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Tyty all. I played decent I guess, but I ran like a god when I was aipf. I think I was 26/27, 18/19, 10/10, 9/9, etc etc. A7> 99, kj>aj, k7>a4, jt>a3, mbn. Then I obviously run aa into kk and tt and triple to the chiplead 7 handed or whatever, and things progressed from there.I should have folded the k9dd on the kqt board blind vs blind 4 handed, but things worked out so I guess I won't worry too much about it.Such donkaments though, I've 'deserved' tournaments much more than I deserved to win this one. I won't complain though lol. I obviously just had good karma from doing the movie contest. :)Tyty again all, at least now I can shut my brother up for always ragging on me about not winning anything outright in ages.

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nice win congrats sir :club:

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