DanielNegreanu 141 Posted November 19, 2008 Share Posted November 19, 2008 I just looked over a few of the threads and content appears to be the biggest concern for most of you. I put a TON of effort into getting all the modules done for the launch and am really happy with the amount of content we had for the launch. It's true, the fresh content has slowed considerably but that is already being addressed and more fresh content is "in the can" so to speak and is set to be released soon. I had higher expectations for the amount of content the online pros would deliver and we've met to discuss adding some really exciting new pros to the team that will be more consistent with their content delivery. As for what you can expect from me, I played 8 heads up matches during the WCOOP and have completed the work on 5 of those videos. When I'm finished with that, if you watch all of them you will certainly have the tools necessary to succeed in heads up play if you follow the instructions closely. Yesterday I went into the studio and cut up some more live hands, both regular analysis and the headphone variety which includes some real doozies from Brad! When I return from Vancouver I will have time to finish all of the hands they have prepared for me to analyze. The Sunday Million: This Sunday I made a deep run in the tournament using an extreme version of small ball in order to really give you an idea of how it works in practice. I feel like this one video will be very enlightening for many of you and I'll go over every single hand that I actually played in the tournament and discuss them in detail. This will get done when I return from Vancouver and I'm very excited about it. $1-$2 NL Hold'em: I shot a one hour video of $1-$2 NL Hold'em 6 max where I really get into reading your opponents and how you adjust to what you learn about them. That is complete and should be released soon. The site is only a few months old and I appreciate your insight, even if it's not always positive. That helps me get a better feel for the changes or improvements that need to be made. I've discussed this with the people at PokerVT and they've really stepped up as they'll be announcing a fresh lineup of pros that will be delivering more videos to maintain a higher level of fresh content weekly. I'm trying people, my schedule is a bit crazy sometimes, but December is a pretty wide open month for me so I plan on adding enough content to last you for about three months or so. So I AM hearing you and we are working on it. Link to post Share on other sites
Morethanluck 0 Posted November 19, 2008 Share Posted November 19, 2008 Glad to hear Daniel, but you made a similar post on 27 September.I've only ever made a few posts, the first of which was headed "Superb"on 21 July praising the site and explaining the reason I joined was because of you. I've read your recent book and really love the small ball approach. Your hand reading skills are legendary and I had hoped to learn more than I have after more than four months as a member.Unfortunately, I've felt it necessary to make a couple of subsequent posts expressing disappointment at the content being released, without any real change happening and this has made me consider my ongoing membership as I expected more after the initial hype and content.However, I did post to praise Adam's deep run video on 18 October as I thought it was excellent and is the type of content I want to see more of.I really hope you deliver as promised as this site is very different from the others - most of which I have considered and declined to join.It has been sold on your name and reputation, with the aim of teaching your small ball approach and hand reading skills, in addition to adding some excellent other professionals to the team - I think it has fallen short in recent months after such a promising start.It's your name and reputation Daniel, and only you can fix it - I really hope you do.With best wishes.Craig Link to post Share on other sites
TrueFX 0 Posted November 19, 2008 Share Posted November 19, 2008 I do appreciate the time you put into the Small Ball Section of your site. It was obviously well thought out before hand and put together well.Once I was through that, stuff started to go downhill fast. The "Q&A / Tips" should not be considered content. They are filler. Entertaining filler, but not what I signed up for.As for the pros and content, from what I can tell JC is actively creating new content but it doesn't seem to be making it to the site for some reason. As I stated in my review, it took over 2 months for one of his videos to be posted.Hiring new pros at random isn't going to do any good either. You need to hire pros that are truely interested in teaching, not just good poker players. The pros need to be trained on how to organize and deliver content. The pros need some kind of direction from someone running the site. They need assignments, tasks, goals. A pro with no direction is nothing more than a successful poker player when it comes to the training site.Please, please, please, invest some time into your project. Either deliver as promised or shut it down. It is doing nothing for your image.I will check the site again before my 3-month non-member period expires. I "might" sign up for a new month if there has been significant new content.Thanks for the second "Please bare with me" post, but I don't have much faith since nothing came of the last such post.Good luck. Link to post Share on other sites
