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2008 Wsop Main Event

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Ok guys and gals, I ran a main event pool last year for the river card Link to Last Year which seemed to work well and gave people something to root for.Thought I'd try and do one again this year. Lets spice it up a bit though and get a couple winners. I thought we could give prizes for all the board cards - $20 per entry, payouts as follows:Flop Card (x3) $100Turn Card $240River Card $500Ship the 20 bones to bdcfcp on pokerstars (city - dutton fcp), then post here the card you select and also your pokerstars sn if it's different than your sn in the forum. One card/person to start, we'll double up closer to the final day if we can't sell them all.2h: --- dinkdonk3h: --- twstdwrstr <-- Flop4h: --- sennin5h: --- sealster6h: --- king tanner7h: --- fargopokernd8h : --- fighter9h: --- bbgunTh: --- bdc30 Jh: --- koturtleQh: --- rickyg033Kh: --- ship itAh: --- rcgs592d: --- eight tabler <-- Flop3d: --- qyayqi4d: --- jam fly5d: --- david keena6d: --- noflukeluke7d: --- profxavier98d: --- jannn9d: --- galloTd: --- albasunaJd: --- canuckistanQd: --- stiles2004Kd: --- yodaAd: --- nosup4u2c: --- aimhigher3c: --- speedkills4c: --- sandwedge <-- Turn5c: --- gwcgwc6c: --- jupiter7c: --- crookedlink8c: --- whatever9c: --- nonotbaxterTc: --- king1305Jc: --- citizenerasedQc: --- pezevengKc: --- bmtphs05Ac: --- aasnake882s: --- moneyball163s: --- cloud2k44s: --- psujohn5s: --- highway star6s: --- strippersNblow7s: --- lincolnk <-- River8s: --- thel0st1ne9s: --- dt1313Ts: --- checkymcfoldJs: --- bellairedrewQs: --- tremomeyKs: --- olnumber7 <-- FlopAs: --- rdog

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9dI can ship on FTP
I'd rather not start mixing monies between sites - we have almost two weeks, see if someone can swap you 20 (can anyone help out gallo?) I'll mark you down for the card and we can get it figured out.
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I'd rather not start mixing monies between sites - we have almost two weeks, see if someone can swap you 20 (can anyone help out gallo?) I'll mark you down for the card and we can get it figured out.
Yeah, was hoping you could at least put me down for the card. I'll find someone.
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Was just thinking about this. How about a pool for the winning hand? You know like a full house, a straight, 2 pair, etc.You can do like pair of Aces, pair of 5s. A high, K high.

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Was just thinking about this. How about a pool for the winning hand? You know like a full house, a straight, 2 pair, etc.You can do like pair of Aces, pair of 5s. A high, K high.
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