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Ak Makes Top Two On River

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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $5.00+$0.50 Tournament, 10/20 Blinds (8 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comUTG (t3060)UTG+1 (t1460)MP1 (t1490)Hero (MP2) (t1420)CO (t1890)Button (t1420)SB (t1300)BB (t1460)Hero's M: 47.33Preflop: Hero is MP2 with Kheart.gif, Aheart.gif1 fold, UTG+1 calls t20, 1 fold, Hero raises to t100, 2 folds, SB calls t90, BB calls t80, 1 foldFlop: (t320) 9club.gif, Adiamond.gif, 9diamond.gif(3 players)SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets t240, SB calls t240, 1 foldTurn: (t800) 2diamond.gif(2 players)SB checks, Hero checksRiver: (t800) Kspade.gif(2 players)SB bets t620, Hero...?I checked the turn because I felt like villain's most likely holdings were diamonds or an ace that's crushed by mine. If I was beat, I wanted to keep the pot smaller so I could call many villain value bets on the river without going broke, while I'd encourage a bet from villain if he had air or a worse ace. River bet is bigger than I'd like. But can I fold top two pair?

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Tough spot, don't think he'd slow-play the made flush because the board is aready paired. He probably wouldn't slow play the 9 if he had it with all the diamonds. I think he shows up with worse than us here a large percentage of the time but its a really tricky spot none the less with SB betting over half his stack on the river. It's early and we didn't have any reads and we would have about 1K left if we folded, I think I call painfully.

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His play is pretty consistent with something like KQdd, though I would think he would bet a bit smaller on the river to entice a call. Could also very well be AQ and he sensed weakness when you checked behind on the turn, so he thinks he's good there. Could also be an AK split. Very tough, but I think I make the call.

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After the flop lead and turn check behind, many would surmise the flop bet was just a c-bet with air. That said, you were in a tough spot no matter what you did on the turn. Do you risk a good portion of your remaining stack to bet the turn and see if villain does indeed have the diamond flush? Do you wait until the river and risk what ultimately happened: that he'll lead out and leave you to guess if he has the flush or not? He may be taking a shot thinking he can fold you here, or he may in fact have the flush and just checked the turn hoping you would bet. jm may have a point, though, that he's taking a shot because he likely would've made a smaller bet if he wanted a call.It's really tough and it may come down to just trusting you gut (I gather since it's early that you haven't much of a read on villain) and either calling him down or laying it down. I can totally understand either decision.

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Results:After thinking for a while, I reluctantly called. Villain had K9: flopped trips, and the K that made my top two gave him the boat.

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Bah, not much you could do about that. Not your fault when they play hands you can't realistically put into their range.
Yeah, thanks. I think the line I took will cause a lot of villains in this situation to make a smaller value bet on the river, which is what I was hoping for. I would have called a smaller bet no problem and shrugged it off if I lost. It was the size of the bet that made me wonder if I should give it up (I was worried more about the flush than trips/FH, but the principle is the same).
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I give villain no respect and bet the turn, expecting to be called by worse aces almost all of the timeIf he raises or calls/donks river I'm folding
I didn't want to get pot committed if I was beat (I think I would have folded to a river shove), but I definitely see your point.
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I didn't want to get pot committed if I was beat (I think I would have folded to a river shove), but I definitely see your point.
actually given stack sizes / pot size I think checking turn is fineI'm in cash game mode, apparently
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I just couldn't see the villian smooth calling the flop with a 9 with all those diamonds. Hindsight is always 20/20.
No doubt! I was really afraid he had the diamonds himself; didn't think about the 9 at all.
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