mhoward29 0 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 Interesting call with just a 7 to the raise reraise on that flop though.exactly what I was thinking. From the action I really dont think anyone had a 7 TBH. What hand are they calling pre-flop with for that much money? We obv know not 77, A7ss I doubt it. I think the only had we have to worry about is 67ss or 78ss, but I dont think they stay around after the flop, imo.I will read the rest of this thread now, I hope they say what all the hands were.Edit: While I do know that Bax has a much better read than all of us here, I really dont know what kind of hand would call us PF with just one 7 unless A7ss or 78ss. But again there is obv an overpair out there so why call on the flop with A7 or 78 there since someone has AA or KK imo. Link to post Share on other sites
mhoward29 0 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 It's like having 7s8s on a 9sTsJs2hQs boardCan you never fold the 7s8s in this situation?No because I <3 the bad beat jackpot! Link to post Share on other sites
mhoward29 0 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 Are the results posted anywhere? Link to post Share on other sites
FARGOpokerND 22 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 No because I <3 the bad beat jackpot!Most casinos that ISNT the BBJ. You need to use both cards on the board. The technical best hand you could make would be QJT98 of spades with the 7s8s so you would only use one card in your hand./Real answer to joke Link to post Share on other sites
looshle 6 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 keep saying my posts come off douchey. Your signature comes off as creepy. This is chan's thought processPreflop- AA utg no doubt raise it up.Flop - JJ6 rainbow. Very likely I have the best hand but if I am check raised I'm put in a terrible spot and the pot will start building way too early for my liking. If someone has a jack I can just call turn and river and conserve my stack. Also one of them could turn top pair and lose money that they wouldn't have if I just blow them off their hand right now. Not too many hands I can get much value from on this flop anyways.Turn- brick of all bricks. Pretty much same situation as flop. Both check again meaning they either have a hand that beats me or a hand that's drawing dead against me. Joe or Huck would have both bet the turn with any pair since they should feel they have the best hand almost all the time especially huck because he has seen joe check twice. I can't see them putting any money into the pot with a hand I can beat so I'll check again.River- another brick. A low 2 card straight gets there as well as a smaller pocket pair but still a great card and now Huck is instantly firing the pot. Well with my turn reads he has the nuts or nothing here and I don't think he has air here enough to make it profitable. He acted very quickly and very conditently I have to be beat.Yes he played the hand great but not AMAZING Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,353 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 blah blah fuking blahYes he played the hand great but not AMAZINGpost a hand history where you do this, or stfu. If someone posted that hand as a question in the NLHE forum, where the question point is what to do after huck bets, 100 percent of respondents would say call (well, maybe a few would say raise, no one would say fold) and several would berate for not betting the turn. Link to post Share on other sites
JasonDyke 0 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 havent we all done that one time or another?Not me... I'll ride those ladies all the way down Link to post Share on other sites
TheL0st1ne 0 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 post a hand history where you do this, or stfu. If someone posted that hand as a question in the NLHE forum, where the question point is what to do after huck bets, 100 percent of respondents would say call (well, maybe a few would say raise, no one would say fold) and several would berate for not betting the turn.QFT, not to mention a whole bunch of...'omg, bet the flop and bet the turn!!!!! why are you checking!!!!' Link to post Share on other sites
looshle 6 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 post a hand history where you do this, or stfu. If someone posted that hand as a question in the NLHE forum, where the question point is what to do after huck bets, 100 percent of respondents would say call (well, maybe a few would say raise, no one would say fold) and several would berate for not betting the turn.I know for a fact I've been in this situation before where I have an overpair in position on a dry ass board and haven't put a chip in. I've played a shitload of hands and I can't see how I havent laid down at least once in my life.This hand is extremely rare bc there aren't many boards like this where you can let free cards come off with almost NO risk. I really hope you aren't posting in strat forums where anyone would ever consider raising this river. Huck is never potting a worse hand here unless it's air, ever. Raising has no value and he has no need to bluff for so many chips. You can actually talk about the actions, positions or thought processes or you can just be an unproductive asshole and say OMG POCKET ACES MAYBE RAISE??? Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,353 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 I know for a fact I've been in this situation before where I have an overpair in position on a dry ass board and haven't put a chip in. I've played a shitload of hands and I can't see how I havent laid down at least once in my life.TPIWWHHAlso, I'm not saying it's a good idea to raise, but there's more of a chance of someone suggesting that play on the river than folding. Link to post Share on other sites
