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About To Start Playing Online Serious

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Ok, I have read this forum a lot, mostly lurking and stuff. Im about to start playing online MOREEEEE.. I play live mostly, but since Im few hours from a casino, I have decided to play online.Question...what is the cheapest HUD,or tracker..and what stats should I be worried about..and how do I determine what they mean? If anyone can answer these, or point me to a thread with these answers I would appreciate it, this forum has helped me a lot and hopefully yall can answer this.

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not true. i use realtime hud instead of pokerace hud and i think it does the job just as well as pah and it's free. just purchase poker tracker and you can easily use a free hud
PAH comes with PT3 now. Simo swears by PokerEV. PokerOffice is free if you sign up for a site through them
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For the next few months, you can probably just make do with trials of PT3 and PEV, if I'm right. (PT3 first - get it this weekend when the new beta comes out)

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PAH comes with PT3 now. Simo swears by PokerEV. PokerOffice is free if you sign up for a site through them
If you are playing seriously, regularly, or medium limits dont sign up for a site that offers rakeback through someone just to get the tracker for free though. The missed rakeback will lead to you will lose money in the long run. And yes the PAHUD does come with PT3. PT3 is also def worth the investment. It works much better than PT v2.
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thanks guys..i have dled pt2 just to get afeel for it and figure it out..the link is helpful as well. Thanks for the help so far.. :club:
Only use PT2 if you need it for PokerEV. Download PT3 you'll get at least 60 days for free.
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how useful are these programs? I've never really looked into it since i felt i never really needed it.
Very. You really should have them. At least try them for free and see how you feel, but still,definitely worth the investment. Without a doubt.
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I play at a room that doesn't allow any of these programs, etc. and I was just curious, why not play without them?. I understand the tracking programs that only give you a heads up about the people you're playing with, but the odds calculators and all that I think we could do without. I mean, why not develop these skills so that you can do it without the aid of a certain program?. What happens when, of if, you ever play in a live game and don't have your tools available?. Don't get me wrong here, I understand why they're used online, it's just that I'd rather learn, develop, and eventually master these skills myself so that they're available to me anytime, anywhere instead of relying on a computer program.Just my two cents.[The Dread Pirate William]

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I play at a room that doesn't allow any of these programs, etc. and I was just curious, why not play without them?. I understand the tracking programs that only give you a heads up about the people you're playing with, but the odds calculators and all that I think we could do without. I mean, why not develop these skills so that you can do it without the aid of a certain program?. What happens when, of if, you ever play in a live game and don't have your tools available?. Don't get me wrong here, I understand why they're used online, it's just that I'd rather learn, develop, and eventually master these skills myself so that they're available to me anytime, anywhere instead of relying on a computer program.Just my two cents.[The Dread Pirate William]
noone said anything about an odds calculator. Personally, I think I could tell you the odds within 2% of any hand of hold em HU on any street instantaneously. We're talking about programs that track winnings/losses, allow you to analyze your own game (as well as your opponent's obviously) and all in all make better decisions since we have more information on our opponent's tendencies.
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noone said anything about an odds calculator. Personally, I think I could tell you the odds within 2% of any hand of hold em HU on any street instantaneously. We're talking about programs that track winnings/losses, allow you to analyze your own game (as well as your opponent's obviously) and all in all make better decisions since we have more information on our opponent's tendencies.
My apologies ... :club:
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