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Dn "biting His Tongue"

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It seems as though this is about the challenge from 2eazy and all the 2+2'rs talking trash, but I didn't know if there were other circumstances... He mentioned that he should not comment about Apprentice, so I didn't know if it was related to Annie or what. Just wondering if there is something else that the "rest of the world" doesn't know about. Anyone got idea's?

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It seems as though this is about the challenge from 2eazy and all the 2+2'rs talking trash, but I didn't know if there were other circumstances... He mentioned that he should not comment about Apprentice, so I didn't know if it was related to Annie or what. Just wondering if there is something else that the "rest of the world" doesn't know about. Anyone got idea's?
Yeah i know exactly what he's talking about but i'm gonna "bite my tougue" about it.Oh and 1st
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I know Rush Limbaugh is all knowing and all seeing.

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Its gotta have something to do with the fact that he was at the same table as Clonie Gowan in the 25k WPT, perhaps something came up at the table about her lawsuit against FTP?
I noticed on the intro to Heads up poker championship they had here and Howard coming out of an elevator (with others), her right after Howard. I wonder if Howard had the guts to do a little crop dusting with her behind him?
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oh hai der annie, nice quote. she suddenly has gotten a lot hotter since i saw this.
I always wondered, why are they called blowjobs? Shouldn't they be called 'suckjobs'? If a girl is blowing on it, she's doing it wrong.Thoughts?
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I always wondered, why are they called blowjobs? Shouldn't they be called 'suckjobs'? If a girl is blowing on it, she's doing it wrong.Thoughts?
Your right. A blow job just sounds painful
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I always wondered, why are they called blowjobs? Shouldn't they be called 'suckjobs'? If a girl is blowing on it, she's doing it wrong.Thoughts?
Hmmmmmmm..... DN+Clonie+Howard=3 way? And then Annie walks in and...
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Ok, I'm probably going to get banned for this. The secret is............Annie is a bitchwith a monster 70s bush. It's been fun FCP.
with a shit smear on her tattoo
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I was under the impression that he was biting his tongue instead of commenting on some really bad play at his table on day 1, but I've been wrong before.

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I think years ago either Annie claimed Daniel to be bad for poker or Daniel claimed Annie to bad for poker ive seen some long posts on some old message board by both of them. Anyway conclusion being I think they are not exactly the best friends, and 2eazy based on what I have read that guy seems like a typical arrogant who has won little too much money for his own good.

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