SGFULTON83 0 Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 Hi!Hai der!To avoid the people not showing up or sitting out, next year run more of the 1-day satty's like Ace won so this wouldn't be an issue. I think it sucks some people couldn't make it to all of them and play but like cowboy said, there are other things that are going to come up more important. Sometimes people won't be able to make it to a weekly game. Trial and Error is the only way to learn and improve things, this one ran pretty damn good for the first one. Yes, it could have improvements and will improve with suggestions from the players that can be put in next years tournaments.Congrats again to those who won seats, and good luck in Vegas and good work DNA. Link to post Share on other sites
outsider13 0 Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 Based on the exponential pokerstars point distribution, blinding out was almost the same as last place points, especially over the long run. You have to basically make top 8 or so for your finish to have any major effect on your standings.Blind stealing has nothing to do with the point I was trying to make. It had to do with the fact that people in some cases finished in the top 20 without showing up, when guys who actually showed up perhaps got coolered, lost race, etc. I think it's silly for them to be rewarded on other people's misfortune. If they don't show, they should finish last.edit, just looked, yeah, it's 6 point dif between 20th and 40th, rant makes little sense.FWIW though, if 27 people were available to play, I'd rather play with 27 than 40 and 13 sitting out. That's just me. Link to post Share on other sites
HubDub04 0 Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 sigh nvm.Sure Link to post Share on other sites
gobears 0 Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 Very fun tourney - kudos to DNA for running it and Cubs/Sea for winning the two seats.There were some funny dynamics at the tables obviously with quite a few players sitting out, others ready to shove every hand and GW taking the other side where he was limping or calling with a wide range. You just have to adapt and accept a higher variance. I don't think I stole one blind with GW on my left calling every hand preflop so I can't say that it was fun but it was challenging.The Dscoot strategy where he was blasting Hub/Dream every chance he got to try to get a KO was a smart strategy. I knew that I had to not only win the tourney (just like Cubs, NNB and anyone else who was in the 5-12 spots) but had to have at least three of the four guys in the 1-4 spots not go deep. Not sure if the other guys had done the #'s, but I had a spreadsheet done with the # of points I needed to gain on every one of the top four guys and what position they could finish in that would allow me to pass them. Unfortunately, it was not needed when I busted.Only had one decent chance at getting into an AIPF with Sea but he managed to avoid getting it in with me AIPF with a very good fold on his part. Link to post Share on other sites
Naked_Cowboy 0 Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 Blind stealing has nothing to do with the point I was trying to make. It had to do with the fact that people in some cases finished in the top 20 without showing up, when guys who actually showed up perhaps got coolered, lost race, etc. I think it's silly for them to be rewarded on other people's misfortune. If they don't show, they should finish last.And the subsequent point I tried to get across is that finishing 24-18 (where you finish if you blind out) is no different than getting coolered and finishing 40th or fighting into 14th for all intents and purposes. You have to final table to have any meaningful difference between your points earned and those of last place, no matter where you fall in the remainder of the field. Someone not playing cannot final table and thus those points get automatically shifted upwards both in the aggregate and in the single tournament. This is the same principle as an overlay and you should be thanking anyone who wasn't able to play, not bitching at them.In fact, blinding out to exactly 20th in every tournament would earn you 284 points and put you in 36th or 37th place out of 40 based on how everyone finished in this pool. Link to post Share on other sites
