nicoson 1 Posted May 9, 2009 Share Posted May 9, 2009 i really have to wonder if tptk is strong enough to crai with?why not just lead the turn and fold to the rs if it comes?I think that's too tight. After betting the turn and facing a push, we're getting 7:3 ish for a break-even percentage of around 30%. If we're never ahead, then we can fold, but we really can't be sufficiently sure. Board: Kc 7s 2d 9hDead: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 19.602% 00.85% 18.75% 54 1188.00 { AKo }Hand 1: 80.398% 61.65% 18.75% 3906 1188.00 { KK+, 77, 22, AKs, AKo } It's something of a disaster if we fold our 50% equity against another AK in a pot this big. And there are lots more combinations of AK than these other hands. If we're folding TPTK in this situation, then we'd be better off not 3-betting AK and instead 3-bet something with more deceptive value. Link to post Share on other sites
gooch 0 Posted May 9, 2009 Share Posted May 9, 2009 I think that's too tight. After betting the turn and facing a push, we're getting 7:3 ish for a break-even percentage of around 30%. If we're never ahead, then we can fold, but we really can't be sufficiently sure. Board: Kc 7s 2d 9hDead: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 19.602% 00.85% 18.75% 54 1188.00 { AKo }Hand 1: 80.398% 61.65% 18.75% 3906 1188.00 { KK+, 77, 22, AKs, AKo } It's something of a disaster if we fold our 50% equity against another AK in a pot this big. And there are lots more combinations of AK than these other hands. If we're folding TPTK in this situation, then we'd be better off not 3-betting AK and instead 3-bet something with more deceptive value. i'm sure your thought pattern is a lot better than mine, it just seems that the hand has been identified by the villian and playing it out of position we need to try and keep the pot as small as possible since we seem unaware if we are good or not, i'm not sure the best way to do that though, seems like c/c turn and river would have been the way to go in this circumstance, it might also put us in a position to check raise a river down the road?I'm about 50/50 for losing my stack there I think but I would have most likely lead the turn and evaluated from there. Of course I have not idea as to the game of phil other than watching him on HSP in which he seemed pretty tight.Daniel didn't you write something earlier and playing hands out of the small blind and trying to keep those pots smaller? Link to post Share on other sites
trystero 0 Posted May 9, 2009 Share Posted May 9, 2009 I think that's too tight. After betting the turn and facing a push, we're getting 7:3 ish for a break-even percentage of around 30%. If we're never ahead, then we can fold, but we really can't be sufficiently sure. Board: Kc 7s 2d 9hDead: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 19.602% 00.85% 18.75% 54 1188.00 { AKo }Hand 1: 80.398% 61.65% 18.75% 3906 1188.00 { KK+, 77, 22, AKs, AKo } It's something of a disaster if we fold our 50% equity against another AK in a pot this big. And there are lots more combinations of AK than these other hands. If we're folding TPTK in this situation, then we'd be better off not 3-betting AK and instead 3-bet something with more deceptive value. ? Am I reading this wrong or...It doesn't really matter how many more combos of AK there are than sets when the program already weighs those when calculating equity. Should Galfond raise on the turn to our bet, we can really only call if we assign KQo in his range, and IMO he wouldn't play it like that, either by folding pf or by calling down w/it instead. He'll continue pf w/KQs, probably, but that hand doesn't raise this turn, and its inclusion still doesn't give us enough equity (>~30%) to call. Link to post Share on other sites
David_Nicoson 1 Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 ? Am I reading this wrong or...It doesn't really matter how many more combos of AK there are than sets when the program already weighs those when calculating equity.Right, it's not "There are lots of combos of AK AND we have 19.6% equity." It's "We have 19.6% equity BECAUSE there are more combos of AK." I'm sorry for being unclear.Should Galfond raise on the turn to our bet, we can really only call if we assign KQo in his range, and IMO he wouldn't play it like that, either by folding pf or by calling down w/it instead. He'll continue pf w/KQs, probably, but that hand doesn't raise this turn, and its inclusion still doesn't give us enough equity (>~30%) to call.I don't know anything about Galfond, but I agree this wouldn't be a good way to play KQ. It makes more sense to semi-bluff with a two-pair draw or just bluff with air. Link to post Share on other sites
Fluffdog87 2 Posted May 11, 2009 Share Posted May 11, 2009 Just lead turn. Phil likes to make call downs and he prob thinks your dbl barrel range is pretty narrow, so it'll be putting him to a tough decision regardless of his holdings that are not 77, 22, or 99.As played, I would check/call turn and eval on river. I obviously have not played with your or Phil, but I presume he isn't going to try and move you off hands often on the river. I think if he bets river after you check/call turn he is either going to value with KQ or KJ, which we have beat obviously, or is betting a set/float. Kinda hard to really comment on the spot since not there, game flow and other dynamics developed obviously influence the most optimal line in the spot.But if I were you in this spot I'd lead turn cause he prob expects you to check turn with your entire range (you're "big hands" like you did here, and your missed hands, as well as pocket pairs) and lead with a very narrow range for value and/or bluffs, in which he can either make a tough fold or incorrect call down against you. So while he may try and float you on the flop/bet turn, it's very difficult to guage if he would be trying to move you off of your turn check/call at the river. So I think you give up some value by not betting turn and then re-eval river if you want to lead again and try and get him to call down with a weaker King or a hand like TT/JJ. I agreewith your image this looks like a ck/call ck sigh fold or Jordan's turn lead line Link to post Share on other sites
