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Tough River Decision In $.10/$.25

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Full Tilt PokerNo Limit Holdem Ring gameBlinds: $0.10/$0.258 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $44.15UTG+1: $49.85MP1: $24.65MP2: $21.90CO: $8.15Hero: $18.30SB: $5BB: $11Pre-flop: (8 players) Hero is Button with A♥ 2♣UTG calls, 4 folds, Hero raises to $1.1, SB folds, BB calls, UTG folds.Flop: 8♦ 7♦ K♣ ($2.55, 2 players)BB checks, Hero bets $1.75, BB calls.Turn: 7♠ ($6.05, 2 players)BB checks, Hero checks.River: A♠ ($6.05, 2 players)BB checks, Hero bets $3, BB raises to $7.5, Hero ?????

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Fold A2 on the button with no action in front? I'm new to full ring games, but seems very weak...
the hand has no value if you hit an A what is going to call you, if you hit a 2 are you going to feel comfortable. it is unsuited and you always have the low end of any two card straight draw.The river is the easiest fold ever but maybe I am the nit!
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Fold preflopFold river, theres no way that is a bluff. (maybe a very small chance its another ace, but most likely your looking at a flush or a seven.)
There's $16.50 in the pot and it's $4 to call. That means we only have to be good like 19% of the time. I'd call here all day long.
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There's $16.50 in the pot and it's $4 to call. That means we only have to be good like 19% of the time. I'd call here all day long.
It's $4 to call because villain only had $5.15 behind ($11 - $1.1 - $1.75 - $3 = $5.15)Villain has to be KRAZY to c/r practically all in with less than a 7 or better hereWe have the worse ace and got c/r'ed on the river... easy foldAfter the c-bet didn't take the pot down, should have been content to check it down... it seems nitty but than you don't get c/r'ed and have no idea where you are
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After the c-bet didn't take the pot down, should have been content to check it down... it seems nitty but than you don't get c/r'ed and have no idea where you are
????????????????????????????Stop playing scared.
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Fold A2 on the button with no action in front? I'm new to full ring games, but seems very weak...
...but there is action. Someone limped. If you won't to open-raise it to get your button-raising up against weakish blinds, that's fine, but generally speaking it's a fold if anyone else has entered the pot.Also, I think the river is a tad closer than y'all are giving credit for based on odds. It still may be a fold, because we're rarely winning (there are some busted draws that he may try this with), but we're going to split some portion of time. For those strongly advocating fold, what's the weakest hand that you'd call with here?
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There's $16.50 in the pot and it's $4 to call. That means we only have to be good like 19% of the time. I'd call here all day long.
I think my math got retarded by the river, but I really don't think we're ever "good"We might be splitting with an ace, but is this a line a bluff is going to take?
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