TraptSteve 0 Posted November 26, 2008 Author Share Posted November 26, 2008 i found that pretty funny as well. Link to post Share on other sites
TeeSludge 0 Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 I played live for a living for almost 3 years. Don't do it. Step 1) Move somewhere awesome with great weather with lots to doStep 2) Deposit OnlineStep 3) Destroy everyoneStep 4) ProfitStep 5) Meet a girlStep 6) Have a kidStep 7) Buy a houseStep 8,9,10,11...) ????Step 60) Die a happy man. Link to post Share on other sites
JubilantLankyLad 1,957 Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 I played live for a living for almost 3 years. Don't do it. Step 1) Move somewhere awesome with great weather with lots to doStep 2) Deposit OnlineStep 3) Destroy everyoneStep 4) ProfitStep 5) Meet a girlStep 6) Have a kidStep 7) Buy a houseStep 8,9,10,11...) repeat step 4, and not step five, and maybe step 6 and 7Step 60) Die a happy man.FYP Link to post Share on other sites
El Guapo 8 Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 This.Edit: I was checking out the Kings dancers, and I think I found my soulmate. Lisa. She's short. Thick, powerful legs. She watches The Hills, she likes peeing on herself, which I'm into. Her favorite season is mine, and her favorite city is also mine. Her favorite matchup is Kings v Lakers, so we'll have that playful rivalry thing going. She could be the one.LOL. I used to hang out with a bunch of them. None from this batch that I can tell, well, because I am getting old.A buddy of mine was married to the head cheerleader from the late 90's early 2000's and another friend of mine, her friend was Cheerleader around the same time.Unfortunately for me, I was already with my now wife then, because these girls were dumb as a bag things that are dumber than rocks. Easy on the eyes though, and were cheap drunks. Link to post Share on other sites
waylander11 0 Posted November 27, 2008 Share Posted November 27, 2008 about the short stacking... I think i can make a case for buying in for 50 bbs. Doesn't a 1-2 game where a normal raise is at least $10 and gets called 2 or 3 times in every raised pot provide a perfect spot to just shove premium hands with tons of equity? I understand that buying in for the full amount gives you a better chance to exploit peoples mistakes after the flop, but the mistakes people make before the flop in a live 1-2 game are rediculous. Nitting a short stack in a live 1-2 is boring as hell and it makes me want to kill myself but its really hard to make a mistake. I have no idea how good OP is at poker but buying in short is a great way to take advantage of really fundamental errors without having to worry about the more advanced concepts of the game and reverse implied odds situations. Its also useful when first sitting down to buy in short because it lets you get a feel for the table without putting too much at risk. There are also some situations where having less money can get you paid off more often. A lot of times people won't mind calling a big bet from you because you can't hurt them as much whereas they might fold to you if you have more money in front of you. If the table is deepstacked its a huge advantage to be short, i know sklansky mentions this in NLHETAP because the other players will have to bet bigger against eachother, making a mistake against you.This being said you can still run really bad and drop money fast buying in short and its not all that hard to drop over $500 at 1-2 in a night. $2000 is not much of a roll. Link to post Share on other sites
Shark527 0 Posted November 27, 2008 Share Posted November 27, 2008 Vegas is in poor economic shape right now, and not many people out there are hiring. Plus, the cost of living is still bloated from the overgrowth of previous years. This is a bad time to move out there.This was obvious to me from the start and will not make any part of your plans any easier. This thought also popped into my head though while reading, "hasn't Vegas been the fastest growing city in the US for the last five years?"I didn't read that many of the replies.1. Those are 1/2 buyins2. Buying in for 50BBs at a time and calling $2000 "20 buyins" as opposed to buying in full and having 10 buyins is not a way to extend your BR. Your BR should really be an amount in relation to 100BB stacks and that's usually 25 buyins for online full ring games. Playing live, you can get away with less, but I'd definitely want more than 10.3. Buying in full allows you to maximize value on your hands. If you're not comfortable for any reason playing with a 100BB stack, you probably should not be trying to play poker for a living or whatever we're calling this.4. Make sure your 3 months of living expenses take into account food and entertainment and other incidental things which aren't included in your rent and utility bills. You should really have 5 or 6 months saved up fwiw.5. The 1/2 games are easy. Just play somewhere that gives you points or $$ back or whatever for the hours you log, like Caesar's or The Venetian.6. Good luck.This. Rent, food, and cell phone have been the only things I have seen accounted for in most replys. Utilities, tv, internet, transportation, entertainment (because it's flippin Vegas), different insurance/s (if you pay your own). Hidden costs that come up in everyday life. All should be extra padding in your living expense roll.ok...with the current economic situation in the country...and your lack of real buy ins for a 1-2 game...why not just stay in chicago and play online?you can increase your bankroll tenfold... set yourself up nice... new monitor, computer, chair, desk etc...and you also dont have the pressure of finding a job in a new state, away from your family and all that nonsenseI think this is the best reply in the thread. Isn't there a new huge poker room just opened up in Hammond? Play there everyday for a few months while you pad your roll for your move and get an honest feel of how it would be to play everyday, then see how you feel about it. I heard Hammond has the biggest games in the midwest. Link to post Share on other sites
