Gallo 1 Posted November 6, 2008 Share Posted November 6, 2008 Sorry if this has been posted. Link to post Share on other sites
Piddle Duck 0 Posted November 6, 2008 Share Posted November 6, 2008 One thinks they are right and the others think they are more right? Link to post Share on other sites
loogie 115 Posted November 6, 2008 Share Posted November 6, 2008 You mean, "What is the difference between Catholics and Protestants?"One big difference is that Catholics have to confess their sins to a priest who then talks to God and decides on a penance. Protestants believe that they can talk to God directly and confess their sins.Also, Protestants do not pray to Mary or to any saints. Link to post Share on other sites
Gallo 1 Posted November 6, 2008 Author Share Posted November 6, 2008 You mean, "What is the difference between Catholics and Protestants?"One big difference is that Catholics have to confess their sins to a priest who then talks to God and decides on a penance. Protestants believe that they can talk to God directly and confess their sins.Also, Protestants do not pray to Mary or to any saints.No, I did mean Christians. I often here the two terms used seperately. "I'm Catholic." or "I'm Christian." Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,354 Posted November 6, 2008 Share Posted November 6, 2008 No, I did mean Christians. I often here the two terms used seperately. "I'm Catholic." or "I'm Christian."Well, you're stupid. Catholics are Christians. It's like the whole a square is rectangle but not rectangles are squares thing.There may be some protestants that don't consider catholics christians, but they too are stupid. Catholics believe that jesus is the son of god, died and was resurrected to save mankind, that is, by very definition, christian. The title of your thread should really have been "what's the difference between Catholics and Protestants" Link to post Share on other sites
Gallo 1 Posted November 6, 2008 Author Share Posted November 6, 2008 Well, you're stupid. Catholics are Christians. It's like the whole a square is rectangle but not rectangles are squares thing.There may be some protestants that don't consider catholics christians, but they too are stupid. Catholics believe that jesus is the son of god, died and was resurrected to save mankind, that is, by very definition, christian. The title of your thread should really have been "what's the difference between Catholics and Protestants".-----------------And yes, I still do mean Catholics/Christians.In my family we never refer ourselves to being Christian. I've had Christians wanting to convert me or go to church with them after I tell them I'm Catholic. So obviously there has to be some kind of difference. Link to post Share on other sites
Mercury69 3 Posted November 6, 2008 Share Posted November 6, 2008 Think of it in these terms:Catholic Church = Old MoneyChristians = Nouveau Riche Link to post Share on other sites
speedz99 145 Posted November 6, 2008 Share Posted November 6, 2008 And yes, I still do mean Catholics/Christians.Seriously?Think of it in terms of geometry. A scalene triangle has three sides of different lengths. An isosceles triangle has two sides of the same length and one side of a different length. In math most people call scalene triangles just "triangles"...and call isosceles trianges by their proper name ("isosceles triangles") because they are special. So Protestants are like scalene trianges (ordinary and refered to by the generic name ("Christian")), Catholics are like isosceles triangles (special), and Jews are like equilateral triangles (perfect and therefore favored by god). And agnostics are like right triangles (the name isn't a coincidence...think about that).You're welcome. Link to post Share on other sites
Sal Paradise 57 Posted November 6, 2008 Share Posted November 6, 2008 here, maybe this will help Link to post Share on other sites
CindyLou 11 Posted November 6, 2008 Share Posted November 6, 2008 here, maybe this will helpF? Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,354 Posted November 6, 2008 Share Posted November 6, 2008 .-----------------And yes, I still do mean Catholics/Christians.In my family we never refer ourselves to being Christian. I've had Christians wanting to convert me or go to church with them after I tell them I'm Catholic. So obviously there has to be some kind of difference.jesus christ you're ****ing stupid.I'm going to try this again, but man, I don't know, you're really stupid, so I don't know if it's worth it. Any of this you could learn on your own with like one wiki search.In the beginning, christianity was all under one "church", but really was a bunch of allied churches. Soon, in early christiandom, the Roman church began to dominate and took control over it. Some of the churches disagreed doctirnally and broke off and formed their own churches, like the coptic othrodox. They are still christians. Then, later on, there was a bigger split, between room and Constantinople... and the east broke off, and formed their own church, Eastern Orthodox. They are still Christians. What was left was the catholic church ,and they had a gay old time, ruling most of europe's churches, untill pesky Martin Luther came along in the late 1400's and started what is known as the "protestant reformation". You see, many christians thought the catholic church was corrupt and actually anti-christian, that it had a bunch of a-biblical teachings and practices, and they wished to form a "purer" more " biblical" religion. The effects of this were wide ranging, including causing reforms in