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Did I Play This Wrong?

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I limp on the button with A4 clubs. Couple of limpers already. Flop comes down 78Q with two clubs. Checks round to me and I bet 450. Pots about 600. BB calls. Turns comes 6diamonds. BB bets 350. I raise to 900. He reraises all in. What would be the correct play here?

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I don't really like the re-raise on the turn. He bet 300 giving you great odds to draw to your flush/str8. Call and collect the 8k pot when the club hits on the river and he mucks 9 10.

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I limp on the button with A4 clubs. Couple of limpers already. Flop comes down 78Q with two clubs. Checks round to me and I bet 450. Pots about 600. BB calls. Turns comes 6diamonds. BB bets 350. I raise to 900. He reraises all in. What would be the correct play here?
First is there's only limpers before me i'd raise about 4BB with A4s at the button. I think i'd have checked the flop then i'd call on the turn rather than raising. Don't forget that you have nothing excepta nuts flush draw....Now i need to know if you're talking about cash-games or touney and how much do you have to call when your opponents goes all-in...stack size is important too.Imo at this point that's only pure maths. You odds are about 4:1...what's the pot odds? And what again what's yout stack size ?
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i would have just called on the turn. no need to push him out here if he's drawing and i'd want to avoid the rr if he had made his hand. re eval the river.

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I would call the turn. Before you raise on the turn, you need to have thought about and have a game plan for what you'll do if he re-raises you or shoves on you. If you don't think you can call a re-raise or shove, then don't raise...just call.

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