TraptSteve 0 Posted November 27, 2008 Author Share Posted November 27, 2008 This was obvious to me from the start and will not make any part of your plans any easier. This thought also popped into my head though while reading, "hasn't Vegas been the fastest growing city in the US for the last five years?"This. Rent, food, and cell phone have been the only things I have seen accounted for in most replys. Utilities, tv, internet, transportation, entertainment (because it's flippin Vegas), different insurance/s (if you pay your own). Hidden costs that come up in everyday life. All should be extra padding in your living expense roll.I think this is the best reply in the thread. Isn't there a new huge poker room just opened up in Hammond? Play there everyday for a few months while you pad your roll for your move and get an honest feel of how it would be to play everyday, then see how you feel about it. I heard Hammond has the biggest games in the midwest.My friend took 10k from it the opening weekend, 5-10 nl ftw.Seeing as I'm actually staying right on the boarder of Indiana/Illinois right now, it would be a good option. Link to post Share on other sites
AzMatt 0 Posted November 27, 2008 Share Posted November 27, 2008 others have said, build up your roll (both poker and living), so you can buy in deep (without it being more than 5% of your BR) and not fret about paying bills. Most cardrooms in Vegas allow you to buy in for $300 max at 1/2. To me, it is optimal to have everyone at the table covered... I actually just got back from a trip to Vegas where I played a lot of 1/2. I bought in for $200 everytime. But if the table had a lot of action (opening raises to 15-20 dollars) and weak players, I would add another $100. You said you dont mind working for $8/hour, I cant imagine that this isnt possible. I mean, you could be a host at a restaurant, be a bar back, busser, ect for this amount of pay. Then you could get off at midnight or so and go clock in at the tables.I think you should go for it. If you think you are a competent player and believe in yourself than anything is possible. Be sure to capitalize on any comps you can get. This will be a great experience, and if it goes well, who knows. My advice would be to double both of your rolls before moving. Link to post Share on other sites
AzMatt 0 Posted November 27, 2008 Share Posted November 27, 2008 If you are playing 1-2 NL LIVE you shouldn't really consider your self a pro.The only professional at a 1-2 table is the metal box they drop $5 into every hand. That guy makes like $100/hour. Not bad! Link to post Share on other sites
BaseJester 1 Posted November 27, 2008 Share Posted November 27, 2008 I bought in for $200 everytime. But if the table had a lot of action (opening raises to 15-20 dollars) and weak players, I would add another $100.Games with very large openers are best for short-stacking. A hand like 67s isn't very profitable against a 20 dollar opener, so we're really only entering the pot with big cards and pairs anyway. Link to post Share on other sites
AzMatt 0 Posted November 27, 2008 Share Posted November 27, 2008 Games with very large openers are best for short-stacking. A hand like 67s isn't very profitable against a 20 dollar opener, so we're really only entering the pot with big cards and pairs anyway.If you have $300 and aggresive frat guy who watches WSOP on ESPN opens for $20 with 67s, you raise to $75 with AA, he will probably call if you have $225 behind. With $25 behind (on a $100 buy in), I doubt he makes this call IMO. Link to post Share on other sites
BaseJester 1 Posted November 27, 2008 Share Posted November 27, 2008 If you have $300 and aggresive frat guy who watches WSOP on ESPN opens for $20 with 67s, you raise to $75 with AA, he will probably call if you have $225 behind. With $25 behind (on a $100 buy in), I doubt he makes this call IMO.$100 is really too deep for proper short-stacking. If you have $50, then he calls because he's priced in. It's not even really much of a mistake at all for him to call the other $30. It's the first $20 that's terrible. Link to post Share on other sites
macman 0 Posted November 27, 2008 Share Posted November 27, 2008 The games out here are still good, almost every casino has some type of freeroll for hours playedon a monthly, weekly, or sometimes weekend basis.If you have the opportunity to try what you really want go for it while you have nothing holding you back but fear. Like you said worse case you move back home build anothere roll and try again.good luck, or no bad luck (wich ever suits your game) to ya Link to post Share on other sites
