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Fcp Strat Forums Dying?

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Did you see how much they freaked out when I got Zach to put a space in the title? =)No, but seriously, I like this idea...though I'm sure they'll try to mutiny.
I'm still doomswitched you bastard
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I'm still doomswitched you bastard
I'm down $10k this month...but I'd gladly endure that for a title with the space.(sw...kind of)
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I'm down $10k this month...but I'd gladly endure that for a title with the space.(sw...kind of)
lolAlso, getting back to topic,, I don't mean to sound snobby, but a lot of the guys in no limit strategy that regularly give advice that have very incorrect ideas about the game. For example, there a multiple posters that think raising for information is a good idea. I personally find it annoying going through threads where people are spouting bad advice as gospel (I'm definitely being hypocritical here as I know I'm not a very good player myself)
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I guess people can find general strat easier on web, and the poker scene is more mature. Meaning when people take up games they have studied the fundamentals a bit. Also, as many said, they are tired of giving out basic advice.

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I personally find it annoying going through threads where people are spouting bad advice as gospel (I'm definitely being hypocritical here as I know I'm not a very good player myself)
That's why I try not to post there too much, unless i'm pretty confident on something - don't want the blind leading the partially sighted
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I think a lot of us also have started IMing each other things that we use to post... to be honest I don't have that many questions on 6 max anymore, and all the other questions seem to be like I have KK and got min raised on the river? what do I do?
Big factor I reckon, now that a lot of the people all know eachother outside the forums, there's just not much need to post a thread about something when you can just IM Simo and get better average advice.Tbh, I think it's unfortunate because I like posting in forums with a decent amount of traffic, but overall I don't think it's something to be overly concerned about. There aren't a tonne of high stakes players on FCP, and those who do mostly know eachother and have no real need to post a hand and get ten replies from $25NL regulars.
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For a while I thought this was the best place on the internet to talk strategy. Even if it isn't any longer I see no reason why it can't be made to be that way again. I miss it around here.

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I think our plan of bumping pointless strat threads is a great idea.It's a good way of looking back on the once rookie poker players of FCP. Because it gives players who are just starting out hope that they may someday be at the level some of our veterans are at.It's fun to read old strat hands from Jordan, Acid, Cobalt, Snamuh, Mark, JC, Looshle, Hoos, and I know there is more (sorry if I'm leaving you out). All these players started from somewhere.Not to mention bumping the low limit rail calls from players who now play the highest limit tourneys on the Internet.

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There aren't a tonne of high stakes players on FCP, and those who do mostly know eachother and have no real need to post a hand and get ten replies from $25NL regulars.
Sometimes different perspectives are helpful to keep one grounded. It's also a lot of fun to introduce players to concepts and levels that they hadn't considered before. With a lot of the hands that I post (obviously somewhat rarer these days), I attempt to synthesize a lot of different ideas and thoughts that I've built through these forum discussions.
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I've been thinking the same thing and then all of a sudden I peak into Genstrat and see a thread about this. I'll be participating more (sharing insight and posting hands) in strat sections.

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I'm going to make an effort to post more hands myself. I'm not analyzing my play afterwards enough, and I'm sure I still do plenty of things incorrectly. I'm no where near the player most of you folks are, but I wouldn't be half the player I am without the FCP strat forums.

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I'm going to make an effort to post more hands myself. I'm not analyzing my play afterwards enough, and I'm sure I still do plenty of things incorrectly. I'm no where near the player most of you folks are, but I wouldn't be half the player I am without the FCP strat forums.
Ditto.Time to get back at it
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a suggestion:don't just post player stats and the hand. Explain your thought process, what hand ranges you're giving him and why. The better you can explain your thought process and the more questions you ask, the more you'll get out of it. Don't just rely on the strat forums for a nice simple answer.

