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This Is My 1,000 Post

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Alright, well seeing that I have been an active member of FCP for a little under a year, I must say that I have improved my game drastically than before I joined. Posting hands, reading hands that have been posted, and taking opinions from many players who skill is much better than mine, has helped me dramatically. I have come into contact with many people who help with me with strategy, BR management, other poker related topics. On top of that, the same people I talk to from FCP, we also just bullshit and have great conversations.I started playing online my freshman year, depositing 50, going broke, and starting again. I didn't think there was anything wrong with my game and just thought I kept getting unlucky and that online was rigged (obv.). Daniel has been my favorite player, and I found this site and started reading his blog. I saw that there was a forum, so I started lurking. I worked up enough nerve to actually post here and start talking. It wasn't until I ran into an FCP member at the tables did I hit the strategy forum regularly to improve my game. Since then, I have been reading thoughts on people's hands, I have railed some players to see how they play and ask for advice whenever I can (some of you all have gotten the PMs). I finally started not going broke all the time online, but running low on funds, I had to withdraw money to pay for some stuff. Once I hit this past summer, I got a decent job and made a good amount of money which allowed me to deposit money online and build an actual bankroll, and thats where I'm at now. Hopefully I can keep moving up in the micro world and actually leave my donky status. And yes, I realize that this thread is going to get flamed, but it happens, so flame onThanks for reading this if you did-Ryan

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Hi this is my first post.
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I too look forward to my 1000th post.Should I post it before Jan 1st 2009 due to tax implications? Or should I take the deduction for Post 1000 in 2009?

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