Tehtoe 3 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 TPIWWHHAlso, I'm not saying it's a good idea to raise, but there's more of a chance of someone suggesting that play on the river than folding.looool Link to post Share on other sites
looshle 6 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 TPIWWHHAlso, I'm not saying it's a good idea to raise, but there's more of a chance of someone suggesting that play on the river than folding.I would love for you to find one winning player who will say raising>folding.Also hand ranges that you think huck is insta-potting this board with that AA can beat? Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,353 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 I would love for you to find one winning player who will say raising>foldingAgain, I'm not saying it's a good idea to raise. But no one, absolutely no one, would suggest folding there. If you claim you would, I call utter bullsht. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,353 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 I would love for you to find one winning player who will say raising>folding.Also hand ranges that you think huck is insta-potting this board with that AA can beat?any hand he called with pre flop, and decided to bluff since chan checked twice.any pocket pair he called with preflop and decided to value bet since chan checked twice. Link to post Share on other sites
irishguy 14 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 How does one person saying its an amazing fold and another saying it's not an amazing fold but it is a great fold turn into an argument? Link to post Share on other sites
looshle 6 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 Again, I'm not saying it's a good idea to raise. But no one, absolutely no one, would suggest folding there. If you claim you would, I call utter bullsht.Idk bro, I mean I guess you're right. I guess Huck is potting 77 here into 2 opponents hoping Chan or Hachem calls with ace high or the 2. Don't worry about hand rangers or thought process though, you have aces, who folds aces???I mean you have tons of experience playing highbuyin NL tourneys with people who solid, winning poker right? Link to post Share on other sites
looshle 6 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 any hand he called with pre flop, and decided to bluff since chan checked twice.any pocket pair he called with preflop and decided to value bet since chan checked twice.Huck isn't potting any pair here. He's potting bluffs and bluffs only. He can't ever expect to get paid off by anyone with a pot bet. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,353 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 Idk bro, I mean I guess you're right. I guess Huck is potting 77 here into 2 opponents hoping Chan or Hachem calls with ace high or the 2. Don't worry about hand rangers or thought process though, you have aces, who folds aces???I mean you have tons of experience playing highbuyin NL tourneys with people who solid, winning poker right?LMAO I am saying if you say this hand history, and you didn't have the knowledge of what the opponents cards were, you would never, ever suggest folding there. You don't think naked bluff is in hucks range? YOu don't think he'd bet a hand with no show down value after chan checked twice? Really? You don't think he'd bet 10 10 there after chan checked twice? really? Show me a hand history where you play AA in a sng, where you check twice and fold the river, and I'll give any credence to your assertion that this is not a great fold. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,353 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 Huck isn't potting any pair here. He's potting bluffs and bluffs only. He can't ever expect to get paid off by anyone with a pot bet.Do you see why this makes no sense at all? If he wants to get paid off, he needs to make a bet that appears to be a bluff bet, and make people think he's trying to buy the pot. IF he makes pot sized bets with bluffs, then he has to make any value bet the same size too. They, particularly Chan, is fully capable of calling huck with ace high, if he thinks huck is bluffing, and that was what huck was trying to sell by betting the pot. Link to post Share on other sites
looshle 6 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 LMAO I am saying if you say this hand history, and you didn't have the knowledge of what the opponents cards were, you would never, ever suggest folding there. You don't think naked bluff is in hucks range? YOu don't think he'd bet a hand with no show down value after chan checked twice? Really? You don't think he'd bet 10 10 there after chan checked twice? really? Show me a hand history where you play AA in a sng, where you check twice and fold the river, and I'll give any credence to your assertion that this is not a great fold.I've said many times that huck can be bluffing here. I'm saying its the only range of hands that Chan beats. Yes he will bet tens here but he would have bet them on the turn and if by somehow he actually did check tens on the turn, he's not potting the river. He's betting all of the hands you think he is value betting on the turn.I'm 99% sure I've played a hand like that, but I've played millions of hands. I guess im just a liar.I mean maybe you couldn't fold this hand but you can't really seem to analyze a hand that well either. Link to post Share on other sites