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a suggestion:don't just post player stats and the hand. Explain your thought process, what hand ranges you're giving him and why. The better you can explain your thought process and the more questions you ask, the more you'll get out of it. Don't just rely on the strat forums for a nice simple answer.
relevant reads on players too. i look at a lot of hands and think ok, i have three different answers depending on this this and that about this guy. if its a generic situation you are having trouble with and want to discuss it present it as such with a hand that illustrates the situation. then we can make up variables and fill them in and you'll have a rough idea of what to do if when this that and the other thing you get the idea...
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Alexa.com is showing FCP has a 30% increase in traffic over the past three months. Although that may be due to the WSOP. Still, it is showing an average rank for the past 3 months of around 25,000, which equates to somewhere in the region of 10,000 - 15,000 unique visitors per day. Since there are several features related to the forum on the front page, I'd imagine that a reasonable number of those visitors are joining the forum. That said, not all of those members are coming into strat. Also, I don't think the strat forums are ever going to rival that of sites like twoplustwo in terms of quantity just because of the simple fact that twoplustwo.com is ranked 3,000 on Alexa. I'd imagine that the FCP brass could find a few ways to improve the ratio of site visitors:forum signups if they tried though.

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I'd imagine that the FCP brass could find a few ways to improve the ratio of site visitors:forum signups if they tried though.
Weeeeeeeeeeee, Charter Membership, VERSION II!
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Alexa.com is showing FCP has a 30% increase in traffic over the past three months. Although that may be due to the WSOP. Still, it is showing an average rank for the past 3 months of around 25,000, which equates to somewhere in the region of 10,000 - 15,000 unique visitors per day. Since there are several features related to the forum on the front page, I'd imagine that a reasonable number of those visitors are joining the forum. That said, not all of those members are coming into strat. Also, I don't think the strat forums are ever going to rival that of sites like twoplustwo in terms of quantity just because of the simple fact that twoplustwo.com is ranked 3,000 on Alexa. I'd imagine that the FCP brass could find a few ways to improve the ratio of site visitors:forum signups if they tried though.
Interesting, I think PokerVT probably has a lot to do with that as well
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Heh, saw this thread because Cobalt linked it in the Challenge thread :)Like Acid, about 95% of my first 1500 posts were in NL Strat. Now I post pretty much exclusively in the challenge thread, and most of what is post is either silly hands or misc stuff not related to strategy. I'll commit to checking the NL Strat section and commenting on a few hands here and there though to try and do my part for the community :)Mark

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Heh, saw this thread because Cobalt linked it in the Challenge thread :)Like Acid, about 95% of my first 1500 posts were in NL Strat. Now I post pretty much exclusively in the challenge thread, and most of what is post is either silly hands or misc stuff not related to strategy. I'll commit to checking the NL Strat section and commenting on a few hands here and there though to try and do my part for the community :)Mark
What a guy.
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This seems like the best place to propose this, so here goes...I was considering starting a thread called No Challenge? (Micro Challenge). Basically it would be similar to New Challenge (Old Challenge), but more for the micro players. There's been a sudden influx in the number of $10 and $25 (and below) players posting in Challenge, and I feel as though Challenge has kinda split in to 2 separate areas on terms of discussion between these 2 levels. The problem with this is that of course Challenge is not just strategy but also general discussion, and it is a laugh so of course anyone could still post there, I guess, but like, for micro-strategy this new topic would be a good idea. For general talking, and enjoying the good relationship people have between each other, Challenge can't be beaten.That said, I was discussing this on AIM, and it's true that the best advice does come from the larger players. I guess they could wonder over to the new topic if they fancied, and that way we're not clogging their topic with our posts. Based on what's been said in this thread, though, it can become tedious for higher players to repeat themselves over and over (which is totally understandable) and so this way they can choose to answer the questions if they wished, rather than being faced with them every time they visit Challenge. Basically, it seems as though Challenge is becoming divided in strategy based on the stakes being played. Whilst this is obviously nothing against the smaller players, it would perhaps make Challenge tidier to have the micro-talk in a separate topic, which would be focused more on strategy than Challenge. It would also be easier for monitoring of progress, I believe.For the record, I really enjoy Challenge, and like and respect all the posters there. This idea is to help them out, I think.Just an idea, anyways , and definitely wanted to run the idea by everyone first to get any input. :club:

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