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PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA!WHOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOO!This is unlike any election day I've ever seen in my lifetime. People packing Times Square just to watch CNN on the video display, a million people expected in Grant Park in Chicago and even here in my small town, a sense of hope and excitement and involvement I've truly never seen before.And in other "news"... I'm back, babies!Nothing kept me away, really, just a lot of reading, editing my book, watching debates and news obsessively, and, oh yeah, playing my very first ever game of poker! I'll post a little story about that in GenPo soon. I've been learning it and watching it for a while and finally decided I needed to put my money down on the table.
Welcome back!
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Yes, this is horrible, this post.

Turns out I'd do, what I've always done, cash farm subsidy checks and compulsively masturbate.

The majority didn't vote against him. The majority stayed home.   The GOP candidate had less votes in 2016 than in 2012 or 2008, when they lost both times.   Dems (and repubs) just HATED Hillar

EVERY CONSERVATIVE LISTEN CLOSELY.The keeping the 60% major majority out of the hands of the democrats is larger than losing the general election.This will hopefully keep any radical socialist programs at bay.Of all the things that Obama has said publicly, by far the scariest is his citizen brigade that will be as well armed, manned and funded as our military.This is how Adolf Hitler took power with his SA that overtook the military. I don't say this lightly. I am not throwing out hyperbole. I am not saying that is what is going to happen here, but the similarities in ideals is frightening. I can't help repeating the same cliche':"Those that ignore history are doomed to repeat it"
I've heard about this police force. It is true, and seriously, wtf?What is the purpose of this? Is it true?Very unsettling if it is........
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You laugh big d, but it can be a slippery slope. The fact that over half of our country have ignored the socialist voting record, extremist associates and fascists rants is beyond me.I am not saying that Obama = Hitler. I am saying that policies that he could put in motion could start taking away rights, that if a party grabs a hold of, over the course of a few elections could really gain momentum. Obama is on record as saying the constitution is an imperfect document and that he wants to make changes to it.
I will laugh, El Guapo, because while I do like you, I think everything you say about politics is insane and extreme. You think bill clinton is a mass murderer, FFS, I can't take you seriously at all w/r/t politics.
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Ok then.But why is it that 60% matters and not 51%?
because if there's an under 60 percent majority, the Republicans can filabuster, but if it's over 60 percent, the Dem's can just break the filabuster. IT's a moral victory, if anything.
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because if there's an under 60 percent majority, the Republicans can filabuster, but if it's over 60 percent, the Dem's can just break the filabuster. IT's a moral victory, if anything.
Like talking has ever changed anyone's mind in politics.
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Please tell me your kidding.Lets rewrite the Bible while we're at it...
That's like saying we should re-write Moby Dick. What could it hurt?and i'm not kidding at all.Some of us like progression.
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:club: wow, you've done it Kurt, congrats.I am officially speechless.
Dude, you don't need so much space between each line, lol.But seriously. 1700's and 2000's. Things have changed. I think a few revisions couldn't hurt. I can't even tell you what they would be, but clearly the world has changed. If that causes you to be speechless, then so be it, but it makes quite a bit of sense to me.
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They keep you guys in Nebraska pretty dumb don't they?
You're right, the bible was given to the prophets and the apostles straight from god, in the Modern, dumbed down English of the Living Bible, with no alterations or controversies of translation.
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Dude, you don't need so much space between each line, lol.But seriously. 1700's and 2000's. Things have changed. I think a few revisions couldn't hurt. I can't even tell you what they would be, but clearly the world has changed. If that causes you to be speechless, then so be it, but it makes quite a bit of sense to me.
dramatic pause...for impact. :club:
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Dude, you don't need so much space between each line, lol.But seriously. 1700's and 2000's. Things have changed. I think a few revisions couldn't hurt. I can't even tell you what they would be, but clearly the world has changed. If that causes you to be speechless, then so be it, but it makes quite a bit of sense to me.
Seems to me like the Obama statement is pretty obvious. Does anyone think the document is perfect? The authors didn't even think it was perfect, which is why they made it changeable.
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Dude, you don't need so much space between each line, lol.But seriously. 1700's and 2000's. Things have changed. I think a few revisions couldn't hurt. I can't even tell you what they would be, but clearly the world has changed. If that causes you to be speechless, then so be it, but it makes quite a bit of sense to me.
So like....change it...because there's like stuff that is old.I think it just might work!
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You're right, the bible was given to the prophets and the apostles straight from god, in the Modern, dumbed down English of the Living Bible, with no alterations or controversies of translation.
Books, they're not just for propping up the sofa with.
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