pokerdan97 0 Posted November 20, 2008 Share Posted November 20, 2008 just wondering with pokerVT. I`ve thought about becoming a member and tried to browse around to see what videos are available and couldn`t find the videos section. Is there a reasonable size of non NLHE games. I`ve been playing most other games like badugi, 8 game, TD, HORSE etc and am looking for a site with these games. Cardrunners is mostly PLO and NLHE and not on the limit games which I am currently trying to get better at. Link to post Share on other sites
bdc30 0 Posted November 21, 2008 Share Posted November 21, 2008 You'll excuse me for being cynical, but I'll believe any of this when I see it. Over the past couple of months this forum has seen several threads with suggestions or input as to where the site has been lacking. JC was good enough to reply and post some insight in to what was going on at times. Otherwise, their input has been met with a deafening amount of silence.Sadly, most of the people who've posted their thoughts are new members to the forum. It's unfortunate that they were drawn here to post their feelings of disappointment instead of to join the great poker community that thrives regardless of who's leading it.Daniel says he's been busy and has a crazy schedule, and excuse after excuse about why there isn't much new content. Just to attempt to be fair I did an unscientific survey of every post made by Daniel since October 1st. I broke things down in to 3 separate categories. 1) Hockey Posts 2) Poker VT Posts 3) Other PostsThe "other" category includes any of the following: Poker related, U.S. Election, Blog forum, Football Forum (basically EVERY post that wasn't in the hockey forum or to do with PokerVT)The results were as follows:Hockey: 121 postsOther: 79 postsPokerVT: 1 postBottom line, you're charging people money for this "service". I don't think they expect you to be at their beck and call every time they complain about something - but if you're going to have a forum to address people's concerns, have someone RESPONDING to them in a timely manner. Hire a support person specifically for this task. It will more than pay for itself in the long run. Look no further than what Bob did for the FCP poker room. VT needs a "Bob".The WCOOP was over 2 months ago. Yet 5/8 episodes are complete only? Why not release those? Do some kind of a series format. Give these people something....Do the right thing here. Drop your signup fee today. Give everyone who paid the fee the equivalent number of months free. Try and build some goodwill among the people you've let down.Or, as someone suggested, do it right or not at all. If it's a commitment you're unable to make, choose integrity over money and shut it down. Link to post Share on other sites
Giggidy 0 Posted November 21, 2008 Share Posted November 21, 2008 Solid post BrentI was posting my severe issues with some of the video's about a month after launch, I accepted some excuses, busy with WSOP etc and even offered where I thought some video's needed improvement (based on being a consumer and watching content from other sites) - I hung on, but ultimately I cancelled my sub and include myself in the 'felt letdown' masses mentioned aboveOh, and i've still been getting charged for the past 2 months despite cancelling my sub, each time having to contact support and go through it with them (to be fair they've repaid the fees, but it keeps happening month on month) Link to post Share on other sites
FCP Matt 0 Posted November 21, 2008 Share Posted November 21, 2008 You'll excuse me for being cynical, but I'll believe any of this when I see it. Over the past couple of months this forum has seen several threads with suggestions or input as to where the site has been lacking. JC was good enough to reply and post some insight in to what was going on at times. Otherwise, their input has been met with a deafening amount of silence.Sadly, most of the people who've posted their thoughts are new members to the forum. It's unfortunate that they were drawn here to post their feelings of disappointment instead of to join the great poker community that thrives regardless of who's leading it.Daniel says he's been busy and has a crazy schedule, and excuse after excuse about why there isn't much new content. Just to attempt to be fair I did an unscientific survey of every post made by Daniel since October 1st. I broke things down in to 3 separate categories. 