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Not only do they still have Safeways, but they remodeled every single one. Beer selection still blows, but the olive bars are off the hook.
WTH is an olive bar?
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Only this!!olive-bar.jpgThey've got like 30 different flavors of olives and I just walk through "trying" every single one. I freakin looooooooooove olives!!
I love olives too... but I had no idea there were 30 different flavors of olives... or that there was such a thing as an olive bar.I want one !Ever get those jalapeno stuffed ones?
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It's not recruiting. It's sharing. There is a distinction.
maybe that's all it is for you, but most christians "share" with the specific goal of getting people to turn to christ. and that is certainly the clear implication of jesus' words. go ye into all the world and RECRUIT :club:
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maybe that's all it is for you, but most christians "share" with the specific goal of getting people to turn to christ. and that is certainly the clear implication of jesus' words. go ye into all the world and RECRUIT :club:
Christians wish for people to turn to Christ no more than you and other atheist wish people wouldn't.
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I love olives too... but I had no idea there were 30 different flavors of olives... or that there was such a thing as an olive bar.I want one !Ever get those jalapeno stuffed ones?
the jalapeno stuffed ones are freakin delicious!! They also have Habanero olives and my favorite...the Feta Oregano Cheese stuffed olives. And on that note, I'm off to Safeway.
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Christians wish for people to turn to Christ no more than you and other atheist wish people wouldn't.
I won't speak for anyone else, but for myself I couldn't care less if people turn to Christ. Actually, it's probably a good thing in general, since Christianity preaches compassion and helping the poor and turning the other cheek. The problem I have is (Crow - feel free to say this better) with religion being forced on people. More than that though is the problem of fundamentalist right-wing Christians and their political and social and international agenda. In my humble opinion, it's fucking horrifying to take a person who sees the Armageddon as a literal and impending event, and then put them in a position of making legal, political, and military decisions based on that, and other misguided, backwards ideas and interpretations of the Bible.
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The problem I have is (Crow - feel free to say this better) with religion being forced on people.
I'm a Christian and I have a huge problem with this too. If you see ANY Christian "forcing" their beliefs on anyone, please in the name of God tell them to stop. However, there is a huge difference between "sharing the gospel with someone" and "forcing the gospel on someone." Recently a guy at work asked me where I where I attended college, so I told him that I went to a Bible college, with no intention of the conversation going any further. However he continued to probe further and kept asking me questions. I never "forced" anything on him, yet he continues to ask me questions about my faith on a daily basis. We usually end up talking at lunch, because talking about politics and faith is pretty much forbidden on the clock. The point is, atheists seem to always wanna use the term or phrase "I hate when people force their religion on me," or some sort of derivation. There is no "forcing" with most Christians, it's just that most atheists or agnostics or what have you, end up taking a small sampling of Christians and it's usually Jerry Fallwell, Pat Robertson and the far Christian right. Here's a little newsflash for you...those people scare me too, and most Christians for that matter.
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I'm a Christian and I have a huge problem with this too. If you see ANY Christian "forcing" their beliefs on anyone, please in the name of God tell them to stop. However, there is a huge difference between "sharing the gospel with someone" and "forcing the gospel on someone." Recently a guy at work asked me where I where I attended college, so I told him that I went to a Bible college, with no intention of the conversation going any further. However he continued to probe further and kept asking me questions. I never "forced" anything on him, yet he continues to ask me questions about my faith on a daily basis. We usually end up talking at lunch, because talking about politics and faith is pretty much forbidden on the clock. The point is, atheists seem to always wanna use the term or phrase "I hate when people force their religion on me," or some sort of derivation. There is no "forcing" with most Christians, it's just that most atheists or agnostics or what have you, end up taking a small sampling of Christians and it's usually Jerry Fallwell, Pat Robertson and the far Christian right. Here's a little newsflash for you...those people scare me too, and most Christians for that matter.
Yeah, like I said I think Christianity teaches very strong values, etc. And really my problem isn't so much with religion being 'forced' on Americans, but rather on Americans who use their self-serving notion of religion to make legal and economic and military decisions (read: the Christian right).
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Well it's not sharing religous views when a soldier admits he's athiest and has his life threatened for not being christian. j/s
Well, one guy choked on a burger and died so burgers must be public enemy number one, right? How about that one time a girl gave you a beej for no apparent reason, will every girl do that from now on? Maybe, just maybe, we could stop judging groups by there worst members? Just a thought, Mr. Unable to see things with perspective guy.
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Well, one guy choked on a burger and died so burgers must be public enemy number one, right? How about that one time a girl gave you a beej for no apparent reason, will every girl do that from now on? Maybe, just maybe, we could stop judging groups by there worst members? Just a thought, Mr. Unable to see things with perspective guy.
Yeah!All Christians are not like LMD!!Got it? :club:
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I'm a Christian and I have a huge problem with this too. If you see ANY Christian "forcing" their beliefs on anyone, please in the name of God tell them to stop. However, there is a huge difference between "sharing the gospel with someone" and "forcing the gospel on someone." Recently a guy at work asked me where I where I attended college, so I told him that I went to a Bible college, with no intention of the conversation going any further. However he continued to probe further and kept asking me questions. I never "forced" anything on him, yet he continues to ask me questions about my faith on a daily basis. We usually end up talking at lunch, because talking about politics and faith is pretty much forbidden on the clock. The point is, atheists seem to always wanna use the term or phrase "I hate when people force their religion on me," or some sort of derivation. There is no "forcing" with most Christians, it's just that most atheists or agnostics or what have you, end up taking a small sampling of Christians and it's usually Jerry Fallwell, Pat Robertson and the far Christian right. Here's a little newsflash for you...those people scare me too, and most Christians for that matter.
I often find the soft sell technique more distasteful than the hard sell. (not referring to the situation you described because that guy was probing you, it seems like). But many christians who have tried this on me have had a more sophisticated technique which takes into account the fact that people react negatively to direct advertising. It's a bit more hidden and oblique, but its the same agenda expressing itself with a different tactic. I find the transparent disguise of "I'm just interested in hearing what you think on these issues" etc. to be disingenuous, and I do react negatively to that.
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