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challenge match #1 at the wynn, may 11th, 2:00pm

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It looks like I'll be playing a heads up match tomorrow at 2:00pm against Eli Elezra, winner of a WPT event in season three and a regular high limit player. The game of choice will likely be a mixed game and the price will be set at $250,000 each. The next match I play will be on May 13th at 7:00pm and I'll be playing the first person there. It could be Barry Greenstein, David Oppenhiem, Johnny Chan, or possibly Phil Ivey.

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whew, Eli. He's not good at all, he lost to Moneymaker at the HU thingy. You should play MoneyMaker, he's real good(sw). In all seriousness good luck Daniel, tough match, but then again none of them will be cakewalks. Are these gonna be taped at all. I'd love to see them, I know that there has to be a solid market for seeing these too, it may not be really mainstream, but I could see a decent profit being made from the video rights and royalties from them. The educational value would be through the roof too

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It looks like I'll be playing a heads up match tomorrow at 2:00pm against Eli Elezra, winner of a WPT event in season three and a regular high limit player.  The game of choice will likely be a mixed game and the price will be set at $250,000 each.  The next match I play will be on May 13th at 7:00pm and I'll be playing the first person there.  It could be Barry Greenstein, David Oppenhiem, Johnny Chan, or possibly Phil Ivey.
`Good god this is cool.. I hope these matches make it to DVD.
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Sorry guys, no current plans to film it, but who knows what'll happen down the road...
Keep living Vicariously through DN on this forum instead. At least you shot a big fat hole into the Russ G theory, so that's nice. But con sarn it, I want to watch Ivey/DN so bad.
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Daniel,First of all good luck and dont do anything stupid.Question - I havent been to the Wynn yet. Are these matches going to be in a fairly public area for all the railbirds or are you going to be secluded in a private area?Comment - Taping these would be brilliant. Even if you lost a $250,000 or $500,000 match you could recoup the costs in dvd sales. Win/Win!Peace,dna4ever

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whew, Eli. He's not good at all, he lost to Moneymaker at the HU thingy. You should play MoneyMaker, he's real good(sw). In all seriousness good luck Daniel, tough match, but then again none of them will be cakewalks. Are these gonna be taped at all. I'd love to see them, I know that there has to be a solid market for seeing these too, it may not be really mainstream, but I could see a decent profit being made from the video rights and royalties from them. The educational value would be through the roof too
Lol. It should be interesting, regardless. Hopefully we get a nice recap of a DN victory :club:
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After watching the heads up NBC coverage I think anyone who challenges Daniel to a heads up match is a fool. Don't they realize he is psychic and will call out for straight flushes whenever he decides it is time to win? Oh sure, he might throw a few matches so people don't realize he is psychic, but I think he made a big mistake revealing his psychic powers on nbc for the world to see. It will be much harder to keep it a secret now. Daniel is obviously an alien from the planet Pokurlar XII, planning to win all the world's currency through psychic power, then hire a huge army and rule us all as an iron-fisted overlord.(I shouldn't have to mention that I'm kidding, but since it is the internet consider this the j/k footnote)

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It looks like I'll be playing a heads up match tomorrow at 2:00pm against Eli Elezra, winner of a WPT event in season three and a regular high limit player.  The game of choice will likely be a mixed game and the price will be set at $250,000 each.  The next match I play will be on May 13th at 7:00pm and I'll be playing the first person there.  It could be Barry Greenstein, David Oppenhiem, Johnny Chan, or possibly Phil Ivey.
First of all, good luck.Now, can't Wynn do something like pay-per-view, or put a live camera and broadcast it online?Next, did you sidebet yourself (like a million bucks) win or lose? What are the odds?Finally, will you accept my $100 HU open challenge at PokerMountain (if they have any)? :club:
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It looks like I'll be playing a heads up match tomorrow at 2:00pm against Eli Elezra, winner of a WPT event in season three and a regular high limit player.  The game of choice will likely be a mixed game and the price will be set at $250,000 each.  The next match I play will be on May 13th at 7:00pm and I'll be playing the first person there.  It could be Barry Greenstein, David Oppenhiem, Johnny Chan, or possibly Phil Ivey.
First of all, good luck.Now, can't Wynn do something like pay-per-view, or put a live camera and broadcast it online?Next, did you sidebet yourself (like a million bucks) win or lose? What are the odds?Finally, will you accept my $100 HU open challenge at PokerMountain (if they have any)? :club:
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Good luck Daniel... I hope we get some good reports and a victory for DN.

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Hey I maybe playing my buddies heads up for $25 bucks...anyone want me to film that?Anyway gj DN...I don't think anything will get the competitive juices flowing like 500k.

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i hope these matches are public for the sake of the casino! it would definitely drum up a bunch of spectators, though they should be kept from hindering either player from playing their best game

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i hope you hand him his ass daniel.all of the dealers at the bellagio said he can be a real dickhead.a webcast isn't such a bad idea.all you need is a webcam and some joker to announce the action.i think pauly shore is available.

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this is just boggling my mind how much money is on the line...i don't know how anyone could possibly want to play DN heads up unless they thought they were a huge favorite because that's so much damn money! even to these pros its gotta be a hit if they drop 500k especially if the matches go quickly

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Too bad it's going on today in less then six hours
So.. obviously you didn't read the part about Friday at 7:00 PM... because then you wouldn't have posted this dumb flaming response.
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The whole point of these challenge matches is to bring people into the Wynn to watch. Although it wouldn't be a bad idea to film the matches and put them on DVD, webcasting them would kinda defeat the purpose.

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Too bad it's going on today in less then six hours
LOL I about spit my coke out at that. I just had this image of this happy go lucky fan jumping on a jet plane to go watch this heads up match only to arrive and realize he missed it. :club: Good thing for the 'happy go lucky fan' that there is not only the match today, but one on Friday as well.
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Sorry guys, no current plans to film it, but who knows what'll happen down the road...
Just hire a video guy to tape it, then you could easily sell it to ESPN or FOX Sports for at least 500k. That way, if you lose, you could recoup your losses. Just a thought!
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