1) Hockey Posts 2) Poker VT Posts 3) Other PostsThe "other" category includes any of the following: Poker related, U.S. Election, Blog forum, Football Forum (basically EVERY post that wasn't in the hockey forum or to do with PokerVT)The results were as follows:Hockey: 121 postsOther: 79 postsPokerVT: 1 postBottom line, you're charging people money for this "service". I don't think they expect you to be at their beck and call every time they complain about something - but if you're going to have a forum to address people's concerns, have someone RESPONDING to them in a timely manner. Hire a support person specifically for this task. It will more than pay for itself in the long run. Look no further than what Bob did for the FCP poker room. VT needs a "Bob".The WCOOP was over 2 months ago. Yet 5/8 episodes are complete only? Why not release those? Do some kind of a series format. Give these people something....Do the right thing here. Drop your signup fee today. Give everyone who paid the fee the equivalent number of months free. Try and build some goodwill among the people you've let down.Or, as someone suggested, do it right or not at all. If it's a commitment you're unable to make, choose integrity over money and shut it down.I greatly appreciate Daniel taking the time to make his post. A support person will be in place shortly to answer questions and concerns posted here in the forum.We have been working on many new ways to improve and grow Poker VT. I don't want to post broken promises so this is the main reason I have been silent.We have new content flowing in and tons more on the horizon.Here are a few new updates:A forum just for PVT members is being added to pokervt.comA Q&A live chat feature is being worked on so members can ask questions to our instructors.A monthly newsletter will be coming next month keeping you up to date with our pros, and new concepts being put together.4 new online pros are on board and have started submitting content. Their names will be released early next week or over the weekend.More live Hand analysis will be coming soon, along with shooting another event in the coming weeks. We do hear you, and I know Q&A sessions are not the entree you're looking for. I've seen many posts in regards to riding it out with us until the end of November, please do and you won't be disappointed.We greatly appreciate your dedication to Poker VT and are working everyday to make this the best online poker training site in the world.Thanks, Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted November 22, 2008 Author Share Posted November 22, 2008 Stuff if getting done and pros are not being added at "random." As I mentioned, the site hasn't been open even a year and we are always looking to make improvements to the content section. The suggestion to "shut it down" is just odd to me. If you follow my small ball approach alone, and REALLY do exactly what I say, you will be way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way ahead of the game and could turn that information into huge scores in WPT events. Only a small group of people understand this system and I teach it at VT. If the site had nothing else on it aside from that, I think you'd all be getting an absolute bargain in terms of content. Having said that, we are going to be having a major content push as soon as I return from Vancouver. Most notably, I'm going to SHOW you guys, in the Sunday Million how an extreme version of small ball really works- even online in a tournament with a fast structure and big field. Before I left, I knocked out an hour of $1-$2 NL cash. I also cut up 16 live hands with the headphones analysis and when I get back we have 84 more hands to cut up. That's going to take me about 5 days of work right there. I'm going to also try and play in the Tuesday night tournament on Stars and do a video of that using, again, an EXTREME version of small ball. When I say extreme, I mean no real adjusting to my opponents, just simply showing you how the system works and why. Link to post Share on other sites
rayen 0 Posted November 23, 2008 Share Posted November 23, 2008 Stuff if getting done and pros are not being added at "random." As I mentioned, the site hasn't been open even a year and we are always looking to make improvements to the content section. The suggestion to "shut it down" is just odd to me. If you follow my small ball approach alone, and REALLY do exactly what I say, you will be way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way ahead of the game and could turn that information into huge scores in WPT events. Only a small group of people understand this system and I teach it at VT. If the site had nothing else on it aside from that, I think you'd all be getting an absolute bargain in terms of content. Having said that, we are going to be having a major content push as soon as I return from Vancouver. Most notably, I'm going to SHOW you guys, in the Sunday Million how an extreme version of small ball really works- even online in a tournament with a fast structure and big field. Before I left, I knocked out an hour of $1-$2 NL cash. I also cut up 16 live hands with the headphones analysis and when I get back we have 84 more hands to cut up. That's going to take me about 5 days of work right there. I'm going to also try and play in the Tuesday night tournament on Stars and do a video of that using, again, an EXTREME version of small ball. When I say extreme, I mean no real adjusting to my opponents, just simply showing you how the system works and why.That's good news. I don't think anyone here is questioning the quality of the content just the quantity per week, though the content thats on the site is very good but when you put up 15 minutes of Q&A and 1 video it kinda feels like you are putting money up for content that you have allready watched.Having said that I think that if you guys bring more content each week like you promised now nobody will question Pokervt and the dialogue between us the subscribers and you guys at Pokervt will be alot better :)I think that the combination of not giving enough content per week "per dollar" and