Billy 0 Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 I feel I should respond to Billy and anyone else that feels like I 'ruined' their chance at a seat. Billy, you don't have to accept my apology and you can remain bitter towards me for costing you a chance to play a $1500 wsop event. That's not exactly fair since I certainly didn't do anything wrong and it wasn't my direct action, but the results of the hand, that cost you a CHANCE at winning the seat. I clicked the call button twice with what I knew to be the worst hand. Big deal, bad players do this all the time which gives good players the edge in this game of poker. It's not my responsibility to pay attention to players who were still in the running for the seat. Making decisions based on this information would be unethical. I bought my chips just like everyone else and I'm allowed to play those chips in whatever fashion I choose within the rules of the game. I was on the fence about how to approach this tourney knowing I didn't have anything to gain by playing with a more traditional style. Sitting out affects the table dynamics as does open shoving every hand. After the first hand, I decided to limp 100% of hands and check/call if I had any reasonable chance to win the pot. I let the table know what I was doing in the chat. This style certainly had an effect on how people could play pots. I never made a bet/raise after the first hand of the tourney. I doubled up GoBears aipf KK<QQ, pretty standard. I think chicagocubsfanXX? busted me when I called his all in on the turn with what I thought was a gut shot and an ace giving me 7 clean outs. However, it was possible that I had 6 clean pair outs with a gut shot which makes the call pretty easy. Turns out he flopped two pair reducing my outs to 4. I'm not sure how he would have reacted if I hit and scooped the pot. You played on the table from the very start of the tourney and knew from my chat, along with the 30 or so hands that we played, exactly what I was doing. I'm not going to address the merits of shoving TT in that spot vs someone employing my unorthodox style, but I will say that you put your chips at risk, not me. I didn't know Seacucumer and GoBears were in the running. They both instantly adjusted to what I was doing and were very cautious when they played a hand. I wonder how you would feel if I chose to open shove every hand. You see me do this 3 times from the start and everyone realizes what I'm doing. The fourth hand, you call me with KK and I happen to have AA and bust you. How about if you call me on the fourth hand and I have KK vs your AA but the board comes QJT92 and I bust you. I can think of other scenarios where sitting out would have an effect on how a hand plays out where you could possibly use the results and harbor resentment towards the person who's sitting out due to the results of the hand. If I had played 'normally' and busted you on some cooler like set/set or FH/flush, I'm certain you would have the same disappointment about not winning a seat. Think about it. This post is way too long but it's better than posting my initial reaction to Billy's figured you'd come back with a response like this. Go ahead and look at the actual hand. Any good player would agree with my play. Folding would be terrible. Smooth calling the BB's all in would be worse since it invites you to come along with your junk and outflop me for a cheap price so shoving was the only play. Yet you decided to still call with your BS in hopes of getting lucky. If you had a real hand then I'd bow out like a man and accept my loss. But for you to cold call 75 BB's with Q9o and donk me out of a $100 buy-in WSOP satty is just flat out bullshit. ESPECIALLY because you had nothing to lose. Put yourself in my shoes and you'd feel the exact same way. As far as you not being responsible for looking at the leaderboard give me a fkin break. Everyone knew since week 3 that I was the guy to beat so go throw your cop outs somewhere else.And as far as all your little hypothetical situations go. How would I react to a legit suckout, cooler, etc? The same way we all do when it happens. Hate our lives for about 30 mins then move on to the next tourney. I wouldn't have said a word had it been a legit beat. A sore-loser is the last thing that I am but I wasn't gonna get done dirty like this and keep my mouth shut. To the rest of FCP: I know I sound sour as hell but I'm really not. I'm extremely happy to have been a part of this contest and all in all I'm happy with my performance against such great players. My bitterness stems from the fact that in the end, when it mattered most, the outcome was affected by people who had nothing to lose instead of some good ol' fashioned poker.Hubdub and NNB: thanks for understanding my point of view and I appreciate the kind words. I had a blast playing with you guys. Link to post Share on other sites
deadlysyns 0 Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 I am planning to play in Event #28 (starts on June 13th) and Event #34 (starts on June 16th). Since Event #28 starts on a Saturday, I am leaning towards playing that through the FCP seat since it should have a bigger prize pool and hopefully more donks with the addition of weekend warriors (like myself lol). Thoughts?Thanks Gil and sick loss/win there :b I think I'm going to be playing either the 13th or the 16th as wellI will be in Vegas June 10th-28th. My first event I plan on playing is the Event #35, the 5k plo8 on the June 12th. I would like to win a seat into it but will definitely play it if I do not win a seat. My second event will be Event #48 1.5k plo8 on June 25th. Play mostly PLO/PLO8 cash games in between. I may hit some of the Venetian Deep stack tourneys.PM me if ya'll want to meet up. Link to post Share on other sites
