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ok, heres the set up...100 buy in tourny, 6 tables, down to 3 tables when this happened. I have played 3 pots, won 2..one was quads and got it all in vs JJ when I had A5 board was A59AA..nice double throughWinner 2 was J4 on button vs blinds, raised..sb called, cbet on flop he folded...now, here is my ?3 seat is the badguy lol..hes been at my table the whole time, has obv seen me play ubertight :club: or I would at least hope so..blinds 100/200 3 seat opens for 400 in early position, folds to me, sitting on A diamonds A spades...I repop to 1600 showing major strength...he flats...Flop- J83 he has me covered by about 600 in chips, I had 2200 remaining 3500 in pot, he goes all in for 2800, I pray he doesnt have JJ and call, he flips over JJ...Can we get away from this? it was pretty standard play, also I have seen him bet big after calling a preflop raise, but havent seen him show after someone folded...also, did I raise too much to basically commit myself to the hand? I dont know if I could have laid this down even if the pot wasnt big...anyone?

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ok, heres the set up...100 buy in tourny, 6 tables, down to 3 tables when this happened. I have played 3 pots, won 2..one was quads and got it all in vs JJ when I had A5 board was A59AA..nice double throughWinner 2 was J4 on button vs blinds, raised..sb called, cbet on flop he folded...now, here is my ?3 seat is the badguy lol..hes been at my table the whole time, has obv seen me play ubertight :club: or I would at least hope so..blinds 100/200 3 seat opens for 400 in early position, folds to me, sitting on A diamonds A spades...I repop to 1600 showing major strength...he flats...Flop- J83 he has me covered by about 600 in chips, I had 2200 remaining 3500 in pot, he goes all in for 2800, I pray he doesnt have JJ and call, he flips over JJ...Can we get away from this? it was pretty standard play, also I have seen him bet big after calling a preflop raise, but havent seen him show after someone folded...also, did I raise too much to basically commit myself to the hand? I dont know if I could have laid this down even if the pot wasnt big...anyone?
Don't think your ever getting away from this. He's not flatting with 88 or 33 so he has to have exactly JJ to beat you and he did. Pots to big too fold IMO.
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This is what you would call a bad beat. You arent folding. And you arent posting if he flips over TT, 99, AJ, AK, a flush draw a straight draw. Just my thoughts.

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my first thought was AJ..then I was praying QQ, my only bad thought was that it could be JJ..I didnt think I could get away from it with the pot that big though..thanks

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ok, heres the set up...100 buy in tourny, 6 tables, down to 3 tables when this happened. I have played 3 pots, won 2..one was quads and got it all in vs JJ when I had A5 board was A59AA..nice double throughWinner 2 was J4 on button vs blinds, raised..sb called, cbet on flop he folded...now, here is my ?3 seat is the badguy lol..hes been at my table the whole time, has obv seen me play ubertight :club: or I would at least hope so..blinds 100/200 3 seat opens for 400 in early position, folds to me, sitting on A diamonds A spades...I repop to 1600 showing major strength...he flats...Flop- J83 he has me covered by about 600 in chips, I had 2200 remaining 3500 in pot, he goes all in for 2800, I pray he doesnt have JJ and call, he flips over JJ...Can we get away from this? it was pretty standard play, also I have seen him bet big after calling a preflop raise, but havent seen him show after someone folded...also, did I raise too much to basically commit myself to the hand? I dont know if I could have laid this down even if the pot wasnt big...anyone?
I don't see you getting away from calling the badguy. He played it badly and still got rewarded but that's poker.I don't like you're re-r preflop with AA vs a min-pf raise. Although you were unlucky that he flopped a set, your table image as being ubber-tight and then re-popping 4x the min-pfr is overly aggressive for such a premium hand as AA. 2-3x is more standard and give less info unless you always re-r 4x and this was hardly established as you've only played 2 hands. Although you shouldn't want to lose him preflop that large a re-r from a really tight player would lose me 99.9% of the time since I had so little invested so far. Maybe the 4x re-r told him you were weaker and wanted to push him off the pot but that doesn't jibe with his actions post flop - like I said I think he played his hand poorly!
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I don't see you getting away from calling the badguy. He played it badly and still got rewarded but that's poker.I don't like you're re-r preflop with AA vs a min-pf raise. Although you were unlucky that he flopped a set, your table image as being ubber-tight and then re-popping 4x the min-pfr is overly aggressive for such a premium hand as AA. 2-3x is more standard and give less info unless you always re-r 4x and this was hardly established as you've only played 2 hands. Although you shouldn't want to lose him preflop that large a re-r from a really tight player would lose me 99.9% of the time since I had so little invested so far. Maybe the 4x re-r told him you were weaker and wanted to push him off the pot but that doesn't jibe with his actions post flop - like I said I think he played his hand poorly!
^^^^^^The only thing the big raise does is probably eliminate the small sets from his range. There are still plenty of hands that he can have that you beat. If the stacks were deeper you can get away from it, not here.
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he had 2 live cards in the deck that could beat you and he hit one of them. I agree that the reraise was a bit strong, no need to make it that much. You want action with AA, especially with the other guy holding JJ. 2-3x raise is good enough. Save the overbets when you river the nuts against someone who is strong.

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