brvheart 1,756 Posted March 4, 2009 Share Posted March 4, 2009 the cops, retard.EDIT: My life is now complete.3 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)3 Members: brvheart, bleacherbum3, Clay Aiken Link to post Share on other sites
bleacherbum3 9 Posted March 4, 2009 Share Posted March 4, 2009 bwahahahaha Link to post Share on other sites
TAGteam 0 Posted March 4, 2009 Share Posted March 4, 2009 who says "say please" to a border cop? douche bags all around Link to post Share on other sites
chrozzo 19 Posted March 4, 2009 Share Posted March 4, 2009 "please turn off the car, eh" Link to post Share on other sites
dapokerbum 0 Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 I applaud this obviouly gay man! You go with your bad self. Why shouldn't we demand respect in order to give respect. Do you want to know why so many people hate cops? Its because they are all trained assholes. They could care less about any situation. I understand that they have to deal with all the low lifes of society and that would give you a bad outlook on the majority of people, but for ****s sake when you run into the normal human in society try to remember that we are the ones paying your salary. I'm sorry if you don't agree with it, but just because you have a badge and a gun doesn't give you any clout wiht me. **** COPS. **** them to the nth degree. I hate cops for just this reason. Quick story, I got pulled over one day and I try to be nice to the guy. I mean I was speeding ... so I know I am getting a ticket. Well I am in a good mood, no worries. He asks me for my license and insurance, I hand it all to him with a smile on my face and I am trying to be a nice conversational guy. The guy looked like he wanted to punt me in the balls! I mean what the ****. For once someone isn't pissed and cussing that you pulled them over. i knew I was in the wrong and was just trying to be a nice guy. The cop was a total dick the whole time. After he left I was furious. I mean seriously you have to be that much of a dick all the time. Well **** you officer. I say it again **** cops. Link to post Share on other sites
Flushgarden 0 Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 The guy is an idiot and the cop is a douche. The cop should have just said please though. It should be standard. Link to post Share on other sites
brvheart 1,756 Posted March 5, 2009 Author Share Posted March 5, 2009 I applaud this obviouly gay man! You go with your bad self. Why shouldn't we demand respect in order to give respect. Do you want to know why so many people hate cops? Its because they are all trained assholes. They could care less about any situation. I understand that they have to deal with all the low lifes of society and that would give you a bad outlook on the majority of people, but for ****s sake when you run into the normal human in society try to remember that we are the ones paying your salary. I'm sorry if you don't agree with it, but just because you have a badge and a gun doesn't give you any clout wiht me. **** COPS. **** them to the nth degree. I hate cops for just this reason. Quick story, I got pulled over one day and I try to be nice to the guy. I mean I was speeding ... so I know I am getting a ticket. Well I am in a good mood, no worries. He asks me for my license and insurance, I hand it all to him with a smile on my face and I am trying to be a nice conversational guy. The guy looked like he wanted to punt me in the balls! I mean what the ****. For once someone isn't pissed and cussing that you pulled them over. i knew I was in the wrong and was just trying to be a nice guy. The cop was a total dick the whole time. After he left I was furious. I mean seriously you have to be that much of a dick all the time. Well **** you officer. I say it again **** cops.You can hate them all you want, but don't be a retard and tell the cop you're not going to obey a command THREE TIMES... Even after the cop SAID he was going to pepper spray the guy... he just said, "say please". RETARD! Link to post Share on other sites
FCP Bob 1,320 Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 Quick story, I got pulled over one day and I try to be nice to the guy. I mean I was speeding ... so I know I am getting a ticket. Well I am in a good mood, no worries. He asks me for my license and insurance, I hand it all to him with a smile on my face and I am trying to be a nice conversational guy. The guy looked like he wanted to punt me in the balls! I mean what the ****. For once someone isn't pissed and cussing that you pulled them over. i knew I was in the wrong and was just trying to be a nice guy. The cop was a total dick the whole time. After he left I was furious. I mean seriously you have to be that much of a dick all the time. Well **** you officer. I say it again **** cops.I was driving on my way home from Atlantic City to Toronto and I was just outside Syracuse on the Interstate when as I was passing some cars in a 55 zone I saw a cop in the median between the different directions. As I passed him I saw that he was pulling out and putting his lights on and there was no question that it was me he was going to pull over so before he had much of a chance I saw an area on the side with a huge shoulder that would allow a very safe stop.The first thing that the cop said to me when he came to the car was "Thank You for pulling over and making it safe for both of us".In the end I was doing 79 in a 55 zone and he gave me a ticket for I think 5 over or whatever the smallest fine would be.Don't get me started on the 14 year old New Jersey State Police Trooper who gave me a totally bogus ticket on the way to Philadelphia when I was going with the flow of traffic about 5 miles over the limit and she said I was going 20 over and that she had paced me and didn't have me on radar. Yah, you paced me because you were speeding to catch up to the traffic the whole time so that u could get an out of State plate who would have to travel 800 miles to fight your lie you ******* **** Link to post Share on other sites
dapokerbum 0 Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 This is how it should have gone down:The COP: Turn your car off. GUY: A please would be nice. The COP: Come again? GUY: I said a please would be nice. The COP: Get it straight buster - I'm not here to say please, I'm here to tell you what to do and if self-preservation is an instinct you possess you'd better fucking do it and do it quick. I'm here to help - if my help's not appreciated then lotsa luck, gentlemen. GUY: I don't mean any disrespect, I just don't like people barking orders at me. The COP: If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Turn the fucking car off. Link to post Share on other sites
