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So I Have Been Told To Post This Hand

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Alright, this hand happened this past week and my great friend Aimhigher and I had a discussion about this. Though I do not have the exact HH I still remember the hand pretty well.Hero has been playing pretty TAG and since it has been 3handed, has been 3betting a bit more frequently.Villain is a LAGtard/spewtard. He spewed some of his stack to me with a gut shot for about a 6 buck pot when I had second pairAlright Stack sizesButton: ~12Villain (SB): ~12Hero (BB): ~24Hero is in the BB with KK.Button raises to .40. Villain calls. Hero 3bets to 1.50. Button calls. Villain calls. (Pot ~4.50)Flop comes: 449 rainbow. Villain Checks. Hero bets 3.90. Button folds. Villain Ships. Hero?Post all thoughts please

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call. quickly.if he has 99, AA, or somehow hit a four you take the loss...i think you are much more likely to run into 55-88 or 1010-QQ or A9 than anything else. the only way i can see laying this down...oh nevermind, just call.

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Villain is a LAGtard/spewtard. He spewed some of his stack to me with a gut shot for about a 6 buck pot when I had second pairPost all thoughts please
In real time for +/- one buy in, I obv probably insta-ship. But let's think about it. You 3-bet to what ... 15 BBs preflop? You have a premium hand and we all know it. There's no draw and villain prob knows you've been intent on trapping him. He's a spewtard/lagtard, so he CAN show up with anything here. All the villain has to do is beat a pair on the flop and he'll get your $. Sure, he's gambling, but you're paying if he hits because his 64 is so well disguised.
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