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$65 Treasure Island Tournament

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3500 in starting chips. There have been an orbit and while on the button i get 8s 9s and flat call an old guy (who seemed tight) is the SB completes and BB Checks. Flop is Q 10 4 one spade. checks around. turn is a 4. SB bets 200, BB folds, I raise to 700. He moves all in and I fold. Should I have just folded? A little later and from the Cutoff I get 7s9s. I call to see a flop of 5 6 7 rainbow. BB (old guy) bets 300, there is another call, and I call. Turn 7. BB bets 500, fold, I push all in and win the pot...back to 3500.Blinds go up to 50/100. I am UTG with AK and raise to 400. SB calls BB calls. flop 9 6 4 Check Check, I C-bet 1000 hoping to take down the pot. SB folds, BB Pushes all in and has me covered. No way I can call so I fold and he shows 99 for a set. Nothing again for a few orbits and the blinds are 100 / 200 and I get A Q and with 1700 left I push and get called by A K and I am out.I haven't played a tourney in a long time so any tourney advice will be greatly appreciated.

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I think the hand where you got 777, I would suggest raising, but not all in. Seems like you are good where you sit, and you could perhaps extract some value. All in seems too strong. GL

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3500 in starting chips. There have been an orbit and while on the button i get 8s 9s and flat call an old guy (who seemed tight) is the SB completes and BB Checks. Flop is Q 10 4 one spade. checks around. turn is a 4. SB bets 200, BB folds, I raise to 700. He moves all in and I fold. Should I have just folded?
You're on the button and its checked to you, you have a gutshot and a backdoor flush draw, you should be taking a stab at it. As played, fold the turn.
A little later and from the Cutoff I get 7s9s. I call to see a flop of 5 6 7 rainbow. BB (old guy) bets 300, there is another call, and I call. Turn 7.
First..how much was your starting stack? What are the blinds? Did you open the pot? You rarely want to open limp, pretty much never from late position. Shoving the turn might be ok depending on how much you had and how much is in the pot.
Blinds go up to 50/100. I am UTG with AK and raise to 400. SB calls BB calls. flop 9 6 4 Check Check, I C-bet 1000 hoping to take down the pot. SB folds, BB Pushes all in and has me covered. No way I can call so I fold and he shows 99 for a set.
Raise less preflop. 2.5x or 3x max. Keeps the pots smaller, and your cbet can be smaller.
Nothing again for a few orbits and the blinds are 100 / 200 and I get A Q and with 1700 left I push and get called by A K and I am out.
Nothing you can do about that.
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On the first hand listed, I play extremely tight in the first round or two of a tournament trying to get a feel for the table. I just don't like bluffing off 20% of my stack here.the 777 hand I fold preflop. I hate open limping especially from late position. A blind steal raise here is fine too. As played, the push is fine. There is a lot of money in the pot and you are fine taking it down now with two others in.The AK hand. Yes, I stick to standard 3x raise utg without antes. I don't like changing my bets by hand or position to give anything away. And the cbet should be less then pot - you should cbet should be less then 3/4 pot here. You would have conserved a lot of chips here while gaining the same exact information.AQ is standard. Just an unfortunate spot.

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