looshle 6 Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 Do you see why this makes no sense at all? If he wants to get paid off, he needs to make a bet that appears to be a bluff bet, and make people think he's trying to buy the pot. IF he makes pot sized bets with bluffs, then he has to make any value bet the same size too. They, particularly Chan, is fully capable of calling huck with ace high, if he thinks huck is bluffing, and that was what huck was trying to sell by betting the pot.Yea well you can go on another level higher than that and keep going etc etc. But no one goes on that level in these sngs in a 3 handed pot.Chan is only going to call if he thinks Huck is bluffing. Which is a very small % of the time in this spot given the entire hand action, bet sizing, and time/confidence Huck had on the river. Def not 2-1 that Huck is bluffing here. Link to post Share on other sites
profxavier9 0 Posted October 24, 2008 Share Posted October 24, 2008 Not me... I'll ride those ladies all the way downsuper tight old man 5/5 NL. He hasn't played a hand for 2 hours, raises UTG to 30$, you are UTG+1. you never ever fold here? its not that bad an idea if you ask me. Link to post Share on other sites
antistuff 0 Posted October 24, 2008 Share Posted October 24, 2008 keep saying my posts come off douchey. Your signature comes off as creepy. This is chan's thought processPreflop- AA utg no doubt raise it up.Flop - JJ6 rainbow. Very likely I have the best hand but if I am check raised I'm put in a terrible spot and the pot will start building way too early for my liking. If someone has a jack I can just call turn and river and conserve my stack. Also one of them could turn top pair and lose money that they wouldn't have if I just blow them off their hand right now. Not too many hands I can get much value from on this flop anyways.Turn- brick of all bricks. Pretty much same situation as flop. Both check again meaning they either have a hand that beats me or a hand that's drawing dead against me. Joe or Huck would have both bet the turn with any pair since they should feel they have the best hand almost all the time especially huck because he has seen joe check twice. I can't see them putting any money into the pot with a hand I can beat so I'll check again.River- another brick. A low 2 card straight gets there as well as a smaller pocket pair but still a great card and now Huck is instantly firing the pot. Well with my turn reads he has the nuts or nothing here and I don't think he has air here enough to make it profitable. He acted very quickly and very conditently I have to be beat.Yes he played the hand great but not AMAZINGwhat could have have done that would make the hand amazing? Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,353 Posted October 24, 2008 Share Posted October 24, 2008 Yea well you can go on another level higher than that and keep going etc etc. But no one goes on that level in these sngs in a 3 handed pot.Chan is only going to call if he thinks Huck is bluffing. Which is a very small % of the time in this spot given the entire hand action, bet sizing, and time/confidence Huck had on the river. Def not 2-1 that Huck is bluffing here.yeah, chan and huck are pretty much 1st level players, you're right..Let me ask you a question, then. Why did Huck bet so much? Or rather, what did He think chan had? Chan raised before the flop, checked the flop, checked the turn. Wouldn't his most obvious assumption be then that chan had overcards, like AK AQ? Checking on the flop with an over pair for pot control, I can see that.. but checking an overpair twice is very unorthodox... chan showed a great deal of weakness... so why would huck bet the pot? Perhaps, maybe, because he thought it would look fishy and would be called by ace high? Well, if he thinks chan is capable of calling with ace high, he's going to make that bet with more than a full house. Link to post Share on other sites
Al Smooth 0 Posted October 24, 2008 Share Posted October 24, 2008 Getting back to the Bax hand for a second...a couple of facts that Devo left out of his blog.1. Montgomery had KK2. Bax snap folded 44 face up and said pretty sternly at Montgomery, "HOW THE **** CAN YOU CALL?" I was at the next table, hear Devo start getting loud on the turn (as did a whole lot of people in the room) and stood up to check out the hand at their table.3. Montgomery was involved in a "last shorter" bet involving about 8 people where whoever got knocked out first had to go to Noodles and get lunch for everyone else in the bet, then hand deliver it. The pad thai was delicious. Best. Bet. Ever! BTW, Saul kind of leveled Montgomery there imo, because he knew he was involved in the bet and played a little he knows that I know that he knows with Scott to induce the pretty weak call with a shove. Kevin thought he would have folded to a value bet but likely call a shove and I agree.Feel free to get back to your douchey bickering. Link to post Share on other sites
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