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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t150 (5 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)Button (t2115)SB (t3545)BB (t1680)Hero (t865)MP (t5295)Preflop: Hero is UTG with Jheart.gif, Aclub.gif. Hero raises to t865, 3 folds, BB calls t715.Flop: (t1805) 2diamond.gif, 3heart.gif, 9heart.gif(2 players)Turn: (t1805) 5spade.gif(2 players)River: (t1805) 3club.gif(2 players)Final Pot: t1805Results in white below: BB has 2c 9s (two pair, nines and threes). Hero has Jh Ac (one pair, threes). Outcome: BB wins t1805. Complete BS...

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Yeah you got called by a donk and he hit on you. but these are the types of players that you want to play against. so don't be too pissed.

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