chgocubs99 0 Posted November 27, 2008 Share Posted November 27, 2008 Wow, I don't post much in strat, but being honest with everyone, this is a joke. I won't make the mistake of coming here again. GL to you all. Link to post Share on other sites
TraptSteve 0 Posted November 27, 2008 Author Share Posted November 27, 2008 Wow, I don't post much in strat, but being honest with everyone, this is a joke. I won't make the mistake of coming here again. GL to you all.Still bitter from that impressive 0-3 playoff performance? Link to post Share on other sites
king1305 0 Posted November 27, 2008 Share Posted November 27, 2008 I know it has been mentioned, and you haven't seemed to take it seriously, but why not take 1k-1500, get a legit setup for yourself and then deposit 3k online and start grinding 50nl and 100nl?With bonuses, rakeback, etc. you should be able to live comfortably and build up at a decent rate if you're a winning player. Link to post Share on other sites
TraptSteve 0 Posted November 27, 2008 Author Share Posted November 27, 2008 I know it has been mentioned, and you haven't seemed to take it seriously, but why not take 1k-1500, get a legit setup for yourself and then deposit 3k online and start grinding 50nl and 100nl?With bonuses, rakeback, etc. you should be able to live comfortably and build up at a decent rate if you're a winning player.My brother got our IP banned from PS/FTP for begging players for money transfers, among other things. On PS my brother colluded microstakes SnGs. We were living in the same household at the time, so I was guilty by association. All of our accounts were closed, funds seized, and above all we're permabanned.Since I have no desire to play at any site other than PS or FTP... online poker is virtually out of the question for me. Link to post Share on other sites
BaseJester 1 Posted November 27, 2008 Share Posted November 27, 2008 Wow, I don't post much in strat, but being honest with everyone, this is a joke. I won't make the mistake of coming here again. GL to you all.Hurry! I think somebody posted a graph showing they were running below expectation for the last 63 hands in the challenge thread. You can't let that sort of thing go without comment. Link to post Share on other sites
chgocubs99 0 Posted November 27, 2008 Share Posted November 27, 2008 Still bitter from that impressive 0-3 playoff performance? Hurry! I think somebody posted a graph showing they were running below expectation for the last 63 hands in the challenge thread. You can't let that sort of thing go without comment.Absolutely. My answer is I don't have the first damn clue. Maybe he was an early riser and liked to pack in the morning. And maybe he didn't have any friends. I'm an educated man, but I'm afraid I can't speak intelligently about the travel habits of William Santiago. What I do know is that he was set to leave the base at 0600. Now, are these the questions I was really called here to answer? Phone calls and foot lockers? Please tell me that you have something more, Lieutenant. These two Marines are on trial for their lives. Please tell me their lawyer hasn't pinned their hopes to a phone bill. Link to post Share on other sites
TraptSteve 0 Posted November 27, 2008 Author Share Posted November 27, 2008 Go cubs go....Yeah. White Sox > Cubs. Link to post Share on other sites
Giggidy 0 Posted November 27, 2008 Share Posted November 27, 2008 Absolutely. My answer is I don't have the first damn clue. Maybe he was an early riser and liked to pack in the morning. And maybe he didn't have any friends. I'm an educated man, but I'm afraid I can't speak intelligently about the travel habits of William Santiago. What I do know is that he was set to leave the base at 0600. Now, are these the questions I was really called here to answer? Phone calls and foot lockers? Please tell me that you have something more, Lieutenant. These two Marines are on trial for their lives. Please tell me their lawyer hasn't pinned their hopes to a phone bill.LOL Link to post Share on other sites
whatgreatis 0 Posted November 28, 2008 Share Posted November 28, 2008 Wow, I don't post much in strat, but being honest with everyone, this is a joke.I would agree that our strat forums are horrible. Link to post Share on other sites
Bearw8 0 Posted November 28, 2008 Share Posted November 28, 2008 Still bitter from that impressive 0-3 playoff performance?I was going to answer with a very specific and productive post to every question you have about your potential plan to move here.But now I'll just check back periodically on your venture for entertainment. Link to post Share on other sites
TraptSteve 0 Posted November 28, 2008 Author Share Posted November 28, 2008 I was going to answer with a very specific and productive post to every question you have about your potential plan to move here.But now I'll just check back periodically on your venture for entertainment.You've made my point - Cub fans are very touchy ;XThere was plenty of input from the thread:1. The job market is horrible in Vegas, so relying on finding even a retail postion is out of the question. I'll work for a few months to save more money.2. Yes, the 1-2 games are still good. Play at one poker room consistently to earn 1-2$/hr in comps/freeroll seats.Happy Anniversary, Cubs! Link to post Share on other sites
cubsfan44 0 Posted November 28, 2008 Share Posted November 28, 2008 LOL Link to post Share on other sites
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