not answering on the forum's often enough is the main root of the problem, atleast from my standpoint as a subscriber. I am sure you guys are really trying to figure out ways to make pokervt better so that us costumers are happy. If you guys had said for instance in advance like "Guys we are sorry we haven't been delivering enough content as of late, but the truth is that we are in the process of hiring new coaches to the team and we want to make sure we pick the correct ones to ensure that we keep delivering top notch content" or something like that, I dont think people would been so critical :)I am not trying to be harsh or bash PokerVT by any means.... it's just that I know very well how the market works and the best way imo to keep costumers happy is to have an open dialogue to what's happening so that people wont be thinking you guys arent taking this serious enough :)That being said I think that its good that you gave us the heads up Daniel and I hope you guys deliver more in the coming months, becuase is it something I think Pokervt has, its originality and with more content going with that I think you guys are heading in the right way. Link to post Share on other sites
pgec3 0 Posted November 23, 2008 Share Posted November 23, 2008 Daniel,I have been pretty vocal lately I guess, and I am never vocal about anything....one of my weaknesses actually. I was one of the people in the other thread who said that I would be canceling on Nov. 21 if nothing changed. Well, I didn't do that because you and FCP Matt came on here and responded to what was being said. That was the number 1 issue to me. People have been saying the same thing for over a month. There was no response from anyone representing PokerVT, then this week's content comes out and it amounts to just under 20 minutes. I am sure you can understand the frustration in that. I really like your site and have always been a "fan" (whatever that is in Poker) of yours. Now I just hope that y'all come through with the content you are talking about, and more importantly, I hope that that type of content becomes a consistent part of the site. If this new content comes out as promised, but then in 3 months we are right back to this point, then that is when I think you will see a lot of people giving up on PokerVT. Bottom line, thank you for responding to the forums, I look forward to the new content you spoke of, and I hope that it will be the beginning of consistently produced, quality content. Link to post Share on other sites
Giggidy 0 Posted November 23, 2008 Share Posted November 23, 2008 If the site had nothing else on it aside from that, I think you'd all be getting an absolute bargain in terms of content. Having said that, we are going to be having a major content push as soon as I return from Vancouver.I believe the problem with that thinking, is that not everyone joins/joined for live/tourney strat - I don't have the BR or time to do WPT's sadly, so the smallball is of no use to me. I joined primarily for the online cash aspect (Although i found Adam's tourney/Million video's were excellent)I hope you can deliver for the people that stick with it - I still think that disciplines (HU, 6m etc) NEED to be systematically broken down rather than sit down at a table and go over some play by play. The reason why the tournament stuff (small ball/AdamJ) content is so good, is because it's broken down so thoroughly Link to post Share on other sites
ratbastrd05 0 Posted November 24, 2008 Share Posted November 24, 2008 Daniel, I trust that you really are working on making this site better. I would love to see all these videos that you are promising. However, there is absolutely no way I'm going to sign up the site again without being able to actually see some of this content. I'd imagine that a lot of other people feel this way - they still are excited about the prospects of PokerVT, but are disenchanted after their negative experiences with it. What is the possibility of giving people who have canceled their accounts a free month, say in January, in order to see what improvements have been made? I can say that if you are doing what you say you are, I would most likely sign back up. But without a free month, there is no chance. Just an idea from someone who would like to learn from you. Thanks for your time. Link to post Share on other sites
TripQuads 0 Posted November 25, 2008 Share Posted November 25, 2008 Daniel, I trust that you really are working on making this site better. I would love to see all these videos that you are promising. However, there is absolutely no way I'm going to sign up the site again without being able to actually see some of this content. I'd imagine that a lot of other people feel this way - they still are excited about the prospects of PokerVT, but are disenchanted after their negative experiences with it. What is the possibility of giving people who have canceled their accounts a free month, say in January, in order to see what improvements have been made? I can say that if you are doing what you say you are, I would most likely sign back up. But without a free month, there is no chance. Just an idea from someone who would like to learn from you. Thanks for your time.I am of the same opinion and I second this. Link to post Share on other sites
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