GWCGWC 83 Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 Alright man, you don't get it. I can assure you there was no malicious intent when I called. I'll also assure you that I honestly think you're being a whinny little bitch in this instance but I harbor no ill will towards you as a person. good luck Link to post Share on other sites
Tehtoe 3 Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 I understand you're upset Billy, and it sucks, but you're coming off really bad atm. Just let it go. Link to post Share on other sites
ncperrotta069 0 Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 It's 1010 you could have folded just ask Mark Link to post Share on other sites
no not baxter 0 Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 Alright, well my thinking is that it does afffect it. Sure its absolutely fine at the beginning and doesnt really influence play at all because the point structure was real top heavy anyway. BUT, once u get down to the end rounds you can exploit people extremely because of the ppl sitting out. I know seacucumber had to get to a certain spot to qualify and so did some other people I am assuming and the people who were sitting out (people even tripled up and then sat out the rest of the tourney so they even influenced this more cuz they were around longer) affect this a lot. I was raising seacucumbers blind at will...3betting hub dub i believe because he had to get to a certain spot....its just extremely exploitable. Obv it helped me out a lot in the last round especially because I was playing for first but I still think it is really annoying.Also, obv sitting out a lot of the weeks affects prop bets so i doubt I will do any group prop bets anymore.To the people I need to settle prop bets with, gimme a few min.As for GWC, I dont think he should be getting yelled at at all for playing like that. Obv its his own decision and playing bad is fine.....i do understand being extremely tilted b/c of it tho lol Link to post Share on other sites
SGFULTON83 0 Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 I wouldn't have said a word had my hand held up and I qualified.FYP, let it go man. Everyone understands your frustration and you have every right to be frustrated, but seriously if you win this hand you wouldn't have cared would you? It's poker, and poker can be a brutal b*tch sometimes. Link to post Share on other sites
no not baxter 0 Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 I understand you're upset Billy, and it sucks, but you're coming off really bad atm. Just let it go.meh i mean i disagree that hes coming off real bad, hes obv real pissed and understandably, chill the HH itt?edit: I mean he should be mad but def not at GWC. I dont think there should be any personal vendettas or w/e and I dont think GWC was trying to take you out because you were the early CL (idk for sure tho and if he was then thats reeealllllly douche)....anyways I think we should all accept apologies and crush wsop! Link to post Share on other sites
SGFULTON83 0 Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 meh i mean i disagree that hes coming off real bad, hes obv real pissed and understandably, chill the HH itt?He's not coming off bad by being upset, it's attacking GWC over the hand that is coming off bad. Link to post Share on other sites
no not baxter 0 Posted April 28, 2009 Share Posted April 28, 2009 He's not coming off bad by being upset, it's attacking GWC over the hand that is coming off bad. ya edited Link to post Share on other sites
Billy 0 Posted April 28, 2009 Share Posted April 28, 2009 Where did I attack GWC? I simply offered a response as to why I feel the way that I do. He just called me a bitch and I'm the one coming off bad?I wasn't gonna say much because I didn't want this to be a bigger deal then it had to be. I'm already over it and I'm moving on but when I saw he posted an essay I figured I'd at least respond since he took the time to write it. Link to post Share on other sites
Vtlaxer09 4 Posted April 28, 2009 Share Posted April 28, 2009 the beauty of poker is that you can do whatever you want. Everyone paid their entry fee. There is no Right or Wrong way to play poker. There is only profitable and non profitable ways to play. Anyone who is actually serious about being pissed off that people werent playing "standard poker" is stupid and should never play poker again. Finding the soft spots is what makes poker beatable. Im not saying that if some of the better players were playing seriously, that they would automatically win... especially over this small sample size, but alot of the players in this were fortunate to say the least that they could get their Money in VERY good and thats all you can ask for in poker.GWC, folding tens there is retarded.Billy, you took a bad beat... get over it. Link to post Share on other sites