the Catholic church itself, but the major effect was that different, independant "Protestant" churches popped up ( And continue to pop up) all slightly different from the others docternally, none of which have the strong central authority the catholic church. From Martin Luther's movement spawned the Lutheran Church, the baptist church, the Church of England ( to a lesser extent), the methodist church, and all the other little random churches you see today. They are all still christians. Then, in the 1800's, Joseph Smith, with his buddies, conned a bunch of stupid lonely house wives into thinking that he was a new prophet from god, and had found missing books of the bible. They called those books " The books of Mormon" and that church The church of Jesus Christ of latterday saints, also known as the Mormons. And yes, even though they are wacky, and have their own extra book of the bible, they are still christians too, because, and here's the important partEVERY GOD DAMN ONE OF THEM THINKS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD AND THAT HE DIED FOR YOUR SINS.Every single one. That's what makes you a Christian. Some of them believe that you need to believe in their particular brand of christianity to be saved. They are stupid. The people harassing you are probably of this kind, either some particularly fringe Protestant or Mormon Link to post Share on other sites
Gallo 1 Posted November 7, 2008 Author Share Posted November 7, 2008 jesus christ you're ****ing stupid.I'm going to try this again, but man, I don't know, you're really stupid, so I don't know if it's worth it. Any of this you could learn on your own with like one wiki search.In the beginning, christianity was all under one "church", but really was a bunch of allied churches. Soon, in early christiandom, the Roman church began to dominate and took control over it. Some of the churches disagreed doctirnally and broke off and formed their own churches, like the coptic othrodox. They are still christians. Then, later on, there was a bigger split, between room and Constantinople... and the east broke off, and formed their own church, Eastern Orthodox. They are still Christians. What was left was the catholic church ,and they had a gay old time, ruling most of europe's churches, untill pesky Martin Luther came along in the late 1400's and started what is known as the "protestant reformation". You see, many christians thought the catholic church was corrupt and actually anti-christian, that it had a bunch of a-biblical teachings and practices, and they wished to form a "purer" more " biblical" religion. The effects of this were wide ranging, including causing reforms in the Catholic church itself, but the major effect was that different, independant "Protestant" churches popped up ( And continue to pop up) all slightly different from the others docternally, none of which have the strong central authority the catholic church. From Martin Luther's movement spawned the Lutheran Church, the baptist church, the Church of England ( to a lesser extent), the methodist church, and all the other little random churches you see today. They are all still christians. Then, in the 1800's, Joseph Smith, with his buddies, conned a bunch of stupid lonely house wives into thinking that he was a new prophet from god, and had found missing books of the bible. They called those books " The books of Mormon" and that church The church of Jesus Christ of latterday saints, also known as the Mormons. And yes, even though they are wacky, and have their own extra book of the bible, they are still christians too, because, and here's the important partEVERY GOD DAMN ONE OF THEM THINKS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD AND THAT HE DIED FOR YOUR SINS.Every single one. That's what makes you a Christian. Some of them believe that you need to believe in their particular brand of christianity to be saved. They are stupid. The people harassing you are probably of this kind, either some particularly fringe Protestant or MormonYou know what man, just fuck off and be a prick to someone who really cares. You don't have to be an *******. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,354 Posted November 7, 2008 Share Posted November 7, 2008 You know what man, just fuck off and be a prick to someone who really cares. You don't have to be an *******.Sorry if the truth hurts, Gallo. and though I was a prick, i'm also the only one here who answered your question. Everyone else just mocked you. Link to post Share on other sites
Gallo 1 Posted November 7, 2008 Author Share Posted November 7, 2008 Sorry if the truth hurts, Gallo. and though I was a prick, i'm also the only one here who answered your question. Everyone else just mocked you.lolThere's ways to answer stuff and if you like being a prick about things so be it. Sorry, I don't wanna mess around with the big man on the interwebz. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted November 7, 2008 Share Posted November 7, 2008 D is mostly rightto add thoughCatholic means universal, it claims to represent the entire church of God on earth. They claim Peter was their first pope.The pope has direct connection to God, as loogie said.As an official church doctrine they do not actually promote praying to Mary etc, but obviously they do.An interesting side note about the split with Constantinople was that in the 1500's when men started writing the Bible in English ( which the Catholic church forbid ) the translations were not very good because Latin was such a bad language to transfer to English and the Catholic church had regional translations that were losing their fidelity to the original manuscripts. Along cam the Muslims, invading Constantinople, driving the Christians out. They brought thier Greek translations of the Bible, which were much more accurate and resulted in a much truer translation from the original.We know this now because thousands of manuscripts from hundreds and in some cases 1900 years older sources have allowed us to confirm that what we have today is what they read in the days of the authors.I have a few pages from english translations from the 1590s and although difficult to read, the message is the same.Anyway Protestants base their belief that you have a right to read the Bible yourself, see what it says, and speak directly to God without any mediator. Your relationship with God is personal, not through the church.Catholics are saved because their doctrinal truths are correct, just add on laws are man made and therefore not Biblical.Mormons are not, because they do not believe in the Jesus of the Bible.They believe God used to be a man like us, but became a mormon on a different planet, and the god of that planet gave him this one to be god of, along with ten thousand wifes he is supposed to impregnate as much as he can. Currently he has done it 40 billion times, because every single soul comes directly from his having sex with a woman in his harem.This god also took on the form of a man, came down and had physical sex with Mary, resulting in her pregnancy of Jesus. Which mean the Jesus they teach comes from a god that is just one of many. Hardly in line with what the Bible teaches. They also teach satan is jesus's brother. And if you leave the mormon church, the only way you can be saved is if a good standing mormon shoots you in the head for a blood atonement. But of course they don't practise that or polygamy anymore. Link to post Share on other sites
Gallo 1 Posted November 7, 2008 Author Share Posted November 7, 2008 I guess it just makes you feel better about yourself, while being demeaning towards others. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,354 Posted November 7, 2008 Share Posted November 7, 2008 lolThere's ways to answer stuff and if you like being a prick about things so be it. Sorry, I don't wanna mess around with the big man on the interwebz.I answered in that way, because, despite everything everyone was saying, you continue to insist that Christians are different than catholics, instead of catholics being a subset of Christianity. So, instead of like, doing some reasearch on your own, which would consist of typing in "Christianity" into wiki, you'd rather people spoon feed you the information. I'm sorry if I don't put sugar with my spoonfuls. Link to post Share on other sites
Gallo 1 Posted November 7, 2008 Author Share Posted November 7, 2008 I answered in that way, because, despite everything everyone was, you continue to insist that Christians are different than catholics, instead of catholics being a subset of Christianity. So, instead of like, doing some reasearch on your own, which would consist of typing in "Christianity" into wiki, you'd rather people spoon feed you the information. I'm sorry if I don't put sugar with my spoonfuls.Sorry was at work, can't really do a lot of research there. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,354 Posted November 7, 2008 Share Posted November 7, 2008 I guess it just makes you feel better about yourself, while being demeaning towards others.nope, just makes me laugh. Link to post Share on other sites
Gallo 1 Posted November 7, 2008 Author Share Posted November 7, 2008 I answered in that way, because, despite everything everyone was saying, you continue to insist that Christians are different than catholics, instead of catholics being a subset of Christianity. So, instead of like, doing some reasearch on your own, which would consist of typing in "Christianity" into wiki, you'd rather people spoon feed you the information. I'm sorry if I don't put sugar with my spoonfuls.And if stuff pisses you off so much just ignore it. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,354 Posted November 7, 2008 Share Posted November 7, 2008 Sorry was at work, can't really do a lot of research you can post and read on a internet message board, but you cant passively read a wiki entry? seems likely. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,354 Posted November 7, 2008 Share Posted November 7, 2008 And if stuff pisses you off so much just ignore it. nope, just makes me laugh. Link to post Share on other sites
Gallo 1 Posted November 7, 2008 Author Share Posted November 7, 2008 nope, just makes me laugh.As do people who think they are all big and bad on a forum but would probably not interact with someone like that face to face. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,354 Posted November 7, 2008 Share Posted November 7, 2008 As do people who think they are all big and bad on a forum but would probably not interact with someone like that face to face.Good thing I'm in a internet forum, huh? Link to post Share on other sites
checkymcfold 0 Posted November 7, 2008 Share Posted November 7, 2008 the simple answer hasn't quite been given yet.catholics believe that the church is the only avenue by which a human being can associate with god.the lutheran revolution which began protestantism (which has since evolved into evangelicalism, etc.) rejected this idea and contended that personal faith was the true avenue to god.there, done. Link to post Share on other sites
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