gooch 0 Posted May 11, 2009 Share Posted May 11, 2009 would daniel fast play a hand like KK here and would galfond even care with his set? i know i go broke 99 times out of 100 set over set but i have managed to lay down 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Sens-Eh 0 Posted May 12, 2009 Share Posted May 12, 2009 I probably like the check call/check call line the best, but I was just thinking about other ways to play the hand.I'm going to throw some alternative thinking out into the mix, and examine some of the other possible paths for the hand by looking at the problem from a Stack to Pot Ratio perspective you got the SPR down to 5 on the flop(presuming he has you covered - and that by your original post you started the hand with 25K)...Is this low enough to commit against him with TPTK? I don't think so....Would this hand have played better with a bigger 3 bet preflop? raising his 600 to 3000 turns the SPR into 3.5 so is that low enough with these 125bb stacks(I don't think it quite is against this villian - but it's not like I have logged any hands against him, LOL ) which effectively means you can not raise enough preflop to get your most likely made hand on the flop(TPTK) in a situation where you are happy to play for stacks with. So that being said, what happens if you flat call his opening bet? BB folds? SPR is 17.4 - which I think is actually a little easier to play then an SPR of 5 albeit grossly conservative(some would say weak/tight!). You also run the risk of the BB calling too, and having a lower(worse) SPR.The last alternative is to make your 3 bet preflop a little smaller(say 1900) to get the SPR to 5.8 but consider yourself NOT committed. In that case, would it be possible to consider check/calling beginning on the flop instead of the turn? A 3 bet preflop followed by a check/call on the flop indicates a good deal of strength. Is he likely to keep firing with air on the turn? and river? I think you can save the last call, if he bets flop, turn and river. Then again that is where the play at high stakes could totally negate the situation. At Low Stakes, villian is not going to fire 3 barrels with less then 2 pair or a set into a check calling preflop 3 bettor. Maybe at High Stakes, you run a greater risk of being pushed off the best hand.We don't normally play AK this passively, but given the stack sizes, the poor position and the villian maybe it is an alternative to consider. I'm not convinced myself by anymeans but it did cross my mind that the check/call, check/call, check/fold might be the way to go...You still lose 11-14k on the hand but save the remaining 11-14k.... Link to post Share on other sites
ddudley 0 Posted May 12, 2009 Share Posted May 12, 2009 depends on reads, i dont really know galfond very well. this is a decent board to float, as only AA, KK, and AK are 3-bet hands that like this flop (unless he thinks DN will 3-bet a utg raise with with KQs or KJs, which is doubtful), so he could make this call with a lot of hands thinking he's best or that he can take you off your hand later.I would think AA would raise this flop, trying to get stacks in vs. AK, knowing they won't get much more $$ from JJ or QQ, and the longer the hand plays out the less likely he is to stack AK. same with a set, though this logic is better for smaller staked opponents, and may not apply in a larger game.I think this is classic way ahead/way we check/call the turn and bet/fold the river.that may be more of a limit line, but i think it works well here, too.I gotta agree with this! Link to post Share on other sites
looshle 6 Posted May 12, 2009 Share Posted May 12, 2009 I'd call turn eval river but folding almost always as Galfond isn't bluffing the river against you here ever, and I think is checking back any King. Link to post Share on other sites
strappazon 0 Posted May 12, 2009 Share Posted May 12, 2009 6 handed NL in the $400-$800 mixed game. NLH hand is 100-200 blinds. Phil Galfond raises under the gun to 600 and I re-raise from the SB to 2200 with AK- he calls. Flop is K-7-2 rainbow I bet 2800- he calls. Turn is a 9, I check, he bets 5600. I have about 20,000 in front of me. Would you call, fold, or check-raise all in?Pfff....difficult imo. He could has a set, no?....I think i'd call and see what the river brings. Or if i have really more chips than him i'd check-raise all in. Oh..i forget to say i don't know who Golfond is. Link to post Share on other sites
antistuff 0 Posted May 12, 2009 Share Posted May 12, 2009 Pfff....difficult imo. He could has a set, no?....I think i'd call and see what the river brings. Or i have really more chips than him i'd check-raise all in. Oh..i forget to say i don't know who Golfond is.phil galfond = Omgclayaiken Link to post Share on other sites
gooch 0 Posted May 13, 2009 Share Posted May 13, 2009 Oh..i forget to say i don't know who Golfond is.for what it's worth, galfond in the only player durrrr excluded from the heads up challenge Link to post Share on other sites
RISEorFall 0 Posted May 13, 2009 Share Posted May 13, 2009 for what it's worth, galfond in the only player durrrr excluded from the heads up challengewhats up with those? last i read he was sucking out on antonius and then kept saying he didnt want to play anymore because he was tired. lately he's been sitting at the Omaha tables by himself. Link to post Share on other sites
SmileNTilt 0 Posted May 14, 2009 Share Posted May 14, 2009 whats up with those? last i read he was sucking out on antonius and then kept saying he didnt want to play anymore because he was tired. lately he's been sitting at the Omaha tables by himself.As of last week (5th), Patrik was up about $500k Link to post Share on other sites
gooch 0 Posted May 14, 2009 Share Posted May 14, 2009 i checked lats night and PA was up about $400k and they had played about 13,000 hands for about 1/4 of the way there Link to post Share on other sites
ZeroCool 0 Posted May 16, 2009 Share Posted May 16, 2009 Why did you not just bet the turn here Daniel could of just avoided this sittuation...? Anyway Galfound is deffinetly good enough to be making a move here so i would prob call and see what the river brings. He's going to bet the river here nearly all of the time aswell. Also what was the suit of the turn?? Cause he may have turned some sort of combo draw Link to post Share on other sites
Footballguru 0 Posted May 21, 2009 Share Posted May 21, 2009 AK ! omgz all in pre flop Link to post Share on other sites
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