booyaga 0 Posted April 28, 2009 Share Posted April 28, 2009 Where did I attack GWC? I simply offered a response as to why I feel the way that I do. He just called me a whinny little bitch and I'm the one coming off bad?I wasn't gonna say much because I didn't want this to be a bigger deal then it had to be. I'm already over it and I'm moving on but when I saw he posted an essay I figured I'd at least respond since he took the time to write it.fyp Link to post Share on other sites
Suited_Up 2 Posted April 28, 2009 Share Posted April 28, 2009 I thought Billy had the Tens?I must say though, I like the new avatar billy. Link to post Share on other sites
Robert Melendez 0 Posted April 28, 2009 Share Posted April 28, 2009 more fcp sattys imo:P Link to post Share on other sites
ncperrotta069 0 Posted April 28, 2009 Share Posted April 28, 2009 the beauty of poker is that you can do whatever you want. Everyone paid their entry fee. There is no Right or Wrong way to play poker. There is only profitable and non profitable ways to play. Anyone who is actually serious about being pissed off that people werent playing "standard poker" is stupid and should never play poker again. Finding the soft spots is what makes poker beatable. Im not saying that if some of the better players were playing seriously, that they would automatically win... especially over this small sample size, but alot of the players in this were fortunate to say the least that they could get their Money in VERY good and thats all you can ask for in poker.GWC, calling with Q9 there is retarded.Billy, you took a bad beat... get over it.FYPlol jk i dnt even know the sitaution or hands for that matter i think it was 1010 vs Q9? Link to post Share on other sites
Vtlaxer09 4 Posted April 28, 2009 Share Posted April 28, 2009 gwc saidbilly shouldfold tenswhich is lol Link to post Share on other sites
dscoot 0 Posted April 28, 2009 Share Posted April 28, 2009 This is such an outrageous and easy statement to make for someone with no real life committments. I guess it's your schtick or whatever to take things way too seriously, but come on.yes its a small sample size, but in the grand scheme of online poker, this is a much better gauge of who the better players are. Part of the sexiness of this league is that the two winners should actually have a solid shot at cashing in the WSOP, because they are some of the better players out of the forty. Ideally i want all my league members to play all eleven weeks, because I want the best possible horse out there running for me. If you knew this weekly time wasnt convenient for you and all your massive life committments that you say I have none of , then you shouldnt have entered to begin with.As for those people that routinely enter 200dollar online tournaments allday, especially sunday, they had no business wanting in this league. A 2200 wsop score (for that much time spent) is chump change to them, plus they may spend that much in tourny entry fee's in one day online. Not to mention this schedule was at a poor time for the bigSunday regulars to play. I blame the actual people who entered for being stupid in thinking they would show up and be available for this. But its trial and error, Im sure most of them wouldnt re-enter this thing next year, which should solve the problem. I still believe offering 40stakes is too much and people should have to perform at least average to get a stake, thus making everyone play it out. Link to post Share on other sites
outsider13 0 Posted April 28, 2009 Share Posted April 28, 2009 yes its a small sample size, but in the grand scheme of online poker, this is a much better gauge of who the better players are. Part of the sexiness of this league is that the two winners should actually have a solid shot at cashing in the WSOP, because they are some of the better players out of the forty. Ideally i want all my league members to play all eleven weeks, because I want the best possible horse out there running for me. If you knew this weekly time wasnt convenient for you and all your massive life committments that you say I have none of , then you shouldnt have entered to begin with.As for those people that routinely enter 200dollar online tournaments allday, especially sunday, they had no business wanting in this league. A 2200 wsop score (for that much time spent) is chump change to them, plus they may spend that much in tourny entry fee's in one day online. Not to mention this schedule was at a poor time for the bigSunday regulars to play. I blame the actual people who entered for being stupid in thinking they would show up and be available for this. But its trial and error, Im sure most of them wouldnt re-enter this thing next year, which should solve the problem. I still believe offering 40stakes is too much and people should have to perform at least average to get a stake, thus making everyone play it out.Quite the awesome statement there. Small samples are the new gauge of how good players are! Dude, you're an idiot. Link to post Share on other sites
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