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Blind Vs Blind Situation Close To The Bubble

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Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em Tournament, 400 BB (5 handed) - Full-Tilt Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comButton (2103.00)Hero (SB) (8376.00)BB (9250.00)UTG (19601.00)MP (2384.00)Preflop: Hero is SB with 6 :club: 6 :ts3 folds, Hero raises to 1450.00, BB raises to 3600.00, Hero ???There are 104 left with 84 in the money. Average stack is ~12,000. These kinds of hands seem to be a major problem for me in these situations. I do consistently well in nl cash games but in tourneys I always get overly aggressive at this point or I just shut down and have no chips once the bubble bursts. Any and all criticism would be appreciated.

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I'd fold. You don't have odds to set mine and I can't justify calling off this much of my stack OOP with just a small pair. You could shove over the top but I'm not sure it's +cEV, even if you have fold equity.
should I have raised in the first place? It seems in these situations no one ever thinks you have a hand and try to resteal from the bb...
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I don't bother with the steal there with the small PP because it looks like an obvious steal so you're setting yourself up for a tough decision. If BB has been passive I might just try to complete and then fire out a bet on the flop, but I'm probably just folding more often.

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limp/fold>> fold>>shove>>raise/shove>>>>>>>>>>>raise/call.If heros stack were <10bbs, swap shove and fold.
BTW I love limp/folding the SB one or two times if the table isnt going to break soon and blinds are getting high. It ALWAYS sets up a limp/push/call with a big hand. X21 might remember that move from the Mirage a couole of years ago. :club:
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BTW I love limp/folding the SB one or two times if the table isnt going to break soon and blinds are getting high. It ALWAYS sets up a limp/push/call with a big hand. X21 might remember that move from the Mirage a couole of years ago. :club:
This would definitely work on me later in a tournament. I abuse SB limpers all day long. Most SB limpers don't do anything to exploit that enough.And, I don't mind limping the SB here. I personally raise it 3x (never more). But if the BB is the type to play back a lot than it's just spew because you can't call a real raise.
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The problem with a raise pf here is that if youre called the only flop you like is a set. Everything else youre OOP and have built the pot to a very difficult size. A probe or continuation bet is going to cost another 1000 or so, and all of a sudden 25% of your stack is in the pot and youre praying BB missed.If you limp and its called you can now bet make a full pot continuation bet, and only committed the same chips that you did with a PF raise if you have to fold. Essentially youre giving yourself two chances to get out with a marginal hand for the same price, given up some FE preflop, but pick up substanial fold equity on the flop for "free" ...its a cheap version of a stop and go.

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The problem with a raise pf here is that if youre called the only flop you like is a set. Everything else youre OOP and have built the pot to a very difficult size. A probe or continuation bet is going to cost another 1000 or so, and all of a sudden 25% of your stack is in the pot and youre praying BB missed.If you limp and its called you can now bet make a full pot continuation bet, and only committed the same chips that you did with a PF raise if you have to fold. Essentially youre giving yourself two chances to get out with a marginal hand for the same price, given up some FE preflop, but pick up substanial fold equity on the flop for "free" ...its a cheap version of a stop and go.
This is really what I was looking for, thanks cop. I know that's probably a really simple concept, and I feel bad asking such stupid questions, but I really appreciate you guys help.
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And, I don't mind limping the SB here. I personally raise it 3x (never more). But if the BB is the type to play back a lot than it's just spew because you can't call a real raise.
Yea, that makes perfect sense too, thanks Addict.
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