lunarphase 0 Posted August 20, 2008 Share Posted August 20, 2008 I'll try to keep this updated when I'm in the mood this was from $16 6 max bounty I get 1 whopping bounty and bust like 31st of around 150I mean this isn't a great hand but its 6 max,ss, and pot committed on the raise Stage #1256817091 Tourney ID 2055524 Holdem Multi Normal Tournament No Limit $300 - 2008-08-20 15:43:02 (ET)Table: 12 (Real Money) Seat #4 is the dealerSeat 1 - MORGANTHEGIR ($9095 in chips)Seat 2 - CLUTCH352 ($3830 in chips)Seat 3 - LUNARPHASE ($3240 in chips)Seat 4 - SMBALLER18 ($12382.50 in chips)Seat 5 - GRAPEJEWSBOX ($3710 in chips)MORGANTHEGIR - Ante $25CLUTCH352 - Ante $25LUNARPHASE - Ante $25SMBALLER18 - Ante $25GRAPEJEWSBOX - Ante $25GRAPEJEWSBOX - Posts small blind $150MORGANTHEGIR - Posts big blind $300*** POCKET CARDS ***Dealt to LUNARPHASE [As 10d] CLUTCH352 - FoldsLUNARPHASE - Raises $900 to $900SMBALLER18 - Raises $1800 to $1800GRAPEJEWSBOX - FoldsMORGANTHEGIR - FoldsLUNARPHASE - All-In(Raise) $2315 to $3215SMBALLER18 - Calls $1415*** FLOP *** [5h 7c Qd]*** TURN *** [5h 7c Qd] [Js]*** RIVER *** [5h 7c Qd Js] [2d]*** SHOW DOWN ***LUNARPHASE - Shows [As 10d] (ace high) SMBALLER18 - Shows [Qs Ac] (One pair, queens) SMBALLER18 Collects $7005 from main potSMBALLER18 Collects Bounty Prize of $3 *** SUMMARY ***Total Pot($7005)Board [5h 7c Qd Js 2d]Seat 1: MORGANTHEGIR (big blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDSSeat 2: CLUTCH352 Folded on the POCKET CARDSSeat 3: LUNARPHASE HI:lost with ace high [As 10d - P:As,B:Qd,B:Js,P:10d,B:7c] Seat 4: SMBALLER18 (dealer) won Total ($7005) HI:($7005) with One pair, queens [Qs Ac - P:Qs,B:Qd,P:Ac,B:Js,B:7c] BOUNTY awarded: ($3) Seat 5: GRAPEJEWSBOX (small blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS Link to post Share on other sites
outsider13 0 Posted August 20, 2008 Share Posted August 20, 2008 You realize that's not a bad beat, right? Just checking Link to post Share on other sites
ChuckP 0 Posted August 21, 2008 Share Posted August 21, 2008 What the hell is the point of this post. You were almost dead and drawing the 3 outs. Nice post though. Link to post Share on other sites
kobe2odom8 14 Posted August 21, 2008 Share Posted August 21, 2008 lock it up Link to post Share on other sites
HighwayStar 8 Posted August 21, 2008 Share Posted August 21, 2008 We all just got sucker ownened.... Link to post Share on other sites
Biff Goods 0 Posted August 21, 2008 Share Posted August 21, 2008 I'll try to keep this updated when I'm in the moodplease don't Link to post Share on other sites
lunarphase 0 Posted August 21, 2008 Author Share Posted August 21, 2008 hell no don't lock this up its always a bad beat when u bust out u want a real bad beat I got one for ya this was going out 5th place of like 230Stage #1257392527 Tourney ID 2055504 Holdem Multi Normal Tournament No Limit $24000 - 2008-08-21 07:01:25 (ET)Table: 21 (Real Money) Seat #6 is the dealerSeat 2 - FATKIDDD ($351526.52 in chips)Seat 3 - CHEWDAWG1280 ($91195.12 in chips)Seat 5 - ILIGHTEMUP ($109495.84 in chips)Seat 6 - ROYALSNAKE ($690849.40 in chips)Seat 8 - LUNARPHASE ($142933.12 in chips)FATKIDDD - Ante $2000CHEWDAWG1280 - Ante $2000ILIGHTEMUP - Ante $2000ROYALSNAKE - Ante $2000LUNARPHASE - Ante $2000LUNARPHASE - Posts small blind $12000FATKIDDD - Posts big blind $24000*** POCKET CARDS ***Dealt to LUNARPHASE [Ks Kc] CHEWDAWG1280 - FoldsILIGHTEMUP - FoldsROYALSNAKE - FoldsLUNARPHASE - Raises $36000 to $48000FATKIDDD - Raises $312000 to $336000LUNARPHASE - All-In $92933.12FATKIDDD - returned ($195066.88) : not called*** FLOP *** [Jd Ah Jh]*** TURN *** [Jd Ah Jh] [8h]*** RIVER *** [Jd Ah Jh 8h] [2s]*** SHOW DOWN ***FATKIDDD - Shows [Kh Ad] (Two Pair, aces and jacks) LUNARPHASE - Shows [Ks Kc] (Two Pair, kings and jacks) FATKIDDD Collects $291866.24 from main pot*** SUMMARY ***Total Pot($291866.24)Board [Jd Ah Jh 8h 2s]Seat 2: FATKIDDD (big blind) won Total ($291866.24) HI:($291866.24) with Two Pair, aces and jacks [Kh Ad - B:Ah,P:Ad,B:Jh,B:Jd,P:Kh] Seat 3: CHEWDAWG1280 Folded on the POCKET CARDSSeat 5: ILIGHTEMUP Folded on the POCKET CARDSSeat 6: ROYALSNAKE (dealer) Folded on the POCKET CARDSSeat 8: LUNARPHASE (small blind) HI:lost with Two Pair, kings and jacks [Ks Kc - P:Ks,P:Kc,B:Jh,B:Jd,B:Ah] Link to post Share on other sites
Poker_Addict 0 Posted August 22, 2008 Share Posted August 22, 2008 I know how you feel. Link to post Share on other sites
Poker Addict 0 Posted August 22, 2008 Share Posted August 22, 2008 I know how you suck!!!! Link to post Share on other sites
lunarphase 0 Posted August 31, 2008 Author Share Posted August 31, 2008 the old 2 outter on the river with my money in on the turnStage #1264801112 Tourney ID 2063693 Holdem Multi Normal Tournament No Limit $200 - 2008-08-30 23:15:21.011 (ET) [ 2008-08-30 23:15:21 ] Table: 14 (Real Money) Seat #8 is the dealerSeat 9 - BIGTEX22066 ($25620 in chips)Seat 1 - LUNARPHASE ($4805 in chips)Seat 2 - FIXITGUY ($905 in chips)Seat 3 - HARLEY888 ($6690 in chips)Seat 4 - SLAYERXX23 ($6555 in chips)Seat 5 - RIVERRAGE ($2920 in chips)Seat 6 - ALJOHNNYB ($9397.50 in chips)Seat 7 - AA168 ($1175 in chips)Seat 8 - YVRESP ($2922.50 in chips)BIGTEX22066 - Posts small blind $100LUNARPHASE - Posts big blind $200*** POCKET CARDS ***Dealt to LUNARPHASE [Jh 4h] FIXITGUY - FoldsHARLEY888 - Calls $200SLAYERXX23 - FoldsRIVERRAGE - FoldsALJOHNNYB - FoldsAA168 - FoldsYVRESP - FoldsBIGTEX22066 - FoldsLUNARPHASE - Checks*** FLOP *** [Kc 4c 4d]LUNARPHASE - ChecksHARLEY888 - Bets $200LUNARPHASE - Calls $200*** TURN *** [Kc 4c 4d] [As]LUNARPHASE - ChecksHARLEY888 - All-In $6290LUNARPHASE - All-In $4405HARLEY888 - returned ($1885) : not called*** RIVER *** [Kc 4c 4d As] [7s]*** SHOW DOWN ***LUNARPHASE - Shows [Jh 4h] (Three of a kind, fours) HARLEY888 - Shows [7h 7c] (Full house, sevens full of fours) HARLEY888 Collects $9710 from main potHARLEY888 Collects Bounty Prize of $1*** SUMMARY ***Total Pot($9710)Board [Kc 4c 4d As 7s]Seat 1: LUNARPHASE (big blind) HI:lost with Three of a kind, fours [Jh 4h - P:4h,B:4d,B:4c,B:As,B:Kc] Seat 2: FIXITGUY Folded on the POCKET CARDSSeat 3: HARLEY888 won Total ($9710) All-In HI:($9710) with Full house, sevens full of fours [7h 7c - B:7s,P:7h,P:7c,B:4d,B:4c] BOUNTY awarded: ($1) Seat 4: SLAYERXX23 Folded on the POCKET CARDSSeat 5: RIVERRAGE Folded on the POCKET CARDSSeat 6: ALJOHNNYB Folded on the POCKET CARDSSeat 7: AA168 Folded on the POCKET CARDSSeat 8: YVRESP (dealer) Folded on the POCKET CARDSSeat 9: BIGTEX22066 (small blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS Link to post Share on other sites
Rs Hawk 0 Posted August 31, 2008 Share Posted August 31, 2008 Ctrl / Del from life plz Link to post Share on other sites
lunarphase 0 Posted August 31, 2008 Author Share Posted August 31, 2008 aww geez RSHAWK what a nice guy Link to post Share on other sites
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