brvheart 1,756 Posted March 5, 2009 Author Share Posted March 5, 2009 I was driving on my way home from Don't get me started on the 14 year old New Jersey State Police Trooper who gave me a totally bogus ticket on the way to Philadelphia when I was going with the flow of traffic about 5 miles over the limit and she said I was going 20 over and that she had paced me and didn't have me on radar. Yah, you paced me because you were speeding to catch up to the traffic the whole time so that u could get an out of State plate who would have to travel 800 miles to fight your lie you ******* ****She sounds hot.This is how it should have gone down:The COP: Turn your car off. GUY: A please would be nice. The COP: Come again? GUY: I said a please would be nice. The COP: Get it straight buster - I'm not here to say please, I'm here to tell you what to do and if self-preservation is an instinct you possess you'd better fucking do it and do it quick. I'm here to help - if my help's not appreciated then lotsa luck, gentlemen. GUY: I don't mean any disrespect, I just don't like people barking orders at me. The COP: If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Turn the fucking car off.This is definitely NOT how it should have went. Why should the cop have to explain exactly what ALL OF US already know? The guy is a retard and deserved to get peppered.The COP: Turn your car off.GUY: Ok.The COP: *searches*five minutes passThe COP: You can go.GUY: Thank you officer.The COP: You're welcome, have a nice day. Link to post Share on other sites
SuitedAces21 2,723 Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 brvheart would have been the worst guard in the stanford prison study. no doubt in my mind. Link to post Share on other sites
Sal Paradise 57 Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 This is how it should have gone down:The COP: Turn your car off. GUY: A please would be nice. The COP: Come again? GUY: I said a please would be nice. The COP: Get it straight buster - I'm not here to say please, I'm here to tell you what to do and if self-preservation is an instinct you possess you'd better fucking do it and do it quick. I'm here to help - if my help's not appreciated then lotsa luck, gentlemen. GUY: I don't mean any disrespect, I just don't like people barking orders at me. The COP: If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Turn the fucking car off.sheeeeiiiit negro that's all you had to say! better(I know that isn't the way it went, but they didn't say anything after that. damn it.) Link to post Share on other sites
brvheart 1,756 Posted March 5, 2009 Author Share Posted March 5, 2009 better(I know that isn't the way it went, but they didn't say anything after that. damn it.) I can't argue with this logic. Link to post Share on other sites
brvheart 1,756 Posted March 5, 2009 Author Share Posted March 5, 2009 brvheart would have been the worst guard in the stanford prison study. no doubt in my mind.You're damn right. Ask my kids. Link to post Share on other sites
SuitedAces21 2,723 Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 You're damn right. Ask my kids.if i cared about other people, i'd feel sorry for your kids. but they probably dont know the difference anyways. Link to post Share on other sites
brvheart 1,756 Posted March 5, 2009 Author Share Posted March 5, 2009 i don't feel sorry for your kids.Me either. Link to post Share on other sites
chrozzo 19 Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 Me either.i think i do Link to post Share on other sites
Sal Paradise 57 Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 lol at feeling sorry for kids who have a dad that owns a dairy queen. Link to post Share on other sites
silkyjonson 1 Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 We take our politeness very fucking seriously Link to post Share on other sites
hblask 1 Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 Some people have a very bad childhood. They spend their youth feeling abused and demeaned and getting angry at the world, dreaming of the day when they can get back at everyone.These people try to become police officers. If their maladjustment is only mildly bad, they can succeed at this dream and spend their life gleefully beating up minorities and the poor.If their adjustment is a little worse, this will be noticed during their training and they will fail. These people will buy guns and start killing strangers at a McDonalds.If their brain is really screwed up, though, they become border guards, where they can be angry all day and inconvenience people on a whim without fear of retribution.So yeah, just obey them. They are total dicks, really psychopaths, but if you run into a psychopath with pepper spray and a gun and authority, just do what they say. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 We need more sensative people with politeness coming out their ears when they get to respond to the dregs of society on a daily basis who lie to them and try to do them physical harm.Because when I call the cops, I want Richard Simmons to show up, not Dirty Harry Link to post Share on other sites
brvheart 1,756 Posted March 5, 2009 Author Share Posted March 5, 2009 I'm a big fan of the last two posts. Link to post Share on other sites
SuitedAces21 2,723 Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 I'm a big fan of the last two would be. Link to post Share on other sites
JubilantLankyLad 1,957 Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 A few days before my buddy, who is a bartender, got married, I met a guy who turned out to be a semi-functional retard, and coincidentally, an American border guard, while drinking for free on my buddy's tab at his bar, preparing to be his best man. This wacko ended up spouting on about the fact that everyone except Americans speak english wrong, and that accents shouldn't be allowed, which didn't bother him because, as anyone knows, he explained, Americans don't speak with an accent. I don't think he had ever strayed too far south, because when I asked him about southern American accents, he became very confused, claimed that they didn't exist, and started saying that calling England England was just plain wrong, because they didn't speak english correctly there. He did, however, confess that he thought he spoke "The Queen's English", although he didn't see anything ironic about that, or with the fact that to him, the Queen wanders around saying "ain't" and "fellas" on a regular basis. Anyways, I listened to him spout off this nonsense and more for most of a beer, before getting frustrated and telling him, quite pointedly and in detail, that he was a moron. The fact that he was wearing his border guard uniform several hours drive from the actual border was delicious icing for the cake. He seemed quite confused that someone would dare speak back to him, but I wasn't all that concerned about his shiny badge or any authority he thought he had, sitting in that bar. Until my buddy came out from the kitchen, saw us arguing, and came over to try and smooth things over, because, he explained, this special flower of a man was about to become his father-in-law.The ceremony was uncomfortable.Border guards are not intelligent people. Link to post Share on other sites
JubilantLankyLad 1,957 Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 I think I may have just set a record for most commas in a post. Link to post Share on other sites
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